Okay, now, onto today's post. Today I had wanted to talk about one of the most sought after goals of anyone starting on a diet and exercise program.....GETTING THOSE SIX PACK ABS!!
Now, there is one common misconception when it comes to getting six pack abs/flat tummy. That misconception is that ab exercises are the answer. Nope!
You know what ab exercises do? They build the muscles UNDER your belly fat. If you consistently and strictly focus on just doing ab exercises without putting your primary focus on proper nutrition, those ab muscles you are building are now pushing your stubborn stomach fat out further!
So, with that said, you can probably already see where I'm going with this.....yup.....that's right.....you have to place your focus on LOSING BELLY FAT FIRST.
Guys, it's simple. In order to lose stubborn belly fat...and total body fat for that matter, it comes down to this:
1. Reduce stress: Stress causes a release of cortisol which is then stored primarily as belly fat.
2. Exercise: You have to do both cardiovascular and weight training exercises. If you have a lot of body fat to lose, I recommend that you increase the intensity of your workouts. If you need help with a good workout plan, I recommend for you to check out the program. The "TT" program is designed for anyone to achieve excellent physical fitness levels....and burn belly fat....even in the comfort of home.
3. Consistency: No matter what, if you are not 100% consistent with your efforts to burn fat and lose weight, you will see little to no results. What does consistency mean? That means when you BEGIN on a diet....no cheat days! That means that the whole "1 cheeseburger isn't going to hurt" attitudes just isn't going to work. That means the "I exercised enough.....even though it was only two days for the whole week" just isn't going to work. In order to lose STUBBORN fat, you have to stay consistent.
Now, with that said, in order to get six pack abs, those three things are pointless unless you implement the #1 rule of health and weight loss: nutrition!!
As the title states: "Six Pack Abs Are Built In The Kitchen". Proper nutrition is the backbone of any successful plan to build six pack abs, lose weight, and burn fat. Getting proper nutrition consists of:
1. What you eat: Protein, fiber, healthy fats such as fish and nuts, and foods rich in vitamins and minerals.
2. How much: Obviously, eating in excess of your predetermined daily calorie intake will not provide fat loss and weight loss, it will in turn provide weight gain or keep you steady at your current weight. If you need to find out how much calories you should get daily, use the at the bottom of the page.
What you want to do is focus more on BURNING off calories....not reducing them. Significantly reducing calories can cause your metabolism to slow down. A slow metabolism senses starvation and will store calories as fat....as a way of 'protecting' you. Listen, if you are having difficulties with proper nutrition and you need a customized nutritional plan based off your body type, I recommend for you to try this
So, if you want to get rid of belly fat, remember that six pack abs are built in the kitchen....FIRST, and that nothing will work unless you are 100% consistent.
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