Bodyweight exercises are an excellent way to intensify your workout sessions for maximum fat and weight loss. Long boring cardio just isn't going to cut it for maximum fat loss. Sure, it's great for those that are already in shape, but if you got some jiggly wiggly going on, you are going to have to up the tempo on your workouts to produce maximum results.
Bodyweight exercises done in high intensity intervals will melt fat away, boost your metabolism, and it doesn't cost a ton of money....if any....to get results with it.
Check out this e-mail I got from Craig Ballantyne of that talks about the effectiveness of body weight exercises:
I also received a great question yesterday...To learn more about body weight exercises, visit Craig's website, and find out everything you need to now about bodyweight exercising, proper nutrition, and how to successfully drop excess pounds fast.
Q: "How to I set up bodyweight cardio circuits?"
My Answer:
When putting together a BW circuit, I like to go in this order:
1) A fast, dynamic bodyweight exercise (jumping jacks or running in place)
2) A bodyweight squat (total body warmup) - Prisoner Squat or Y-Squat
3) An easy pushup (regular or close grip, kneeling if you are a beginner)
4) A single-leg exercise (such as a walking lunge with a pause at bottom to stretch psoas and rectus femoris - aka "hip flexors")
5) An upper back exercise (pullups, inverted rows, or resistance band rows if you don't have a bar; or stickups if you have nothing at all)
6) Another single-leg exercise
7) A total body ab exercise (x-body mountain climbers are great)
8] Another total body, fast paced exercise (burpees, jump rope, jumping jacks, sprints, running in place, etc).
Do this as 1 giant circuit. No rest between exercises. Rest 1 minute at the end of the circuit and go through this 1-3 more times depending on your fitness level.
BEGINNERS should only go through this once, and at an easy pace AND with REST between exercises. Be CONSERVATIVE anytime you start a new program.
So have a great time with these fun bodyweight cardio workouts...
Then say goodbye to long, slow, boring, monotonous cardio forever,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training
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