As many times as I have mentioned proper nutrition through this blog, you would think I should change the name of it to propernutritionblog.proper.nutrition.com! lol
But, there is a reason I mention proper nutrition so much....
Without eating correctly, results will be minimal to non-existent with weight loss, fat loss, and toning your muscles.
Now, one of the things most folks will do when they start on a is count calories. That is what leads me to the point of today's post:
Is it better to count calories or control the portions of foods you eat through out the day? The question is, is which way will help boost your metabolism so you can flatten your tummy and tone your muscles? I know that's a rhetorical question...but anyway.....
In my own experiences, it is better to focus more on controlling the portions of foods you eat through out the day.
If you eat small healthy meals through out the day, it will cause a boost in your metabolism. The more stronger your metabolism is running, the more calories you will burn, and the quicker you can flatten your tummy. The other obvious benefit of simply just eating smaller portions of foods opposed to counting calories is that it is much more simpler to do.
Here is a great quote I found on bodybuilding.com by Stuart Schaefer: "Six meals might seem like a lot, but consider this: Your metabolism is similar to a fire. If all the firewood is placed on the fire at one time, there's a huge flame, but the fire burns out relatively quickly. HOWEVER, by continually feeding the fire with smaller amounts of firewood, a large flame is sustained for a prolonged period of time. By eating six meals a day, you continually fuel your metabolism, which does three things:"
Those three things would be:
1. Controls hunger and prevents binge eating
2. Helps your body burn more calories
3. Get more energy through out the day
Now, you still must know the amount of calories you are getting per day because how effective or ineffective your metabolism is working is also based off of the amount of calories you are or are not receiving daily. It's simple, if you go too far under the amount of calories your body needs daily based off of your current weight....your metabolism will slow down (it's sensing starvation and will begin to store calories as a way of 'protecting' you). If you eat the amount of calories your body needs daily, and you eat those calories in small meal portions through out the day, you will boost your metabolism.
I recommend for you to know what meals (keep the list of foods you eat short) you are going to eat on a daily basis and know the calories of those foods before hand. I talked more about how to make eating healthy foods easier by cutting out diversification
The energy you get from eating more frequently was the first thing I noticed. I wake up in the morning feeling more energized and I go through the day not feeling sluggish like I used to.
You know how stubborn that tummy fat is, so, to flatten your tummy quicker and get rid of total body fat, I recommend for you to eat 6 small healthy portioned meals through out the day to help fire up your metabolism for faster fat loss.
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