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Wednesday 17 June 2009

Permanent cosmetic makeup

What is Permanent Makeup?

Permanent cosmetic makeup is cosmetic tattooing. The specialized techniques used for permanent cosmetics are often referred to as "micro-pigmentation" or "Intra-dermal cosmetics."

The cosmetic implantation technique deposits colored pigment into the upper reticular layer of the dermis to restore natural color and stimulate conventional makeup by machine method, which lasts about three to eight years or even a lifetime, depending on skin type, colors used and other factors which will de discussed at the consultation.

Lashes can be made to look darker and fuller. Missing/damaged and or badly shaped brows can be given a more youthful appearance. Finally, lips which have thinned or that have lost their blush color can be re-created to look fuller and more vibrant. On younger clients, permanent makeup adds a professional polish and aids in the dress for success look. On older clients, permanent makeup can take years off a face.



Loss of eyebrows or ill-shaped brows can make you look aged or drawn out. Permanent eyebrows look more natural than pencil and can give back youth and add definition to the face. Hair simulation can mimic the appearance of real brows. This is especially effective for alopecia sufferers. You can swim, play tennis, and wake up without having to re-do your eyebrows. Brows will be cleaned and penciled to the desired shape before the procedure.

Eyebrow Enhancement

Wake Up...

This application is great for sparse brows. Soft shadowing and hair strokes are applied under existing brows. It makes it easier for eyebrow tweezing and waxing…and no FUSS with a pencil.


Permanent eyeliner can bring out a more beautiful, defined eye by opening or lifting the eyes. You can go with a bold, defined line; a thin line; or even a smudged look. Ophthalmologists recommend permanent eyeliner to their patients who are allergic to conventional makeup. Say goodbye to runny eyeliner!

Eyelash Enhancement

This works for both men and woman. Achieve an enhanced look by shadowing with dots or mimicking eyelashes by implanting soft pigment in between the bed of lashes. The pigment is virtually undetectable. Eyelash enhancement makes lashes appear thicker and fuller. This procedure takes minutes after a short preparation time. Many movie stars have this procedure done such as Dustin Hoffmann, Al Pacino and Sylvester Stalone.

Lip Liner

Play Tennis...

As one ages, there is loss of color and definition in the lips. Or you might think your lips are too small. With permanent lip liner, lips can be redefined, made slightly larger, and with a more attractive shape. Your lipstick will not bleed anymore. You can swim, play tennis, and wake up with the custom blend of color that is right for you. An anesthetic (dental) block is optional and given by a plastic surgeon on the premises.

Full Lip Color

Fill in your lips with full lip color highlighting a more solid natural appearance. Soft pink gives you the soft child-like color for something less noticeable but still adds more color and definition. For men, this application can camouflage scars or give more color back.

Scar Camouflage

Unwanted scars can be camouflaged by filling in the area with a close match to the surrounding skin. This will diminish the appearance of scars, but not completely get rid of it. This takes a few sessions and is not good for keyloided or raised scars. (i.e. face lift scar, skin graft from skin cancer etc).

Small bald Spots or Slightly Receding Hair Line

This application is performed by adding color between hair strands with shadowing and hair strokes. This color lasts less time due to constant washing of hair. Maintenance is required.

Areola Restoration/Re-pigmentation

Areolas and nipple can be created or restored for breast cancer patients who have undergone a mastectomy. Very realistic areolas can be created. Surrounding scars from surgery can also be camouflaged after breast augmentation (reduction or lift) and missing or ill shaped nipples can be reformed or created. Some clients add a little color enhancement to make the areolas appear larger.

There is little or no down time and after care instructions are given the day of the procedure.

Friday 5 June 2009

Health Advantages of Dual Action Green Tea Diet

There are many health advantages to be obtained from Dual Action Green Tea Diet. If you want to increase the efficiency of your weight loss program then reading up about Dual Action Green Tea Diet, should be one of your priorities.

It seems that Dual Action Green Tea Diet is able to assist, even when you cannot find time to attend the gym as often as you might like. It is a recommended dietary supplement that can assist with transforming body fats into energy, that in turn can help with muscle building.

There are many people who want to exercise greater control over their appetites and this is something that Dual Action Green Tea Diet can help with. Apparently it contains antioxidants that are useful as appetite suppressants. This is something that can offset hunger spasms and thereby assist with controlling calories.

As Dual Action Green Tea Diet has a lower caffeine content that many other diet drinks, side effects associated with caffeine are largely avoided. There seems little doubt that it can assist in supporting a healthy lifestyle. If you want to learn more about this valuable health supplement,

Green Tea Is A Remarkable Beverage

It is not always the case that dieting includes your favorite beverage, such as green tea, but it can happen.

For thousands of years green tea has been a preferred beverage for many Asians, who also cherish its reported health advantages. More recently, studies were undertaken by Swiss and American scientists at the University of Geneva. They concluded that antioxidants, present in green tea, were able to stimulate thermo genesis, or fat metabolism, as it is otherwise known. Consequently diets that included sufficient green tea were considered to be useful in reducing weight.

Further studies were undertaken in China, to substantiate green teas weight reducing capabilities. They also wanted to find out whether green tea could assist with reducing cholesterol. Their tests confirmed that green tea could significantly reduce cholesterol levels, which further enhanced its reputation in natural health circles.

From the above studies, it can be assumed that green tea is useful for treating obesity. Green tea also contains catechin polyphenols that are believed to impede the reaction of gastric and pancreatic lipases. These enzymes are concerned with the storing of calories into fats in the body. Through its reaction with such enzymes, green tea may reduce fat concentration, which may support its use in preventing obesity.

Green tea is a remarkable beverage that is considered to benefit health in a number of ways. More recently it has been discovered that it can also help in preventing damage due to ultraviolet light radiation. There are many people who have switched from more traditional teas and other beverages to green tea. It may be something of an acquired taste but when you consider its reported health advantages there is everything to gain from giving it a try, and seemingly nothing to lose.

