Listen, I'm not going to lie to you, when I first started on my health and weight loss journey, I was one of the one's out there buying up any and all of the fad diet pills that were so heavily advertised. Want to know what the outcome was? I lost weight...but gained it all back plus some, I had some heart complications (not life threatening, but enough to seek help with), and I had mood changes (my wife can vouch for that one).
If you are considering or are currently taking diet pills, please read the following 5 reasons why you should avoid diet pills:
1. Uhm, they really don't do that much?!: Why take something that can cause health problems and doesn't even really have that great of an effect on the bottom line...weight loss? All diet pills do is slightly speed up the NATURAL ways of losing weight. Think about it like this: If you simply exercise for an additional 20 minutes a day and made sure you kept a smart and nutritional diet...consistently, you will surpass the amount of weight loss and burned off fat you would have received from taking diet pills.
2. Pricey: The average price of diet pills are $30-$80 and more! It gets worst: This is just for a 2 week-1 month supply!
3. Diet pills can cause yo-yo dieting: Once you stop taking diet pills, in most cases, you will regain the weight back...and sometimes more.
4. Potential danger to your health:
From something-fishy.org - Diet pills, both over-the-counter and prescription, (as recommended, continuously, or in excess) can cause the following: nervousness, restlessness, insomnia, high blood pressure, fatigue and hyperactivity, heart arrhythmias and palpitations, congestive heart failure or heart attack, stroke, headaches, dry mouth, vomitting and diarrhea or constipation, intestinal disturbances, tightness in chest, tingling in extremities, excessive persperation, dizziness, disruption in mentrual cycle, change in sex drive, hair loss, blurred vision, fever and urinary tract problems. Overdoses can cause tremors, confusion, hallucinations, shallow breathing, renal failure, heart attack and convulsions.
5. You could get addicted: From pedagonet.com -
Diet pills are another source for prescription drug abuse that can start out with no intention of becoming addicted by the user. People who become addicted to diet pills may feel a psychological need to continue once they reach their desired weight, due to the fear of becoming overweight once again. They may also find that when they stop taking the pills, they feel tired and lethargic, due to the fact that diet pills are amphetamines (uppers). They may seek out the peppiness that now seems to be missing from their lives, and possibly causing them to be late for work, or to act sluggishly once they arrive. This can lead to perpetual use, in this case abuse, by the patient in question.
The bottom line? Go natural! You will feel a much more greater sense of accomplishment, your body will be healthier, plus you WILL burn fat and lose weight....but even more importantly - KEEP IT OFF!
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