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Monday 16 February 2009

15 Mental Fitness Resolutions for 2009

New Year’s Eve and the dawning of the new year has become the time for renewing our lives. We resolve to set goals to improve specific areas of deficiencies in our lives. The obese person resolves to lose weight. A smoker resolves to stop smoking. A violent person resolves to stop being violent. The number of specific problems and resolutions are innumerable.

Today, I’m going to provide a list of resolutions for making people stronger in all aspects of their lives. The purpose of the mental fitness resolutions is not to solve specific problems, although this list could be used for that purpose.

The purpose of the mental fitness resolutions is to improve the quality of our lives on a daily basis. The purpose is to become more mentally fit to cope with problems, to iimprove relationships or to achieve goals. Another purpose is to learn to take care of ourselves on a daily basis by making the best decisions so we will feel happiness, peace of mind, freedom and control over our lives.


1. When I went freedom from the way things are in my life, I will do things differently.

2. When I want to have a centered life, I will ask myself what is the best way to take care of me now.

3. I will maintain focused on taking care of myself in difficult situations.

4. I will act to take care of myself in order to reach my goals.

5. I will focus in on my successes in life and feel good about my successes even when life is not going well.

6. I will accept the frustrations necessary to take care of me.

7. I will live in the present and one day at a time.

8. I will accept my self-defeating behaviors and freely choose to no longer engage in self-defeating behavior.

9. I will check my lifestyle to ensure that I am on target for reaching my immediate and long-range goals.

10. I will learn to change my problems in life by changing my thinking about my problems.

11. I will interpret my problems in my life as signals for me to make changes in my thinking and behavior.

12. When I have conflicts in relationships, I will express my values in my relationships rather than painful emotions.

13. I will make sure that I have a balance between work and play in my life.

14. I will accept my weaknesses, shortcomings and problems as part of me, without feeling I have a poor self-concept.

15. I will never doubt the powerfulness of my choice making in changing my feelings, thoughts, behavior, relationships, activities, health, and external circumstances.

I hope that some of these resolutions will resonate with you and you can have more power over your life in 2009.


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