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Monday 16 February 2009

The Mental Fitness Solution For Emotional Overeating

Healthabits had a very insightful post

When you stop and think about it, emotional overeating can prevent any diet from working successfully.

If emotional overeating was not a factor, do you think that any or all diets could work for you?

Is it likely that all diets will fail for you, if your emotional overeating is not controlled or neutralized?

Your success determining question then becomes, how can you control emotional overeating!

When we fail to lose weight, shouldn’t our goal be to reduce emotional overeating rather than trying to find the latest fad diet?

From a mental fitness perspective there are numerous ways to neutralize, prevent and stop emotional overeating. In this post I will only deal with one important insight.

The goal is to change emotions that lead to emotional overeating. It does not matter what the emotion is that leads to emotional overeating. If an emotion is associated with emotional overeating it must be changed!

How do you change emotions? How do you change emotions that operate outside of your conscious awareness, but you know are leading to emotional overeating?

It might be a lot easier to change these emotions than you might imagine. Here’s how to do it. First of all it is important to remember that emotions are created by thoughts. Thinking creates feelings. Thinking about our lives and food creates our feelings and emotional overeating.

If you want to change your feelings and reduce emotional overeating, then change your thoughts. Consciously think in a way to create feelings that will result in emotional satisfaction. Then think the new thought repetitively. Repetitive thinking of the new thought not only will change our feelings, but also will program our brain.

The goal is to repetitively think in a way that provide emotional satisfaction of our wants and needs rather than deprivation.

Emotional overeating is the product of deprivation thinking. We are think and feel deprived of love, happiness or something in our lives, so we indulge in eating and gain weight.

Emotional overeating is often the product of rewards thinking. We think and feel successful, so we reward ourselves by overeating or eating whatever we deserve. Over-eating to reward ourselves is a delusional reward. In reality, gaining weight is not a reward; it is a punishment and burden.

The bottom line is to think to change our feelings. The goal is to repetitively change your thinking in order to change your feelings and achieve your desirable weight.


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