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Thursday, 26 March 2009

Get Rid Of Fat Faster By Breaking Your Comfort Zone

Good day guys and gals!

Okay, today in this post I would like to talk to you about how you can get rid of fat and lose weight faster by breaking your "comfort zone".

With everything you do in life, rather it be a career, a business, sports, or in this case, trying to lose weight, success only comes when you get out of your comfort zone.

Let's face it, our bodies are lazy. It does not like to be challenged. When you ignore your body and do what it doesn't want you to or expects you to, fat loss, and weight loss are inevitable!

Fat is stubborn. In order to get rid of stubborn fat, you have to push your body and give it a reason to burn off that stubborn fat. Constantly cruising along on the treadmill expecting different results just isn't going to happen. Yes, doing simple workouts like that will work for those who are already in shape and are just trying to maintain their weight. However, if you have a lot of fat to lose, you have to break your comfort zone and get intense with not just your workouts, but even with nutrition. that will help you by creating a customized diet that is based around shifting the calories from the foods you eat to burn fat faster.

You'll be surprised by how dynamic your body actually is. Just when you think you've worked out hard enough, you are actually nowhere near the maximum potential of what your body is capable of. Push, push, push.....and you'll get rid of fat and stubborn pounds much more quicker!

Now, please understand me here. Yes, you have to work harder and break your comfort zone in order to lose fat faster, HOWEVER, please do not train until the point of exhaustion.....that's not working hard.....that's working yourself into a hospital bed or physical therapist office!!!

To give you an example of what I mean when I say work harder, but not to the point of exhaustion, would be:

1. Instead of regular walking on the treadmill, increase the incline and the speed a little.
2. Do a couple of extra repetitions when weight training.
3. Jog, sprint, or run a little further or longer each time.

By doing this, you are breaking your comfort zone (pushing your body and mind), and you will notice a tremendous difference at the rate of speed in which you'll be burning off fat and losing weight. Also, you will feel great about yourself and get more motivated since you are realizing that you actually have a lot more capabilities than you ever thought you had.

**As always, please make sure you consult a physician before beginning any type of workout or nutritional regimen.**


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