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Tuesday 7 July 2009

Eye make-up


Eyes are the windows to your soul. Enlightening your eyes with mascara helps to maximize your lashes and bring focus to your eyes. Here are a few secrets to help you sport great lashes.

• Clean your mascara wand at least once a month to get rid of clumps and prevent build up of bacteria on bristles. Coat the wand with a little Vaseline and gently wipe mascara from the bristles but don't damage the wand. Vaseline works best. Water won't remove the entire mascara residue and soap can irritate your eyes. Shelf life of mascara is 3 - 4 months.
• Always have a dampened Q-tip handy when applying your mascara to clean up any smudges before they dry!
• Use a lash conditioner to improve brittle, dry lashes, extend the life of the lash and to help mascara adhere better and longer. Look after your eyelashes just like your do your hair and skin. If necessary curl lashes using mascara curler before applying mascara.
• For best results, draw the mascara wand out of the tube and gently scrape off any clumps on the side or wipe with a tissue before applying.
• Start at the lash roots and gently sweep mascara to the ends.
• Allow lashes to dry between coats. Use lash comb or spiral brush to remove any clumps.
• Applying mascara to bottom lashes is not necessary and only draws attention to dark circles and wrinkles below the eye area. Try brown on bottom lashes for subtle definition.
• Always remove the mascara before bedtime with a gentle eye make up remover before going to bed.


Ever wondered what makes Demi Moore look like a drop dead bombshell? Just shift your gaze neck upwards and the answer will bounce back. Yes, the petite lady has exquisitely carved eye brows that make her look great.

Most of us tend to ignore eyebrows and allow them to grow into unmanageable bushes. But did you know that eyebrows too need grooming? Here is how you can get the near-perfect pair:

• Try and maintain a natural curve as far as possible. Thin, arched types are out, they only give you that `perpetually surprised’ look!
• Castor oil works wonders for those with scanty brows worries. Massage in the oil before retiring for the day.
• To get the perfect curve hold a pencil against your nose and draw an imaginary line that reaches just above the inner corner of the eye. Where the pencil touches, is where your eyebrow should begin. Now hold the pencil diagonally from the base of the nose towards the outer corner of the eyes, going just past it. This is the point where it should end. The highest point of the brows should be just above the iris.
• Tidy the brows regularly by brushing them into shape. Pluck out stray hair between the brows and along the bottom of the brows. Never pluck hair from above them.

To redefine brows, use a sharp eyebrow pencil. Brush the brows into shape and then make short feathery strokes following the direction of hair growth. Avoid harsh black lines.


When deciding which eye shadow to buy, first consider your priorities.
• If cost is on the top of the list, you should go in for powders.
• And if time is your primary concern, you will be better off with a stick.
• Not only are powders more economical, they usually come in one compact with a choice of colours and even highlighters.
• But if you’re in a rush, try an eye-shadow stick that is sliced in an angle.
• It will enable you to cover your lids in just a couple of strokes.


If your lashes are thin and sparse, do not despair. You can make them appear thicker and darker with skillfully applied make-up. A little practice is what you need. But, first things first – take good care of your lashes to protect their natural beauty. Actually the main function of the lashes is to protect the eyes, but they also help to enhance their beauty.

• Remember to use a cleansing cream at night to remove eye make-up, with a gentle touch.
• Once a day, apply a little castor oil on the lashes. This is said to thicken and darken them. For eyelash make-up choose good quality mascara. Roll-on mascara is easy to apply. You should also have a small brush, to brush out the lashes, after applying mascara.
• Be sparing when you apply mascara - too much of it will make the lashes stick together.
• Use a hand mirror, looking downwards into it. Application is best this way.
• Apply it in two or three light coats, using upward strokes for the upper lashes and downward strokes for the lower ones.
• Brush out the lashes and then apply the second one.
• After applying the final coat and letting it dry, brush out the lashes to separate them.

Effects of dandruff and FAQ

• Dandruff weakens the roots, and consequently hair starts falling off.
• Dandruff sticks on to the skin of the scalp in a cake form and blocks free flow of air to the roots.
• As a result, hair becomes weak at the roots and loosen their hold.


