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Monday 16 February 2009

Little Irritating Things

It was the third time she had been diagnosed with cancer. An elderly woman with a history of depression. I met with her, her husband and daughter. We met together to support her during this time of crisis.

I was not sure what to expect. There has been a long history of emotional disconnect and conflict in their marriage. I was surprised when both women reported that the wife’s husband had been less critical in the last few weeks.

I turned to her husband and asked him if he agreed. He agreed and then informed me “Little Irritating Things Aren’t That Important”.

I was stunned, with the clarity of his thinking and the change in his behavior.

At first I wondered why it takes a tragedy such as a diagnosis of cancer to put into perspective what is really important. Obviously, for this man and for most of us, our relationships and health are of most importance. We seem to forget what is really important during the course of everyday living.

Next, I saw myself in this man. I too get frustrated and angry over small, unimportant, and irritating things in my relationships. I too have created sadness and disappointment in the hearts of those I love, because of my impatience. Without realizing it, I too have made insignificant things more important than the people I love and who love me.

It was really a eureka experience for me and I hope it can be for you. Think about you, your relationships and health. There are a lot of small irritating things that occur in our relationships. There are many, small irritating things that are necessary to do maintain good health.

Are you willing to put your life into perspective and say the “Little Irritating Things Aren’t That Important”.


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