With health and weight loss, there are a few components that will equal success. The way you'll receive weight loss, muscle gain, and improved health is by making sure all those componenets stay linked together. If that link is broken, results will be minimal to none.
The Link Of Weight Loss
1. Nutrition - It always starts here. Proper nutrition consists of getting plenty of protein daily (I recommend for you to get some form of protein with every meal), fiber, healthy fats (Omega Fatty Acids, monounsaturated), and foods rich in vitamins and minerals. Also, proper nutrition consists of getting the correct amount of calories your body needs daily. If you reduce calories too much, your body will begin to store calories as fat since it is sensing starvation. If proper nutrition is your weakness
2. Water - A body that consistently receives a lack of water daily is a body doomed for many health problems for the present and for the future. Our bodies are primarily made up of water, therefore it needs plenty of water (1/2 to 1 gallon +) every day to have it function properly.
3. Exercise - Exercise consists of doing both cardiovascular exercises and weight training exercises. Doing just aerobics or just lifting weights is ineffective for those looking to burn off fat and lose weight. Each type of exercise has it's on benefits and both are very important. You need cardio for heart health, to improve blood flow to your muscles and the rest of your body, to improve lung capacity, and more. You need weight training since building lean muscle will melt fat away in no time!
4. Sleep - Our bodies need plenty of rest nightly. It's ideal for you to get 7-8 hours of sleep every night.
5. Consistency - Staying 100% consistent with a healthy lifestlye is a guarantee that you'll lose weight and burn fat effectively and quickly.
Now, why is all 5 links so important to stay linked together?
Well, if I were to answer that question, I would be going on and on with a "if you don't" ramble. For example: If you don't eat right, then your muscles will not develop properly and you will not burn fat. If you don't get enough sleep, your body will not be able to recover from weight training properly. If you don't drink enough water, you will retain water and therefore will not lose weight. If you don't stay consistent with it all, simply put, you won't get results. You get the point.
The bottom line is that all 5 links must stay linked together if you want to truly lose weight and burn fat. This is the main reason why fad diets don't work.....some way, some how those types of diets break the link.
Keep the link of health and weight loss together and you'll achieve a better body in not time!
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