Smoking Is Not Natural

Continuing the theme, on our anti smoking month, it is true that smoking can damage your looks as well as causing serious internal diseases.

The following image, from the Want To Stop Smoking web site, suggests how quickly your good looks can deteriorate if you continue to smoke. Of course, the real health problems associated with smoking are a range of serious diseases, but there are many people who will be more inclined to want to stop smoking, if they are made aware of how it may affect their looks. It seems that it could virtually turn their lives upside down!

If you really want to stop smoking - you can. The Want To Stop Smoking web site is there to help you and you will find some helpful advice within the web pages from which an extract is printed below:

Methods to Stop Smoking

There all sorts of ways to stop smoking and they differ in success rates depending on the people involved. There are some who prefer to reduce the amount they smoke before they stop smoking completely, while others are adamant that "cold turkey" is the only successful route. Many smokers are helped with nicotine replacement products such as patches, lozenges, inhalers, and gum. Some of these aids may be available on prescription, depending on whereabouts in the world you live.

Additionally, there are lots of alternative methods to help you to stop smoking, such as aromatherapy to promote feelings of tranquility and peace, acupuncture (insertion of special needles into meridian centers of the body), meditation to induce feelings of calmness and peace, programs like Nicotine Anonymous (comparable to the better known and highly regarded Alcoholics Anonymous), and hypnotism to strengthen your resolve to stop smoking.

There are so many choices, that it is difficult to know the best method to suit you, which depends on several factors. If you think about it, you know yourself better than anybody. So consider what is the most difficult obstacle in your desire to stop smoking. It could be overcoming your emotional dependence on tobacco products. On the other hand it might be beating withdrawal symptoms, or just coming to terms with a bad habit that your are now determined to see off once and for all.

Natural Health - Nothing Worse Than Smoking!

There is nothing more alien to a natural health lifestyle than smoking. However, there are many natural health enthusiasts who are ex smokers. Similarly, there are those who may have friends or relatives who still smoke, but would like to stop to pursue a healthier life.

The 'Want To Stop Smoking' web site has lots of useful information for people, guess what, who want to stop smoking! The web site is continuously being expanded, and is a good source of information, as you can see from the following extract.

"Smoking Can Also Affect Your Looks

Is it possible that anybody can read this and not want to stop smoking? Well, you are not always aware about what is going on inside you, so what about the damage smoking can do externally - to your looks!

Smokers have paler skin and more wrinkles. This is because smoking decreases the blood supply to the skin and lowers levels of vitamin A. In fact smokers begin to look old before their time so consider the animated graphic and..............."

Readers of this blog who have family, friends, or acquaintances, who are trying to stop smoking, may wish to recommend the Want To Stop Smoking web site. Please be forewarned, that in some instances shock tactics have been used. Unfortunately, there are times when such an approach is necessary, because after all smoking really is a shocking habit, and one of the biggest health hazards around.

Natural Health and Blackberries

One of the great joys, for families in late summer in Great Britain, is to go blackberrying. It may not be quite so popular as it once was, but that is a pity because blackberries are a wonderful source of natural health.

Blackberries are among the best sources of antioxidants of any fruits, and that alone makes a blackberry picking expedition more than just worthwhile. Moreover, these delicious berries are also rich in vitamin C, and about a half a cupful, provides the recommended daily requirement.

Natural Health Is Common Sense

Natural health and common sense are essential components of a happy life. The ingredients are good food, plenty of fresh air, enjoyable exercise and enough sleep. If you only concentrate on these four requirements you will soon score quite highly in the natural health league.

Good food doesn't have to be expensive. If you make sure that you are getting sufficient fruit and vegetables, a minimum of five helpings per day, you will be on the right track. You should incorporate a modicum of healthy exercise into your sensible diet by growing some of your own food. Fruit and vegetables are not difficult to grow but can be so much more satisfying than those you purchase from the supermarket.

You may have a decent sized garden that allows you to develop a vegetable plot, but if you haven't you could think about trying to get an allotment. Where there's a will there's a way, as they say, and your endeavours could pay huge natural health dividends.

Some people may not sleep very well, but a bit of digging and forking is conducive to helping out in this respect. Its not only an excellent way of relaxing exercise but a great way of getting away from the stresses of working days. In fact it is tiring without being tiresome, helping to ensure that when you retire sleep is assured.

Green Tea Diet Appraisal

Green tea diet has been popular, for many thousands of years in Asia, where it is highly regarded for its health benefits. More recently it has become popular in many other parts of the world, including Western nations although some of its claimed health advantages have not been fully validated.

There is no doubt that green tea diet contains powerful antioxidants, and that in itself might be sufficient reason for many people to consume it. Many others believe that it has assisted them with their weight loss programs, and if that is the case it is easy to monitor insofar as individual progress is concerned. In fact as far as losing weight is concerned the scientific evidence for green tea diet is good,

As with any diet, the best way forward is not to rely entirely on a single supplement as a sort of magic bullet, but to include green tea diet as part of a total fitness schedule. Surely the idea of a diet is not just to be slimmer but to be fitter as well.

So, it seems that green tea diet is certainly a supplement to consider because some of its health benefits have stood the test of time. It is a natural product, and its growing international popularity may be due to its lack of the harmful side effects, associated with some contemporary products.

Food Allergy Sufferers

The number of people suffering from food allergies is increasing on a worldwide basis.

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There are so many people who have to be careful what they eat, as just one bite of something they are allergic to, could have serious implications and in the worst-case scenario, could be fatal.

The most common allergens are peanuts, other nuts, eggs, milk, wheat, soy and fish, but even some fruits and vegetables can trigger reactions in some people. Food additives may also be responsible for creating problems for others.

Of course people are not always aware that they may be allergic to a particular food, until after they become ill. Therefore, it is essential that sufferers find out as much as they can about their own allergy in particular and the whole subject of allergies in general.

There are many good sources of information about allergies. A recent article in the Canadian GlobeLife Health is informative and up to date.

