I don't want to sound like a psychologist here, but let's take a look into it....
What's the number one reason most people take diet pills? To speed up the process of weight loss and fat loss, right? Well, the problem of losing motivation is going to become very prominent in folks who are overweight and have a lot of fat to lose since those are the folks who typically need a lot of motivation to stick with a diet and fitness program. Why is it going to become a problem? Because diet pills are looked at as "shortcuts" and a lazy way to reach goals. Because of this, the diet pill taker associates reaching their weight loss and fat loss goals with diet pills.....instead of the ACTUAL PROVEN way, which is proper diet and exercise.
This is where there will be negative effect on your motivation. Let's say your doctor says you can't take these pills anymore, or you start to get serious side effects, or you can no longer afford them, etc.......what now? Since you have already associated diet pills as being THE way for you to burn fat and lose weight, chances are you are going to give up and slip back into a poor lifestyle.
I'm proof that this can happen. When I first started, the first thing on my shopping list before healthy foods and a gym membership was diet pills! Once I started noticing side effects, getting warnings from my doctor, and my wallet becoming much more thin, I stopped taking those pills. I quickly noticed a decrease in motivation.....and a increase in my weight (I'll explain more about that later) to continue with my goals.
You see the ads all the time of popular bodybuilders, and the "before and after" photos of average people like you and me who "supposedly" took these diet pills and got fast fat loss and weight loss in a certain amount of time. The thing most people fail to notice is the fine print, which reads that firstly, "results are not typical", and secondly, "you have to follow a solid diet and fitness plan" along with taking pills. That alone should be enough to raise your eyebrow in concern that maybe you should avoid these things and stick to proper dieting and fitness.....alone.
Always remember that the primary thing diet pills do is reduce water weight.....which you'll ultimately regain once you stop taking pills and drinking more water!
Guys, just do what works.....proper nutrition, drink plenty of water, get plenty of sleep, and exercise. If you take anything, I would recommend supplements such as a multivitamin, fish oil, protein, etc.
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