Studies indicate that 50% of adults are affected by dandruff at some time or the other in their lives. More often than not, it is the result of a disturbance in the body’s metabolic process. Your scalp, like the rest of your skin, is constantly renewing and shedding itself. Old cells die out and give way to new ones. And when the natural balance in the metabolic process is upset, the new cells form faster than the old cells can be shed off. These then accumulate on the scalp in the form of flakes. The metabolic process can be disturbed by
• Drugs
• The onset of puberty
• Emotional stress and strain
• Sudden changes in the climate or your diet.
• It is also believed that dandruff is caused by a fungal infection of the scalp.


Before you start treating your hair for dandruff, make sure you really have dandruff. Sometimes a flaky scalp may be caused by too much sun, or excessive use of hair dryers. It can also be caused by the use of soaps on the hair, or harsh shampoos which do not wash out easily. But if you use a gentle shampoo plus conditioner like Sunsilk, you needn’t worry. Avoid home remedies as many of them can do more harm than good.


Never use the brush or comb of the person suffering from dandruff as it is dangerous and contagious. Likewise, make sure that you wash your comb/brush after every shampoo if you have dandruff yourself! Many medicines, medicated soaps and shampoos are available to counter dandruff, but the most effective is cleanliness of hair. Brush your hair thrice a day and shampoo at least once a week. While washing your hair, take care the water does not trickle down your face. There are chances that you may get pimples.


• Add six spoonfuls water, two spoonfuls pure vinegar and apply it on the scalp with cotton wool before going to bed. Tie a towel around your head to protect the pillow. Wash your hair next morning. After shampooing, rinse again with vinegar water. Continue this once a week for at least three months.
• Mix a spoonful of lemon juice with two spoonfuls of vinegar and massage on the scalp. Wash your hair with an egg shampoo after this.
• Soak fenugreek (methi) seeds in yogurt overnight and apply the curd on your scalp for half an hour before washing in the morning.
• Hair washed with methi seed paste prevents dandruff, falling hair, baldness and dandruff keeping the hair long, healthy and black. Just soak the fenugreek seeds overnight in water to soften the seeds and grind in the morning to make paste. Before hairwash, apply this paste on scalp and hair and leave it on for half an hour. Wash off with shampoo later.


Beat two eggs and add two tablespoons of water to it. Wet the hair and apply the egg mixture over the hair. Now massage your scalp and let the mixture on for ten minutes to fifteen minutes. Then rinse the hair with lukewarm water. This will keep both dandruff and hairfall problem away from you.

Got dandruff? Jawed Habib Recommends…

Is the dandruff getting to you? Want to get your hair streaked? Need to prevent that hair fall?
Just email your query and Sunsilk Hair Expert Jawed Habib will clear all your doubts. Check out his advice for very common hair queries...

Q: I have lots of dandruff. Can you recommend a natural hair pack or home remedy for dandruff?
Sheela Sampat, Calcutta
A: Make a paste of methi with rose water apply for half an hour.

Q: My hair is thin, what haircut do I have?
Janice Diniz, Muscat
A: The haircut for thin hair has to be short as it can’t hold bounce or shape if they are long. So they should be below shoulder.

Q: Is it possible to align hair length without the use of a scissor?
Ameesha Singh, Delhi
A: Yes you could go for some hair extension.

Q: I have dandruff due to which I am getting small pimples on face. Also my hair has become very rough. Except for shampoo what else could be applied in order to make them soft & straight? Also does streaking the hair spoil texture of hair?
Shashikala, U.S.A
A: You may have oily dandruff. You can use henna every fortnight for half an hour’s time, and on top of it use serum on the hair. You could go ahead with streaks as it does not spoil the texture of hair.

Q: I had highlighted my hair six or seven months back. My hair has become dry and dull. I've tried all brands of shampoo but none of them suits me and after washing it becomes very rough.
Maya Sinha , Nashik
A: After highlighting the hair becomes slightly dry and dull. You need to regularly use conditioner or leave on conditioner like serum after every wash.

Strong +beautiful hair tips

Even though natural texture and the rate at which your hair grows cannot be changed by what you eat, you can improve the way it looks and feels by switching over to a nutritious, well balanced, protein rich diet.

Eat: Low fat fish, chicken, pulses like dals and sprouts.

Increase intake of low cholesterol, polyunsaturated oils such as margarine, sunflower oil, fruits and foods rich in Vitamin B.
Eat: Foods rich in vitamin B, raw vegetables, pulses, wholemeal bread, brown rice, liver, bananas, nuts and oily fish. A supplement of Vitamin E capsules will also help.
Avoid: Salty and fatty cheeses.