Food Allergies On The Increase In US Children

Recent reports confirm that the number of children suffering from food allergies in the US is increasing. There are a whopping 3 million kids affected which accounts for about 1:26 of the child population.

The number of children with Peanut allergy, which is one of the most common allergies, has doubled in recent years. It is not known why such significant increases have occurred but one reason may be that parents are more alert to allergy related problems.

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Research suggests that between 2 and 3 percent of Americans will contract a milk allergy at some time in their lives and that a lower percentage will have a problem with eggs. It is fortunate that many young allergy sufferers do not carry the problem through to adulthood.

It has been discovered that children who have food allergies are more prone to other allergy related conditions, including respiratory problems, eczema and asthma. There has also been a dramatic increase in the number of children hospitalized with allergic disorders, with more than three times the number of cases reported in the last decade.

Reports are not clear about the reason for food allergy increases, but it is good to know that research is continuing, and that many parents have become better at recognizing the symptoms, that enables them to seek specialized advice.

De-stress With Aromatherapy

Stress related illnesses are a scourge of modern society and are responsible for many days absence from work. In fact stress is very difficult to avoid, and in a competitive world a small amount may even be necessary. However, when stress becomes excessive, it may become unbearable, and manifest itself in other physical and mental afflictions.

One excellent method of de-stressing is us, which relies on the use of essential oils. These oils are concentrated extracts from numerous plant sources, and as natural as a walk in the garden or through a pine forest. The aromatic oils are so convenient and transportable because a little goes a long way.

It is the easiest thing in the world, to sprinkle a few drops of the essential oils of aromatherapy, onto a tissue or inhaler, and then sit back and enjoy the vapors. This is a wonderful way to relax, and if you do it sufficiently often, it will recharge the batteries, that have become stressed out.

Stress is brought about in a variety of ways. It may mean that sufferers are not taking enough time to recover from their daily exertions. Close concentration as required by people who work on computers and the like, can drain the system. It is unwise not to inter-disperse periods of can be so helpful.

If possible take your breaks some place where there is a little peace. Sit down with your tissue at the ready; add a few drops essential oil and drift away from the perils of continued and intense concentration. There are so many oils to choose from that your are sure to find one, or even a few, that are particularly suited to you. If you get used to doing this you will look forward to such times, which of itself will reduce workday stresses. Once you have identified your own favorites you will be surprised at how quickly they can help you to relax.

A relaxed worker is usually more efficient than a stressed worker, and it should not be long before you are thanking aromatherapy for helping you to balance and enjoy your days.

Relax With Lavender

It has been reported that there are more working days lost through stress related conditions than anything else. There are so many people, in so many occupations, who for one reason or another can't relax, or may suffer from sleep deprivation.

There are various ways of combating stress, but perhaps a gentler approach is more sensible than trying to fight it, and what could be more gentle than lavender? This aromatic plant has been used for ages past, and lavender has gained a sound reputation as an aid to relaxation and inducing sleep.

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Aromatherapy is the art and science of using aromatic herbs and plants therapeutically. Plants such as lavender are considered to induce a state of relaxation, craved by those who have become stressed out, often due to the pressures of modern life. Many people have to commute to work, by public transport, or by private car. At peak periods that is not only stressful, but also exceedingly demanding in terms of the extra time it requires.

By the time they arrive home some people are understandably agitated, which may lead to restlessness and difficulty in sleeping. When they arrive home, they could find that a warm bath with a few drops of lavender essential oil added to their bath water, assists in dispelling the cares of the day. It might just allow them to unwind sufficiently to enjoy the rest of the evening.

All too soon it is time to go to bed and recharge, to prepare for the labor of the following day. Some people sleep more readily than others, but there those who sprinkle a few drops of lavender oil onto a tissue and place that near to their pillow so that they may inhale the vapors as they drop off to sleep. Lavender essential oil is highly concentrated and it is not recommended that it be allowed to come into direct contact with the skin, or near the eyes. However, placed near your pillow it could just instill a feeling of well-being that is a useful precursor to a good nights sleep.

Lavender essential oil is readily available and it is not expensive. There are lots of people who would testify to its effectiveness, in helping to ease the burden of stress. A sensible amount of care is required, because direct application to the skin or ingestion could be harmful, but is quite unnecessary for relaxation purposes.

Chocolate Antioxidants

Chocolate can be good for you but choose wisely because the darker it is the more will it contain. So as a rule of thumb, plain chocolate contains more antioxidants than milk chocolate and white chocolate contains hardly any.

Of course, even with dark chocolate, moderation is the key. However, that is true of most healthy foods. Just because they are rich in antioxidants doesn't mean that you should gorge yourself! Nevertheless, it is good to know that something as delicious as chocolate can actually do you good, when sweets in general are not so highly thought of.

Antioxidants are known to assist in preventing a range of serious diseases, so it is a good idea to include foods that contain them in a healthy diet. There are many berry fruits that are rich in antioxidants and again a similar rule seems to apply as with chocolate. Generally speaking the darker the color of the berry the more antioxidants they contain. So blueberries, blackberries and the like are ideal. They could perhaps be combined with a little grated dark chocolate to form the basis of an interesting sweet course!

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Try to choose dark chocolate that has a minimum of 40% cocoa bean content and you won't go far wrong. All too often some people consider sensible healthy diets to be dull and boring, but of course they couldn't be more wrong.

All chocolate lovers need to remember is that a small amount consumed on most days could do you good. Try to avoid the blended kinds, such as milk chocolate, and stick to the antioxidant rich darker varieties. Just don't forget that dark chocolate is the real thing that can be safely included in a naturally healthy diet.

Vegetarian Diet Best For Unhealthy Americans

The high cost of health care, particularly company-sponsored health care, is one of the reasons for the USA's current economic crises. It has been suggested, in some quarters, that a move towards a lifestyle, with less dependence on meat, including burgers and the like, could stop the rot.

