Two (almost three) months into the New Year and many of my resolutions have already been broken. Most of them due to time and the lack of motivation. But one very important resolution, loosing my "baby pooch", is revived thanks to two sisters who created Flirty Girl Fitness.
Flirty Girl Fitness was created in 2005 by two sisters, Kerry and Krista Knee. After being unable to find a sexy workout class outside of LA. Kerry took it upon herself to master the moves. Before long Krista had masterminded the spins and techniques involved. The rest was history.
I was so excited when the DVDs arrived at my house. I put Princess P in her jumperoo and popped one in. The first up was Booty Beat.
Booty Beat is basically steps taken from music videos and incorporated with aerobic exercises. Each count was simple to master and very well explained. But I have to tell you, I was out of breath before I knew it. My thighs were on fire and I was definitely sweating! But all in a very "I can feel it working" kind of way. At the end all the steps you learned are put together into a dance. While I am sure I didn't look like the girls on t.v. I had fun doing it. Then came the stretching. Can I just say that it kicked my butt! The "cat-crawl" push-ups while they looked simple and sexy on t.v., they hurt! (But in a good way.) Overall, I really enjoyed this DVD and I am ranking it my second favorite.
Next, I was onto the Just Teasing routine. While this was a very sexy routine I got lost in the counts and had to keep rewinding it. I got lost several times and Princess P kept laughing. (You know you have to look pretty silly for your 8 month old to laugh at you!) I am sure that if I work on this routine everyday it would be really sexy and I would get a great workout. But just doing it the first couple of times I didn't feel like a got a good workout.
The next DVD in the Teaser Collection I tried was the Chair Dance. I really like this routine. Although just throwing a warning out there, don't use a fold up chair! Once again the moves where broken do into simple counts and were fairly easy to master. Due to my lack of coordination though, it might take me a couple of run-throughs to master it. But when I do, C better watch out!
After Chair Dance it was onto Chair Fit. This was an excellent DVD. It turns your chair literally into a workout bench. I love the fact that it had the exercises with and without the weights. I was even able to do some of the harder moves. I definitely felt my muscles burning in this one! Thank goodness for the wonderful cool down. Overall, Chair Fit was a little on the long side (or I am just that out of shape) but it was a great workout.
Last, but certainly not least was Abs & Booty. I have to admit I was looking forward to this one the most. Unfortunately C was off while I was doing this DVD so I got his critiquing the whole time. This one kicked my butt (literally) the most out of all the DVDs I tried. The moves tended to be a bit hard at times. But thanks to Winnie (one of the girls on the DVD) and her "less advanced" moves I made it through. I could definitely feel the burn in my abs, glutes, and thighs. (All the places I needed to work on!) I even got C in on some of the action! I was tired of hearing his " Stop being a wimp. That looks so easy." attitude. His tune changed after some of the "booty" exercises. The stretching at the end felt wonderful! C even found a stretch that he can't wait to show the boys at PT. (Of course he will never tell them where he learned it from.) Judging from the way my abs felt the next day if I continue with this workout my "baby pooch" will definitely be gone!
I enjoyed everyone of these DVDs. And I would definitely recommend them to anyone who is looking to get in shape or even just learn some sexy moves. The thing I want to conquer next... the pole dancing kit!

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Monday, 23 March 2009
Flirty Girl Fitness Review

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