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Friday 5 June 2009

Natural Health Is Common Sense

Natural health and common sense are essential components of a happy life. The ingredients are good food, plenty of fresh air, enjoyable exercise and enough sleep. If you only concentrate on these four requirements you will soon score quite highly in the natural health league.

Good food doesn't have to be expensive. If you make sure that you are getting sufficient fruit and vegetables, a minimum of five helpings per day, you will be on the right track. You should incorporate a modicum of healthy exercise into your sensible diet by growing some of your own food. Fruit and vegetables are not difficult to grow but can be so much more satisfying than those you purchase from the supermarket.

You may have a decent sized garden that allows you to develop a vegetable plot, but if you haven't you could think about trying to get an allotment. Where there's a will there's a way, as they say, and your endeavours could pay huge natural health dividends.

Some people may not sleep very well, but a bit of digging and forking is conducive to helping out in this respect. Its not only an excellent way of relaxing exercise but a great way of getting away from the stresses of working days. In fact it is tiring without being tiresome, helping to ensure that when you retire sleep is assured.


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