It has recently been announced, that the American automobile industry is to get an injection of more than $17 billion, to help them stay in business. President George Bush has publicly stated that it would be unthinkable to allow the industry to collapse. General Motors have suggested that one reason the company is in trouble is the high cost of employee health care. They have intimated that the enormous cost of doctor's bills, and hospitalization, together with prescription drug costs is prohibitive. Apparently, it all adds up to require loading around $1,500, on to the cost of each vehicle produced.

The problem is that the work force is so unhealthy, due to some considerable extent to poor diet. It could help if the advantages of vegetarian style food were better promoted. Around two thirds of the population are overweight and about 24 million suffer from diabetes, and there are many other preventable afflictions. Associated health care costs are phenomenal, and it seems apparent that if the nation as a whole could be persuaded to get involved in healthier lifestyles, people would be happier, and their employers more globally competitive.

A few individuals have come to realize the benefits of a vegetarian based diet. If they haven't done so already it is to be hoped that top managers will follow their example. They are in a unique position, to influence those who work for them to embark on healthy lifestyles, and a good place to start would be with their diets. They don't need to be too severe to start with, because a few vegetarian meals are better than none. It should not be too difficult to demonstrate that people who eat sensibly are less liable to fall ill.

It is all a matter of how these things are put across, but communication is supposed to be the thing that top managers are good at. If they were encouraged to think about it, most people would prefer to stay healthy, and in the process help the organizations they work for remain viable. The trouble is they are not often encouraged to think about it, so they don't, and they put on weight instead. They may foolishly believe that vegetarian food is no sort of alternative to a 'proper' meal. For many, it is only a matter of time before they succumb to one of the many illnesses that are related to poor diet and lack of enjoyable exercise. Unfortunately the companies they work for suffer too, as they strive to meet the upward spiral of health care costs.

The captains of industry would have a much better chance of staying afloat if they concentrated a bit more on the health and well being of their employees. A move towards a lifestyle, at least in part, would seem a good place to start to improve the well being of their workers, and possibly company balance sheets at the same time. There may seem to be not a great deal you can do in times of economic downturn. But if a new way of thinking about eating produced a healthier workforce and vibrant company, it should be worth a try.

Just Beet It
If 10,000 NY Biters eat just one meal with locally grown veggies instead of ones shipped from afar, we'll avert the same amount of CO2 generated by close to 64,000 Yellow Taxis in 1 day.
Don't wanna be defeated by complicated warm weather recipes? Show your funky, strong cooking skills when you serve up this light and yummy roasted beet and pistachio salad recipe from Spring Street Natural's head chef Craig Meltzer. Get your ingredients at Union Square Greenmarket and show 'em who's bad.
Roasted Beet and Goat Cheese Salad Tossed with Pistachio Vinaigrette
Serves four

(local and organic whenever possible)

  • 1 lb of beets
  • 2 oz pistachio oil
  • 1 oz apple cider vinegar
  • 5 sprigs, chopped, fresh thyme leaves
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 8 arugula leaves
  • 1/4 lb goat cheese
  • 2-inch ring mold (optional)
  • 2 oz shelled pistachios


Wash beets and roast them at approximately 375 degrees for 1 hour or until done. Cool. While beets are cooling, make vinaigrette by combining pistachio oil, cider vinegar, thyme, and salt and pepper.

Peel cooled beets and cut into bite-size pieces. Cut arugula into (fine julienne; think thin stripes). Cut goat cheese into four discs. Toss beets with vinaigrette.

Place beet salad into the on a medium plate and gently slide the mold off. Repeat on all four plates. Place a disc of goat cheese on top of each beet salad. Garnish on top with arugula and around the plate with sprinkled pistachios.

Rain Water and Allergy and more

There is nothing quite so refreshing as rain, and although it can be a bit of a nuisance at times, it is more often a blessing, and not in disguise, and not just for Rain is wonderful for reducing dust and pollens in the air. It is invigorating not just because it helps so many things to grow, but also because it freshens everything to the extent that many airborne allergens are neutralized.

It may be that where there is no rain there is only desert, and that allergens can't exist where there are no pollens, but don't bet on it. There are many allergens, other than pollen allergens that are just waiting to attack those who are susceptible. Just about the most essential of the modern worlds requirements, is oil, which paradoxically is also just about the worlds biggest pollutant. Unfortunately, oil and other airborne gasses are not only pollutants, but they produce allergens, ready to strike down those whose immune systems have been compromised.

Rain is not just a cleanser but also the source of the greatest human necessity, which is water. Without water everything dries up withers, and dies. Of course water is not just a necessity to but to all living things. How often do you hear people say, 'Oh it's raining again', when that rain is the very essence of their existence.

So, let us all be thankful for rain. Of course, when the heavens occ\asionally open and apply too much, disasters can occur. But there are far more disasters caused by a lack of rain than too much. All over the world people are grateful for rain. For allergy sufferers, there is perhaps nothing that is quite so refreshing and healing, as when a shower of rain cleanses the atmosphere, to make the seemingly simple process of breathing the life sustaining force that nature intended.

Blog featured on Finest Foodies Friday
At the moment, I am getting ready to attend a wedding. I have 10 to 15 minutes until my biore strip is ready (Ladies, you know what I'm talking about. Guys, it's not important.) Just enough time to check my email. To my surprise, this blog was featured on the Foodie's Blogroll's Finest Foodies Friday. Yay! Here is what Jenn from the Blogroll had to say:

"As always here is what the FFF is all about. Finest Foodies Friday! FFF is a Friday post featuring favorites from The Foodie Blogroll! We do this so we can share in the rich diversity of what The Foodie weekly Blogroll has to offer by featuring some of our favorites yours!...Natasha of Healthy and Gourmet: I must admit I have a natural love for these kinds of blogs because my food outlook is healthy and gourmet, so I usually find a lot of great ideas on blogs that have a similar outlook. Especially when those blogs do as great of a job as Natasha’s by showing how healthy does not mean tasteless! Here’s a quote: “Food should make us happy and healthy, energized and euphoric. Not guilty, tired or self-loathing”. You said it! "

Thank you Jenn and to all of my visitors!

