1. Eat right - Simple
2. Get a smart diet plan - Simple (just avoid fad diets!!)
3. Exercise - NOT SO SIMPLE!
In this post here, I would like to talk to you about why you shouldn't waste time with exercising if you want to burn fat faster.
It really boils down to these key points:
1. Gym memberships are expensive.
2. Injury can happen from exercising.
3. Sore joints can happen from exercising.
4. You may have a busy life and it can be difficult to fit in exercising, rather it be at home or at a gym.
5. You could get so frustrated from not seeing results to the point where you'll just quit dieting all together!
Now, from reading the above, you're probably thinking I'm leading toward some 'miracle' solution to burn fat faster WITHOUT exercising......if you've been following my blog, you should know for a fact that is not the case!
YES, you still have to exercise if you want to burn fat. The point of this post is to help you understand that you can not waste your time exercising.....BY DOING IT THE WRONG WAY!
Those 5 points I mentioned above are the key reasons why you must avoid wasting your time exercising unless you know what it is you're doing.....BEFORE you start!
You can't just wake up one day and say "hey, I want to burn my fat faster and lose this weight, so I'm going to go jogging for 5 miles and do a 100 push ups every day"! Guess what? You'll be limping your way right into the physical therapy office with 50 gazillion things wrong with you since you just jumped right into exercising without first planning! Then you'll get frustrated since after you've done all of that.....you're not seeing results!
There are important factors you have to understand in order for exercises to be beneficial and help you burn fat faster. The most important is knowing what exercises work best for your body type, your age, your current weight, your weight loss goals, your fitness goals, etc.
Besides that, there are other things such as making sure you stretch properly (you'll be surprised with how many different types of stretches there are, and how effective stretching can be to maximize your exercising efforts), and more.
Before you begin on a diet and weight loss program, firstly understand that you are going to have to exercise if you want results....period, and secondly, make sure you learn as much as you can about exercising and what will work for YOU. If you need a program that can help you with creating the perfect for YOU (not just anyone), then check out this site
As I already said above, gym memberships are expensive, but more importantly, your body is priceless! Protect your body, and don't spend a fortune at the gym without having a good sense of what it is you're going to be doing before you step foot in the gym, or start an exercise routine at home.
If you follow this.....
- You'll burn fat faster.
- You'll lose weight faster.
- You're joints will love you!
- You'll get the most out of your gym membership or at home exercise plan.
- And last but definitely not least, you'll actually come to enjoy living a healthy lifestyle....which will then make it even more easier for you not to just burn fat and lose weight faster....but to keep it off....for LIFE!
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