Currently, I workout at the gym. But, in all honesty, I would prefer to workout at home. There are a lot more advantages with working out at home versus the gym.
Let's just take a look at the negatives and positives of both, and then go from there, shall we...
The negatives of working out at the gym:
1. You need extra motivation to get up, and get out to the gym.
2. Feeling the pressure of having to have nice workout gear.
3. You can't get access to specific equipment because it's in use, broken, or someone is being rude chit-chatting by the machine they are using.
4. The monthly fee.
The positives of working out at the gym:
1. The variety of equipment available could make it easier and quicker to burn fat and build lean muscle.
2. It could be a motivating environment (seeing other people exercising, workout buddies, etc.)
3. It's a great way to develop self discipline given the fact that you are going to have to MAKE yourself get up and go to the gym x amount of times per week.
The negatives of working out at home:
1. It's more easier for you to get lazy and lose motivation.
2. Unless you're wealthy, you won't be able to have a large variety of equipment to help you burn fat and build lean muscle.
3. It could be costly upfront with getting exercise equipment (especially treadmills, etc.)
4. You may have a difficult time creating space for workout equipment.
5. Distractions. Kids, nagging spouse, phone ringing, people knocking on the door, and more.
The positives of working out at home:
1. You could workout in your underwear! lol
2. You'll find it more comfortable for you to do your exercises for a ton of reasons compared to being at the gym.
3. You will never have the excuse of not having enough time. You could just roll right out of bed and do a 30 minute workout and then get on with your day!
4. Can't afford equipment? Not enough space for equipment? No problem! You could easily just do body weight exercises which are just as effective as using workout equipment! Push ups, squats, ab crunches, leg raises, and so much more. To take your body weight exercises even further and produce faster results, take a look at This is an excellent program that will help you burn fat and build lean muscle with body weight exercises.
So, who wins the battle of working out at home versus the gym? Well, for me, I would say working out at home is the winner. I'm going to stick with my gym membership for now since I'm about to move soon. But, when I do move, I will definitely be working out at home for all the reasons mentioned above. From my experience of working out at the gym, the comfort aspect of working out at home is the most appealing to me.
Which do you prefer: Workout at home or at the gym? Also, do you have any other negatives or positives for either working out at the gym or at home you would like to share with everyone? Comment below....
Which do you prefer: Workout at home or at the gym? Also, do you have any other negatives or positives for either working out at the gym or at home you would like to share with everyone? Comment below....
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