Sauteed Spinach with Whole Garlic and Raisins

I'm excited to be staying in tonight. You see, for the past two weeks we had been eating out every night. As much I enjoy the Minneapolis restaurant scene and eating out in general- especially now that it's almost summer and outdoor dining is the rave- the comfort of my apartment and my little kitchen is more appealing right now. On the menu tonight: sauteed spinach with whole garlic and raisins. Not very alluring, I know, but very simple and delicious. Just what I want after a slew of large and involved meals.

Zucchini Almond Flatbread
Serves four

1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 cup all purpose flour
2 tsp active dry yeast
1 tbsp sugar
1/2 cup warm water
1/4 tsp salt
2 zucchini, sliced
2 cloved garlic, minced
2 tbsp olive oil
1/4 cup toasted, slivered almonds

1. To make the dough: In a mixing bowl, add the water to the yeast and sugar, set aside until foamy, about 10 to 15 minutes. Add the flours and salt and mix into a ball. Remove to a flat, floured working surface and knead until soft and elastic about four to five minutes. Set in the mixing bowl that has been oiled. Cover and let rise for about an hour.
2. In a skillet set over medium heat, add the zucchini, garlic and oil. Cook until zucchini softens about three to four minutes. (It is not necessary to thoroughly cook the zucchini here because it will finish cooking in the oven.)
3. Roll the dough unto a well greased baking sheet to about one eighth of an inch thick. Evenly layer the zucchini and mozzarella. Finally, sprinkle the almonds. Bake at 450 degrees for ten to twelve minutes. Serve while still warm.

Now, on to the questionnaire.

Diamonds or pearls?
Not crazy about either.

What is the last film you saw?
Dark Knight

Your favorite series?
I'm a LOST junkie! It's the first series I actually followed from season one and I'm still hooked. Also watch Law and Order, CSI and anything interesting on Discovery and National Geographic.

What kind of breakfast do you have usually?
It depends on whether I'm eating alone or with my husband. Alone: some sort of cereal. With my husband: pancakes and omelette, or a traditional Trinidadian breakfast.

Lighthouse, Kauai.

Second given name?
Pearl. Yes, Pearl. When I was born, being her first granddaughter, my grandmother thought I was her little gem, hence "Pearl. " I'm just grateful Diamond or Gold didn't come to her mind.

Which kind of food can't you stand?
Processed food

Favorite name (at the moment)?
Don't have one.

Which car do you drive?

Which trait or character don't you like?

Star fish at Aquarium in Minneapolis.

Favorite clothes?
Badgley Mischka, Cache, Banana Republic, BCBG, Adidas.

If you could take the aeroplane to go somewhere, where would you go?
Tough one...Hawaii or Tahiti.

Sea horse at Aquarium.

Where would you want to live when you are retired?
Hawaii. I could seriously spend my days snorkeling, hiking the Na Pali cliffs, and eating fresh seafood.

Which birthday do you remember the most?
My last: my father and youngest sister had visited; I hadn't seen them in more than three years.

Your birthday?
October 10.

Shamu! San Diego.

If you were a color, which one would you be?

Chocolate or vanilla?

Coffee or tea?
Coffee! I started drinking coffee in college to stay up to study. Now, it seems I cannot start my day without a cup. Nothing fancy, just regular coffee; I grind my own beans though. I do have tea on most evenings.

Feeding the animals, Wild Animal Park, San Diego.

The last person you had on the phone?
My sister Nancy in Toronto. We speak to each other almost everyday.

Sweet or savory?
Sweet! My sweet tooth is going to be the end of me.

The day of the week you prefer?
Wednesday night because LOST is on!

Zucchini Flatbread and Tag: a game of getting to know more about our favorite bloggers.

A while back, I received the following fun exercise from Gera at The purpose: getting to know more about our favorite food bloggers. Now, it's my turn. Following Gera's example, I have attached some photos, some random ones chosen from a few of my trips.

First, though, here is my newest flatbread recipe: zucchini, almonds and mozzarella. Initially, I intended to make a simple zucchini flatbread but realized that I had a handful of slivered almonds left and not wanting them to go to waste ( nuts in general last a a good two or three months in the pantry, even longer in the freezer, before turning rancid) I added them to the mix. And not a bad idea either.

Balsamic Syrup for Fresh Fruit

Strawberries with balsamic syrup

When I was seventeen, I lived and worked in Toronto for five months. It was a period of time right after high school when I hadn't yet decided if I wanted to remain in Trinidad or move abroad for college. So, I went to Canada. ( Supposedly the next best logical step considering I had many relatives there who would keep me in line, or so my parents hoped .)

After a month of sightseeing and catching up with relatives, it was time to get a part time job. That way, if I decided to go to college there, I would already have an idea of how the city works. My job: quasi sales girl for a small company that sold Indian spices, sauces, and chutneys. The owner travelled around the country to trade shows promoting and selling her products; I started working with her at the Convention Center in downtown Toronto.

So, there I was, in one of the most vibrant cities in the world, with the best options for food and the one thing that I gravitated towards was...chocolate covered bananas. A few yards down the aisle from our booth was another booth that sold all sorts of chocolate covered fruit, from bananas to pineapple to peaches. Every day after lunch I would buy some sort of chocolate covered confection. Small wonder I gained close to twenty pounds during those five months.

