1. Are you drinking plenty of water daily? 1/2 gallon to 1 gallon or more (especially since you're exercising, and if it's during the summer months).
2. Are you getting 7-8 hours of sleep every night?
3. Are you eating breakfast everyday (Skipping breakfast is a surefire way to slow down your metabolism. A slow metabolism equals your body automatically storing fat. Also, skipping breakfast will cause you to binge eat through out the day.)?
4. Are you eating the following daily?
- Complex carbs (Wholegrains)
- Fruits (But not too much...since half of the sugar in fruits are metabolized by the liver, and the other half is stored as fat. You still need to eat your fruits....just don't overdo it.)
- Veggies
- Fats (Yes, you still have to eat fats! I'm not talking saturated and trans here, I'm talking monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and Omega 3 fatty acids. Good fats have a huge impact on fat loss and your overall health.)
- Protein
6. Are you doing both cardio AND weight training exercise?
7. Are you doing long low intensity cardio (which is ineffective for those looking to lose fat) or the recommended short high intensity cardio?
8. Do you consume some form of protein after your workouts? (This will help with muscle recovery. Properly recovered muscles will grow. And having lean muscle = fat loss.)
9. Did you get caught up in to all of that "fad diet" nonsense? Low carb diets do not work. Low fat diets do not work. Period.
10. Are you eating the appropriate amount of calories your body needs daily? Most people think that they should dramatically reduce the amount of calories they eat and then...BOOM...there goes the fat and excess pounds! That is far from the truth. Dramatically reducing the amount of calories your body needs based off of your current weight will cause your metabolism to slow down...and store fat. You have to eat (of course healthy foods) the amount of calories your body needs for your current weight, and as you lose weight, THEN reduce the calories accordingly. How do you lose weight and fat this way? Buy burning off calories by way of exercise and following all of the other principles above.
11. And finally, are you staying consistent? Without consistency, what's the point? You can't expect to lose pounds and get rid of fat if you are not 100% consistent with this thing called a healthy lifestyle.
Losing weight and getting in shape is made to be seemed almost impossible when you keep on coming across the wide array of different health "studies" and crazy diet fads out here nowadays. And the funny thing is, all it takes is following the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle, and more importantly, STAY CONSISTENT. Why do people have to make this so difficult? Look, I understand that it requires willpower to first of all start, and then to continue on a healthy lifestyle. That's the only hard part. Once you start...AND STAY CONSISTENT, it's almost a guarantee you'll meet your goals
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