This condition stems from over secretion of the sebaceous glands.
Eat: Lots of green leafy vegetables, salads, fresh fruits, yoghurt, baked and grilled dishes.
Avoid: Fried and greasy foods, milk products and red meat.

Eat: Plenty of vegetables and fresh fruits.
Avoid: Butter, cheese and deep fried foods.

Eat: Foods rich in minerals - green vegetables, nuts, lentils, wholegrain cereals, shrimps, oily fish and milk.

Eat: Fresh fruits and vegetables, fish and vitamin A rich foods.
Avoid: Dairy products, spicy food, piping hot food and animal fat.

Does your hair look unhealthy and lack luster?
• Start using conditioners regularly.
• It is Important that you also rinse off the conditioner thoroughly after wash.
• A easy way to get the shine back in your hair is to use tea-water as a rinse or use a mug or two of water to which you’ve added juice of half a lemon/or a table spoon of cooking white vinegar as a final rinse.
• You will feel the difference.

DIET for your Hair

Long and beautiful hair has always been symbolic of a woman’s beauty. Every woman aspires for long, thick hair. But to flaunt a beautiful mane, a lot of regular hair care is required. Hair cannot be made beautiful by beauty aid alone. It requires a well balanced and nutritive diet too.

Here are a few simple yet useful tips on appropriate diets for your hair:
• If you want beautiful long hair, you will have to pay attention to your diet. The food you consume has a direct bearing on the health of your hair. The fresh items in the food certainly stimulate faster and healthy growth of hair.
• If you are one of those who take in a nutritive diet and consume plenty of water, there is no need for you to take in any additional vitamins. Your fibrous foods can include fruits and salads. Stay away from soups and juices.
• A balanced diet should include proteins, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and fats. Absence of even one of these could cause damage to the hair. Your hair turning grey is the first signs that your diet lacks proteins. Inadequacy of vitamin A makes hair dry and rough. Lack of vitamin C results in retarding your hair growth.
• Vitamin B lends shine to the hair and increases their density. Make sure that your diet contains all these essential nutrients.

Listed below are few salad recipes you could use which could prove beneficial for hair growth.

Seasonal Fruit Salad
Take some seasonal fruits like watermelon, sweet melon, papaya, pomegranate, pineapple, banana and cherries. Cut their pulp into small pieces. Remove seeds. Sprinkle black salt and eat chilled.

Beetroot-Potato Salad
Cut beetroot, cucumber, boiled potato, paneer (cottage cheese) and tomato into small pieces. Mix them with grated cabbage. Add fresh lemon juice, salt and pepper to one’s taste and serve.

Germinated Salad
Soak some pulses like moong (yellow lentil) and black gram overnight. When germinated, add tomato, small bits of onion, coriander leaves, lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste.

Wednesday 17 June 2009

Permanent cosmetic makeup

What is Permanent Makeup?

Permanent cosmetic makeup is cosmetic tattooing. The specialized techniques used for permanent cosmetics are often referred to as "micro-pigmentation" or "Intra-dermal cosmetics."

The cosmetic implantation technique deposits colored pigment into the upper reticular layer of the dermis to restore natural color and stimulate conventional makeup by machine method, which lasts about three to eight years or even a lifetime, depending on skin type, colors used and other factors which will de discussed at the consultation.

Lashes can be made to look darker and fuller. Missing/damaged and or badly shaped brows can be given a more youthful appearance. Finally, lips which have thinned or that have lost their blush color can be re-created to look fuller and more vibrant. On younger clients, permanent makeup adds a professional polish and aids in the dress for success look. On older clients, permanent makeup can take years off a face.



Loss of eyebrows or ill-shaped brows can make you look aged or drawn out. Permanent eyebrows look more natural than pencil and can give back youth and add definition to the face. Hair simulation can mimic the appearance of real brows. This is especially effective for alopecia sufferers. You can swim, play tennis, and wake up without having to re-do your eyebrows. Brows will be cleaned and penciled to the desired shape before the procedure.

Eyebrow Enhancement

Wake Up...

This application is great for sparse brows. Soft shadowing and hair strokes are applied under existing brows. It makes it easier for eyebrow tweezing and waxing…and no FUSS with a pencil.


Permanent eyeliner can bring out a more beautiful, defined eye by opening or lifting the eyes. You can go with a bold, defined line; a thin line; or even a smudged look. Ophthalmologists recommend permanent eyeliner to their patients who are allergic to conventional makeup. Say goodbye to runny eyeliner!