Now, whenever I feel for a chocolate banana, I make this balsamic syrup that substitutes well for the chocolate and also goes great with almost any fresh fruit. That is not to say I don't have the real stuff once in a while. :o)

Bananas with balsamic syrup and toasted almonds

Research laboratory wastewater neutralization systems

Laboratory wastewater neutralization systems are increasingly being specified for academic teaching and research buildings by many environmental consultants and design engineers. While real efforts to improve the quality of wastewater are generally positive, simply installing such systems without regard to their operational setting increases capital costs, significantly increases equipment service and maintenance needs and expenses, and can potentially generate higher environmental, health, and safety risks from chemical handling exposures, spills, leaks, or uncontrolled releases to sewer. In response to concerns about possible neutralization system needs for a new chemistry building at Yale University, continuous pH measurements were collected from several laboratory-intensive teaching and research buildings over periods of time ranging from 22 to 37 days in each building. Real-time pH measurements were collected in the main branch of the laboratory wastewater drain line in each building just prior to junction with house sanitary lines. Laboratory wastewaters averaged 6.5 pH units over the aggregate datalogged period of 82 days during the academic year. While more extreme pH values were occasionally observed, values less than about 5 or greater than about 9 were exceedingly rare, and accounted for fewer than 15 minutes of the laboratory wastewater discharged during the nearly 3 months of continuous sampling. Since the measurements were all collected at points just prior to mixing with building sanitary effluent, significant additional wastewater dilution occurred prior to final discharge to sewer. Based upon these results and a review of the potential health and safety hazards associated with neutralization systems, their installation – at least in academic teaching and research laboratories – is generally unnecessary.

FRUITY IDEAS for fitness

Keeping a bowl of washed fruits within easy reach is a good idea, but sometimes you have to dress it up to capture your children's interest. Fruit salad--consisting of whatever fruit is in season--steeped in freshly squeezed orange juice and lemon zest is one of our standbys.

Making this salad gives kids the opportunity to practice using a melon-baller and knife. Frozen grapes, sliced bananas, and melon balls are divine.

You can also make "frulatti," a blender shake that combines bananas, other fruits, a splash of milk, and a few ice cubes.

Wednesday 3 June 2009

Children’s Mental Health Legislation Heard

When the omnibus Act Relative To Children’s Mental Health (Chapter 321 of the Acts of 2008) was signed into law last year, there was one provision that was not included: reimbursement for collateral contacts by commercial insurance.

Collateral contacts can be more accurately referred to as coordination of care. When an adult is working with a mental health professional, the adult can typically express what is going on in his or her life directly to the clinician in such a way as to make treatment effective. When it is a seven year old, it’s not so simple.

Children are not little adults. To have treatment of mental health needs be effective, it is vital that the treating clinician speak to other people in the child’s life – parents, teachers, pediatrician, etc. Only through this coordination will the child have the best chance to have his or her mental health needs addressed properly.

Of course, to protect the privacy of the young people involved, this type of coordination would only be done with parental consent.

In Massachusetts, the state already reimburses mental health clinicians for collateral contacts when children are covered under MassHealth. Commercial insurance, on the other hand, does not provide this benefit. Mandating reimbursement for collateral contacts will ensure that care coordination is the standard practice rather than an exception to the rule.

The collateral contacts piece of Chapter 321 was not included in the final version of the law because a cost analysis had not been completed by the Division of Health Care Financing and Policy. The was completed late last year and it found that collateral contacts are extremely inexpensive – 5.5 cents per member per month or 0.01% of total premium costs.

This piece of the original omnibus bill was refiled for the current legislative session as H. 3586 / S. 757, An Act Relative To Coordination of Children’s Mental Health Care, and was heard yesterday by the Joint Committee on Mental Health and Substance Abuse.

Testimony was given in support of the legislation by two panels.

On the first panel, Dr. David DeMaso, Psychiatrist in Chief at Children’s Hospital Boston and Professor of Psychiatry and Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School, illustrated the importance of coordination of care by asking Senate Chair Jen Flanagan to imagine herself as a third grade teacher with a student displaying mood swings and classroom outbursts. In an effort to more effectively attend to the behaviors while also teaching the other students, isn’t it a good idea to talk with the child’s psychiatrist, Dr. DeMaso asked.

Similarly, Dr. DeMaso asked House Chair Liz Malia to put herself in the shoes of a pediatrician treating a young woman with severe asthma. Before changing her patient’s medication to address her asthma, wouldn’t it be responsible for her to speak to her patient’s mental health clinician to avoid a potentially dangerous interaction with her antidepressant medication?

The second panel featured testimony from Central Massachusetts: Cathy Apostolaris from the Winchendon Project, Tony Poti from the Choices Program, and Dr. David Keller, a pediatrician from Webster. For all three of these individuals, care coordination has been vital to the success of their work.

Passage and enactment of An Act Relative To Coordination of Children’s Mental Health Care is the top legislative priority of the Children’s Mental Health Care. More effective coordination of care is an important step in addressing the mental health needs of Massachusetts’ children.

Matt Noyes

June 9th Public Health Committee Hearing on Health Disparities

On Tuesday June 9, 2009 at 10:00 am, the Joint Committee on Public Health Hearing will consider health disparities bills including the two legislative priorities, SB. 810 and SB. 811. Please join us and advocate for health equity at this important public hearing.

The Joint Committee on Health Care Financing held a public hearing on Wednesday May 27th. Several bills were heard relating to insurance, the Insurance Partnership program, medical malpractice and the health care workforce.

Georgia Maheras testified on behalf of the Affordable Care Today (ACT!!) Coalition in strong support of Senator Montigny’s bill, An Act relative to coverage for chronic illness (S. 551). This bill would eliminate co-payments for all prescriptions and devices used for the treatment of chronic illness, a bold step forward in Massachusetts’s attempt to make quality health care affordable for everyone. Research has shown that increased cost sharing, especially in the course of treatment of chronic illness, serves as a barrier to patients who are seeking care. Even relatively small co-payments have been associated with lower rates of seeking preventive services and co-payments for treatment of chronic illness would only hinder the treatment’s rate of success. It makes economic and medical sense to eliminate chronic illness cost-sharing. Prevention will increase and costs will decrease. Estimates have shown savings of nearly $2,000 per patient annually, along with a decrease in mortality rates. Twelve states across the country have already eliminated it from their Medicaid programs, with successful results.

Mary Lou Buyse from the Mass. Association of Health Plans spoke in opposition to S. 551. Buyse argued that eliminating copays for chronic care would violate health reform’s mantra of shared responsibility and lead to increased costs and utilization. Buyse fervently stated that health care should not be free.

