Huh? I didn't know we all had a choice on where we can lose fat? That's just like saying, "hey, I want fast fat loss from just my left thigh, and then of course you'll end up looking like a circus freak...
I hated my stomach and my love handles. So what was I to do? Start doing crunches and sit-ups to get rid of the fat around that area (which by the way does not burn off belly fat...crunches and sit-ups only tone the muscles UNDER your belly fat)? No. If I wanted to have fast fat loss around my stomach and love handle areas, I needed to focus on losing TOTAL body fat.
Spot targeting fat loss is pointless and just does not work....and will end up causing you to possibly get frustrated enough to quit this whole healthy lifestyle thing.
You see these commercials out here advertising these machines and such promising that you can have fast fat loss from some specific area of your body. My friend, you have been misinformed. You can't use those machines and expect fat loss from specific areas of your body. However, you can expect those machines to TONE THE MUSCLES around specific areas AFTER you have gotten rid of the fat over those areas.
I hope this is not making you frustrated, because this is actually a GOOD thing. You want fat loss from your arms? What about your thighs or butt? What about the infamous belly? How about ALL those spots? When you diet and exercise to lose lose fat from ALL those areas! What's wrong with that?
So, how do you lose fat from all of those areas? I have a ton of posts that will help you with that question, but here is a quick summary of what you'll need to do:
1. Eat right
2. Sleep
3. Drink plenty of water
4. Cardio and weight training exercise - you could also try out high intensity interval training - which is cardio and weight training combined...which will burn fat off at an accelerated rate.
It's not rocket science....that's the bare bottom basics of a healthy lifestyle. Following those principles above will have you lose total body fat, lose weight, tone your muscles, and improve your overall health.
So, remember, if you want fast fat loss, place your focus on getting rid of total body fat and not just one specific area of your body. Not only will you look and feel better, you will have also protected your sanity!

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Thursday, 26 March 2009
I Want Fast Fat Loss Here...Here...And There??

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