Eyelash Enhancement

This works for both men and woman. Achieve an enhanced look by shadowing with dots or mimicking eyelashes by implanting soft pigment in between the bed of lashes. The pigment is virtually undetectable. Eyelash enhancement makes lashes appear thicker and fuller. This procedure takes minutes after a short preparation time. Many movie stars have this procedure done such as Dustin Hoffmann, Al Pacino and Sylvester Stalone.

Lip Liner

Play Tennis...

As one ages, there is loss of color and definition in the lips. Or you might think your lips are too small. With permanent lip liner, lips can be redefined, made slightly larger, and with a more attractive shape. Your lipstick will not bleed anymore. You can swim, play tennis, and wake up with the custom blend of color that is right for you. An anesthetic (dental) block is optional and given by a plastic surgeon on the premises.

Full Lip Color

Fill in your lips with full lip color highlighting a more solid natural appearance. Soft pink gives you the soft child-like color for something less noticeable but still adds more color and definition. For men, this application can camouflage scars or give more color back.

Scar Camouflage

Unwanted scars can be camouflaged by filling in the area with a close match to the surrounding skin. This will diminish the appearance of scars, but not completely get rid of it. This takes a few sessions and is not good for keyloided or raised scars. (i.e. face lift scar, skin graft from skin cancer etc).

Small bald Spots or Slightly Receding Hair Line

This application is performed by adding color between hair strands with shadowing and hair strokes. This color lasts less time due to constant washing of hair. Maintenance is required.

Areola Restoration/Re-pigmentation

Areolas and nipple can be created or restored for breast cancer patients who have undergone a mastectomy. Very realistic areolas can be created. Surrounding scars from surgery can also be camouflaged after breast augmentation (reduction or lift) and missing or ill shaped nipples can be reformed or created. Some clients add a little color enhancement to make the areolas appear larger.

There is little or no down time and after care instructions are given the day of the procedure.

Friday 5 June 2009

Health Advantages of Dual Action Green Tea Diet

There are many health advantages to be obtained from Dual Action Green Tea Diet. If you want to increase the efficiency of your weight loss program then reading up about Dual Action Green Tea Diet, should be one of your priorities.

It seems that Dual Action Green Tea Diet is able to assist, even when you cannot find time to attend the gym as often as you might like. It is a recommended dietary supplement that can assist with transforming body fats into energy, that in turn can help with muscle building.

There are many people who want to exercise greater control over their appetites and this is something that Dual Action Green Tea Diet can help with. Apparently it contains antioxidants that are useful as appetite suppressants. This is something that can offset hunger spasms and thereby assist with controlling calories.

As Dual Action Green Tea Diet has a lower caffeine content that many other diet drinks, side effects associated with caffeine are largely avoided. There seems little doubt that it can assist in supporting a healthy lifestyle. If you want to learn more about this valuable health supplement,

Green Tea Is A Remarkable Beverage

It is not always the case that dieting includes your favorite beverage, such as green tea, but it can happen.

For thousands of years green tea has been a preferred beverage for many Asians, who also cherish its reported health advantages. More recently, studies were undertaken by Swiss and American scientists at the University of Geneva. They concluded that antioxidants, present in green tea, were able to stimulate thermo genesis, or fat metabolism, as it is otherwise known. Consequently diets that included sufficient green tea were considered to be useful in reducing weight.

Further studies were undertaken in China, to substantiate green teas weight reducing capabilities. They also wanted to find out whether green tea could assist with reducing cholesterol. Their tests confirmed that green tea could significantly reduce cholesterol levels, which further enhanced its reputation in natural health circles.

From the above studies, it can be assumed that green tea is useful for treating obesity. Green tea also contains catechin polyphenols that are believed to impede the reaction of gastric and pancreatic lipases. These enzymes are concerned with the storing of calories into fats in the body. Through its reaction with such enzymes, green tea may reduce fat concentration, which may support its use in preventing obesity.

Green tea is a remarkable beverage that is considered to benefit health in a number of ways. More recently it has been discovered that it can also help in preventing damage due to ultraviolet light radiation. There are many people who have switched from more traditional teas and other beverages to green tea. It may be something of an acquired taste but when you consider its reported health advantages there is everything to gain from giving it a try, and seemingly nothing to lose.