Representatives from the small business, artist and insurance communities testified on the Insurance Partnership bills: S. 530/H.1083 An Act Improving the Insurance Partnership Program, H. 1071 An Act Relative to the Insurance Partnership and H. 1078 An Act Relative to Massachusetts Artists. Health Care For All is supportive of S.530/H. 1083, which would increase eligibility for the IP to 400% fpl from the current 300% fpl level. These bills also increase by 50% the payment to employers who participate in the plan by providing coverage to eligible employees. H. 1078 goes further than S.530/H. 1083 and raises the eligibility level to 400% fpl. It also makes more extensive changes to the program, including eliminating the 6-month look-back. This bill also would allow self-employed people to receive Commonwealth Care, expand the Section 125 requirement to firms with 5 or more employees, and direct the Department of Revenue to review how Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) is calculated for individuals with a combination of self-employment and wage income. HCFA opposes H. 1071, which appears to cut back on eligibility for the IP in 2009. We support an in-depth appraisal of the strengths and weaknesses of the IP and the other health assistance programs. A comprehensive, rational framework should be devised that equitably provides help to everyone who qualifies for assistance. To read our full testimony Kathy Bitetti, Executive Director of our ACT!! Coalition partner The Artists Foundation, also spoke in support of H. 1078 and H. 1083 and urged the Committee to not let self-employed people and people with combination incomes fall through the cracks.

Two sets of bills generated much discussion: childhood vaccines and medical malpractice reform. DPH Commissioner John Auerbach and several other experts from the fields of pediatrics and public health spoke in strong support of Rep. Wolf’s bill, H.3453 An Act establishing the Massachusetts childhood vaccine program and the Massachusetts immunization registry. The experts emphasized the need to ensure that all kids receive necessary and cost-effective vaccinations. Senator O’Leary as well as Mass. Medical Society President Mario E. Motta spoke in support of his medical malpractice reform bills – S. 573 An Act providing for a fair judgment interest rate for medical malpractice actions and S. 574 An Act relative to malpractice reform; representatives from the Mass. Academy of Trial Lawyers argued in opposition to these bills.

Funding of Public Health – a Necessity now more then ever

Commissioner Jon Auerbach of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) spoke Friday afternoon to a packed room as part of Brown Bag Luncheon Series. Commissioner Auerbach’s talk covered three hot-issue topics: the current H1N1 virus pandemic (more commonly known as Swine Flu), the effects of the current budget debates on DPH, and a new Public Health initiative to combat obesity, chronic disease, and promote wellness.

The Commissioner began his talk by addressing the government’s response to the H1N1 outbreak. Commissioner Auerbach stressed that while the spread of the disease was unfortunate, the occurrence has provided a great opportunity for the state to exercise its emergency response network. Moreover, he explained that the initial fear over the virus re-affirmed the need for the state to have a robust health system and method of accurate reporting in order to react to outbreaks of unexpected illnesses.

Commissioner Auerbach detailed many elements of the state’s response to Swine Flu. While early reports out of Mexico suggested that the virus was extremely deadly, Massachusetts did its due diligence in both monitoring and responding to the virus. The state has uncovered a wealth of information on H1N1 including the fact that the virus in general is not deadly (rather it is symptomatically consistent with the general flu) as well as some key differences between the general influenza virus and this strain. For example, while the general virus most severely affects the very young and the very old, the H1N1 virus is most prevalent in the 0-20 age group. While, DPH does expect the flu to become wide-spread, they plan to have a vaccine ready for dissemination by next flu season.

Moreover, the H1N1 outbreak has highlighted some considerable strength in Massachusetts’ health response system. Primary among these achievements was the state’s public communication and outreach. Within just 10 days after the first case in Massachusetts, educational materials were available in 14 languages, and state provider help-lines were able to provide medical information to over 4,000 callers, helping to stanch tides of concerned citizens looking to emergency rooms for care. As Commissioner Auerbach eloquently stated, “without a robust health system people will die, become more seriously ill or more injured than they otherwise would be.”

The Commissioner detailed how the current economy will affect DPH, as public health needs have only become greater as the economy has dipped. HCFA has advocated for level funding for many crucial public health programs, including funding for its quality bureau, oral health programs and tobacco cessation programs. Many programs in DPH have been reduced by over 20% in the past year. The Senate did include a proposal that was supported by the Governor and the Department, the removal of the sales tax exemption on alcohol. This revenue stream would dedicate an addition $70Million to critical programs for the states’ most venerable populations.

Commissioner Auerbach concluded his talk on a positive note by discussing the state’s new public health campaign to combat obesity and prevent chronic disease Obesity, with a very high rate in Massachusetts, is a primary cause of many chronic diseases including diabetes and heart failure. In Commissioner Auerbach’s words, the aim of the campaign has been to “change default behaviors” so that diets and exercise feel more like every day life rather than a chore. The campaign has three main legs: the first has been a statewide regulation for restaurants to post the calorie contents of their foods. As studies of a similar law in New York City have shown, when armed with information, people alter their behaviors. Not only have patrons in New York changed their ordering habits once given caloric information, but restaurants themselves have altered their menus to provide consumers with healthier alternatives.

All in all, Commissioner Auerbach demonstrated how crucial strong public health programs can be and how important it is for Massachusetts to have, and to continue to have, a robust public health department.

An Uneven Distribution of Oral Health Care

A recent Policy Brief on a Massachusetts Health Reform Survey funded by Blue Cross Blue Shield examined

Oral health is an important part of overall health, and dental disease is associated with other chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and preterm birth. The survey looked closely at access to oral health services, and found large disparities in dental care visits by region as well as race/ethnicity.

Highlights of the report include:

  • Adults in the Western region were less likely to have had and dental care visits than adults in the MetroWest region, while those in the Southeast region were less likely to have a usual source of dental care visits.
  • Adults in the Western and Southeast regions were more likely to report unmet need for dental care than were adults in the MetroWest region.
  • Hispanic adults were significantly less likely to have had a dental care visit (69.8% versus 76.3%) than white adults.
  • Black adults were also significantly less likely than white adults to have had a dental care visit in the last 12 months (66.0% versus 76.3%).

