In this article, I would like to talk to you about how you can quickly boost your metabolism so that you can lose belly fat, burn total body fat and lose weight more efficiently and effectively.
The #1 cause to obesity and weight gain is due to a low metabolic rate. Your BMR (basal metabolic rate) is the rate your body will burn calories to function normal. If your BMR is too low, over time your metabolism will burn less calories and then store fat.
Your body needs a certain amount of calories daily in order to function properly. If it does not get that certain amount of calories, this will slow down your metabolism. This is why it is so important that you understand that in order to lose belly fat and lose weight, you must eat the correct amount of calories daily based off of your body weight.
Obviously make sure the calories are coming from healthy foods such as fiber, protein, fruits, veggies, complex carbs, healthy fats, etc.
If you are not getting a sufficient amount of calories daily, your body will make you pay! How? By storing calories in order to protect you....which will then turn to fat. This explains how you could end up re-gaining weight you may have lost, gain even more weight, or don't lose weight at all. You must provide your body with plenty of fuel (food + water) daily in order to function properly, and boost your metabolism to lose belly fat and total body fat efficiently.
"Okay. So, you are saying that I should eat the amount of calories my body weight needs?"
"But I thought that you should reduce the amount of calories you eat in a day in order to lose belly fat and weight?"
As I've stated above you must consume the amount of calories you need based on your body weight so that you can keep your metabolism running properly. The way you lose belly fat and lose weight is by consuming healthy calories and burning off calories through weight training and cardio exercises....not by eating less.
Also, focus more on weight training exercising. I hear and see so many people focus on cardio exercising to burn fat with no attention to building lean muscle. Building lean muscle burns more fat than cardio alone......even while you sleep!!!!! I'm not saying you have to get out to the gym and start pumping yourself up to a bodybuilder physique. You just need to make sure you include an effective weight training routine into your daily workout based off of your current fitness level.
One last tip. Never skip meals and eat more frequently! And do not, I repeat, do not, skip breakfast! This is a surefire way to slow down your metabolism. I recommend for you to eat at least 6 small meals through out the day. This will also help you boost your metabolism to lose belly fat, and total body fat a lot faster.
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