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Monday 16 February 2009

Do You Live within the Environment Created by Your Choices?

This is a very important question for you to answer. Who or what is determining the environment where you live?

As we all know we are in a recession. The economy is bad. People are losing their jobs and their homes. Economic security is disappearing from all of our lives. With all of these bad things happening it would be natural to feel depressed and discouraged.

The more we become depressed, the more we stop doing our usual activities. We withdraw from life. Even our relationship are affected by our withdrawal, our irriability and our depression. We feel life becomes hopeless. We think there is no end to our misery. All of this hammers on our body and health. Our immune system is smashed and compromised. We become more susceptible to infection and illness.

Yes, if we allow the economy to determine our environment, we will live in the environment of depression, loneliness, failure, and poor health.

We have choices! We do not have to allow the economy to make us depressed. We do not have to allow the economy to overwhelm us. We do not have to allow the economy to control our psychological and physical well-being!

We have the power of choice! Our power of choice can be stronger than the economy in determining our health and well-being!

How we think about our economy is more powerful than the economy in effecting our emotional and physical well-being!

We can think of the economy as providing opportunities rather than problems!

We can think of the economy as providing us with a new start in life rather than the end of life!

We could think of the economy as putting into perspective what is really meaningful and important in our lives!

We can choose to remember that the economy did not make us who we are, but rather we achieved and created our economic benefits!

We can focus our lives on taking care of ourselves and making the best decisions possible; which is important to do in both good and bad times!

We can expect bad economic times, maintain our confidence and continue to make the best psychological and economic choices available for us!

We can always remember and be committed to this belief:


You can choose to make choices! You can choose to be happy! You can choose to enjoy your family and relationships! You can choose to eat well and exercise and have good health! You can make all the choices and bad economic times!



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