A large part of these disparities stem from a lack of enough dentists to go around. Nearly 25 percent of communities in the Commonwealth do not have a practicing dentist. This uneven distribution of oral health care means that many families, particularly those in Western Massachusetts, must travel long distances to get the care they need. This burden of travel often translates into an inability to access care.

We can do better than this. The state’s current system of oral health care is an uneven patchwork of services, so we need to be creative when developing ways to deliver oral health care to all communities. For more information about how to close the gaps in the oral health care system, please contact Christine Keeves, Oral Health Communications Coordinator at 617-275-2919 or, or visit

Globe Editorial on Health Reform Affordability

The Boston Sunday Globe’s affirms the conclusions of th that health reform has been affordable for Massachusetts. Excerpt:

FOR ALL THE fiscal problems the Commonwealth now faces, its three-year-old universal health insurance reform cannot be blamed for driving up state government costs uncontrollably. That is the conclusion of a study released last week by the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation, the watchdog group that is usually quick to expose state budget-busters. At a time when Congress is weighing its own health reform bill, the study debunks the notion that health reform is just a Big Dig in scrubs.

The study estimates that reform is costing the state an extra $350 million a year. The foundation finds that amount “relatively modest and well within early projections of how much the state would have to spend to implement reform.” The recession has hurt the state’s ability to sustain the gains of health reform, just as it has curbed funding for other state programs. But the foundation applauds the achievements of health reform “for so few new public dollars.”

MassHealth Smoking Cessation Works; Let’s Add it to CommCare, too

A found that since MassHealth added smoking cessation benefits, the smoking rate among MassHealth members dropped 26%. This means some 33,000 MassHealth members have quit smoking since 2006. The drop is more than twice the rate as the general population. This drop can be attributed in large part to a MassHealth benefit that provides prescription and over-the-counter medication to help individuals quit smoking and includes optional counseling opportunities.

The benefit was added to MassHealth as part of chapter 58, the 2006 health reform law. Adding the smoking cessation benefits was a key demand of the ACT! coalition. Health Care For All, along with the American Cancer Society, the Mass Medical Society, Tobacco Free Mass, and other groups pushed to include the new benefit in MassHealth.

These groups are now supporting Senator Moore’s bill to require Commonwealth Care plans to include tobacco cessation. The hearing for the bill is tomorrow, (Wednesday, June 3), 1:00 pm in State House room A-1.

Tobacco prevention and cessation services play an important role in keeping Massachusetts residents healthy, and reduce long-term healthcare costs. Smoking is the most common cause of preventable death and disease in Massachusetts. Luckily, there are effective ways to quit smoking. Department of Public Health Commissioner John Auerbach said “Three out of four smokers say that they want to quit, but the cost of medications that help with cravings is a significant financial barrier to many low income people. The success of the MassHealth benefit shows that smokers will utilize such a benefit, and they will quit in large numbers with the appropriate supports.”

Business has Role to Play in Kids’ Oral Health

Richard C. Lord, President and CEO of Associated Industries of Massachusetts, stated his strong support for oral health in the Boston Globe last Friday. In the final Watch Your Mouth advertorial of the year, he declared that “business owners in Massachusetts have diverse needs and interests, but we all have one thing in common: we need a capable and healthy workforce to make our businesses successful.”

Monday Morning Health Reform Reading

Three health reform items released last Friday for your Monday morning reading list:

1. The Division of Health Care Finance and Policy released the latest edition of their quarterly report The report paints an overview of the Massachusetts health care landscape through data on health insurance coverage, the Health Safety Net, health insurance premiums, health plan financial performance, acute hospital and community health center financial performance and access to care. The latest report found that:

  • Over 428,000 people have gained insurance coverage since health reform implementation began and Dec. 31, 2008.
  • Growth in enrollment decreased slightly between June 30, 2008 and December 31, 2008, due to a decline in MassHealth and Commonwealth Care enrollment. (this decline has subsequently been erased, as CommCare has experienced substantial new enrollment this year).
  • About half (49%) of residents enrolled in private group insurance are in self-insured plans.
    While financial performance for acute hospitals improved from FY03 to FY07, margins declined significantly from FY07 to FY08. In FY08, 23 hospitals (35%) experienced overall losses.
  • Between 2007 and 2008, health plan profit margins declined for 7 health plans, and improved for 4 plans.

2. The Commonwealth Fund, a national foundation that promotes health care access and quality, released an issue brief last week that describes the structure and function of the Connector Authority, providing an introduction to health care reform for policymakers at both the state and national level. The study, by Amy M. Lischko, Sara S. Bachman, and Alyssa Vangeli, (all long-time friends of HCFA) can be viewed The authors describe how the Connector effectively streamlines administration, offers portability of coverage, and provides some standardization and choice of plans, and offer it as a model for future reform around the country.

These descriptive articles will pay an important role in introducing Massachusetts health reform to national audiences.

3. Jon Kingsdale, the executive director of the Connector, in Health Affairs on lessons learned from implementing health reform in Massachusetts. His key point defends the wisdom of Massachusetts health reform expanding coverage before tackling cost control:

At the strategic level, there is political advantage in conceptualizing comprehensive health reform as a continuous campaign. This is not the incrementalism of little steps: after all, most states have shied away from the individual mandate as too controversial, and California’s brave effort to build on the Massachusetts model stalled in the state Senate. Rather, this is recognition that the implementation of major reform takes years and will create unforeseen challenges, so a truly comprehensive approach must be sequenced. …

Massachusetts took the ethical high ground and chose to begin with near-universal coverage. To the standard arguments that we must reduce waste in order to control government spending and remain internationally competitive, we have added this imperative: only by controlling costs can Massachusetts sustain near-universal coverage.

Kingsdale warns that as Congress takes on national health care reform, coverage expansion and cost reduction will be difficult to attain simultaneously. If national universal health care is to become a reality, Congress must learn from both Massachusetts’s successes and sequence the steps needed to make health care both widely available and affordable.