Yoga is one of the most effective strategies to gain total control over the mind as well as the body of a person. Yoga is not a recently developed technique and the benefits of yoga have retained its popularity among people even now. The literature shows that yoga has a tradition of thousands of years, which was originally developed in India. Yoga can be compared with a holistic system of medicine as it focuses to attribute total control over the physical, mental and spiritual aspect of a person. However in the beginning stages, yoga was not recognized in the West as a potential system of therapy due to the suspicion about its efficiency. But the scene gradually changed as the scientific evidences supported the benefits of yoga.
Yoga is actually a traditional therapy, which is developed purely based on the observations and principles regarding the constitution of human beings. Yoga is not only an exercise instruction but also a complete package for the total well being. The science of yoga includes yoga postures called as asanas, meditation and breathing techniques called pranayama. The benefits vary with type of yoga as it is advocated in different combinations such as Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga, Mantra Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Hatha Yoga, and Laya Yoga. However, irrespective of its type, the benefits of yoga in the stress management have been substantiated by modern medicine. The multifaceted benefits of yoga promote it more than a simple exercise.
The physiological benefits of yoga include the enhancement of all major functional systems of the body such as nervous system, cardiovascular system, endocrine system, respiratory system, musculoskeletal system and excretory system. It will help to improve the co-ordination and balance the body. The biochemical benefits of yoga such as decrease of LDL cholesterol, glucose and catecholamine will help to prevent all the major fatal diseases and triggers the resilience of the body. Moreover yoga balances the weight of the person without losing its strength through the different stretching asanas.
Psychological benefits are an appealing factor of yoga, which include the regulation of mood related disorders such as anxiety, depression, and panic attacks. The enhancement of the personal abilities such as learning skills, concentration and memory will also be an added advantage of yoga. The improved social skills and better adaptation with circumstances will also be yet more benefits of yoga.
hmm.. I like Yoga actually..
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Yoga bagus banget utk kesehatan
i am happy with your blog! i wait your feedback
I haven't never been try yoga..but sometime i wish i could
Nice Blog......
wah..nis froend
yoga is good for our health, but quite difficult to learn :-)
yoga is something wonderfull, i do yoga if excessive stress, and its work, trust me
hm.....i think it's too difficult for me, and i just prefer to try something else..
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