Although building lean muscle is important for fat loss, what you do after your workouts is just as important if you want to successfully burn off fat.
When you first start on a diet and fitness program, one of the most important things you must first understand is to be careful and not over work your body, which is also better known as overtraining.
Overtraining can cause a myriad of problems: Injury, stress on your joints, and a lack of muscle development just to name a few.
Did you know that your muscles do not grow through actual weight training, but through the resting period? That is why it is so important for you to rest your muscles for a good period of time following a weight training session so that you can allow them to grow and repair themselves.
If you are a beginner, I recommend that you workout your upper body twice per week and your lower body twice per week, and then spread these exercises out between a few days. For example, on Monday you do lower body, on Tuesday you do upper body, on Wednesday you do cardio only, on Thursday you do lower body, and on Friday you do upper body. This way you keep a good span of time between your workouts and can avoid over-training.
No sufficient recovery time may mean an insufficient development of your muscle tissue. One way to tell if you are over-training, is that you will not be able to lift the same amount of weight you did in your previous work out session due to a lack of development with your muscles causing a lack of strength. This is an indicator that your muscle tissue did not repair and develop properly.
Remember, too much weight training will equal poor muscle development, and not having properly developed lean muscle may equal a reduction in your muscles ability to burn off calories for fat loss.
One last point I would like to make in reference to resting your muscles and allowing them to repair and grow is to make sure you are also getting an adequate amount of protein daily. Protein is essential in building and repairing muscle tissue. I recommend that you get some type of protein with all meals that you eat through out the day. Also, I recommend for you to have a protein shake before and after your workout.....even on a particular day you may just do cardio.
Take a look at program for men and women, which goes even deeper in detail about not just correctly building lean muscle, proper rest, and burning off fat, but with all of the other important aspects you need to know in order to successfully lose weight, burn fat, get a flat tummy/six pack abs, and build lean muscle. It's a VERY LOOONNNGGG e-book with a ton of information to absorb, but it's worth it for it's benefits on proper weight training to build lean muscle and burn off fat.
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