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Monday 25 May 2009




17 percent of women and 6 percent of men have experienced the debilitating of a migraine.
Research shows that women who have migraines accompanied by their distinctive "aura" symptoms are at greater risk of having a stroke than those who don't get migraines.


Migraine headaches are caused by inflammation of the arteries surrounding the brain.
Other arteries inside the brain may spasm during an attack as well, temporarily cutting off circulation, thus increasing the odds of a stroke.


Abnormalities in the lining of arteries may also allow blood to clot more readily.
"And in rare cases, arteries leading to the brain may tear more easily," says Dr Gretchen Tietjen, a professor of neurology at the University of Toledro.
These tears can cause vessels to narrow and clots to form.
Extra oestrogen from oral contraceptives (especially in smokers) or hormone create a perfect storm for a stroke.


Low-dose aspirin has been shown to decrease stroke risk in women over 45 and may prevent migraines too.
Doctors can help you reduce the risks associated with abnormal arteries.
Maintaining healthyblood pressure is one way, but also ask your physician to order a routine blood test to determine whether you have markers for increased clotting .
If you do, discuss aspirin therapy, anticlotting medications, or alternatives to hormone therapy.

Challenge to change institutional mentality

Jennifer Foreshew | April 15, 2008

cio files | David Johnston

WHEN South Australian Health Department chief information officer David Johnston set out to deliver real and tangible e-health outcomes, he was told by many it could not be done.

David Johnston is overseeing a revolution in SA

Joining the SA Department of Health in 2003 from SA Water Corporation, where he was chief information officer, Johnston found the technology division chronically under-funded and "largely ineffectual".

"Years have been spent subsequently by many people preparing detailed strategies, sourcing funding, setting up governance structures and establishing project management capability to enable a major reform," Johnston says.

"Now the rubber is hitting the road, and that is immensely satisfying."

The SA Health Department currently has an integrated $375 million decade-long program that consists of 65 interrelated individual projects, costing between $250,000 and $70 million.

The electronic health records program aims to link all clinicians and patient information.


Establishing the technology base is one component, but building in the proper ongoing management and controls will be a challenge as we deal with over 27,000 staff."

At present, SA Health Department's ICT service has about 150 staff and an annual budget of about $40 million.

From July 1, all ICT functions across the health portfolio will be transferred to direct department control, increasing the staff to about 360 and the budget to about $110 million.

"The difference will be that the operational staff will be coming into ICT services, which means we can then start concentrating on consolidation of duplicated functions," Johnston says.

"For example, we have 17 help desks across health, so there are rather large efficiencies that we need to extract to reinvest in other areas such as information architecture and proactive network management."

The SA Health Department has 40 per cent of ICT staff in support roles, but Johnston expects this to drop to 15 per cent within five to six years. The staff who currently provide break-fix support services will be able to concentrate over time on much higher value-add activities to ensure the use of the ICT systems and infrastructure across health are maximised, he says.

Health upgrade gets poor diagnosis

Nick Miller

April 17, 2008

THE State Government is grappling with another multimillion-dollar computer fiasco, this time involving a major upgrade of health technology systems.

Weeks after a scathing report on the introduction of the myki public transport ticket system, Auditor-General Des Pearson has raised concerns about the progress of the $323 million HealthSMART project.

HealthSMART was announced in 2003 to overhaul mismatched technology running the state's health system and introduce new systems such as electronic prescriptions to improve patient care and combat fraud.

But Mr Pearson, in a report released yesterday, said the original targets were overambitious, it was already two years behind its intended 2007 completion date and likely to slip further.

The report also found the program was already $34.8 million over budget and would need an extra $61 million in running costs, although the Government and Health Department dispute the first figure.

The worst-performing part of HealthSMART was a $96 million "clinical systems" plan to computerise prescriptions and diagnostic services. The report found that of 10 agencies that could use the system, only four planned to do so, and none would likely meet the June 2009 deadline.

HealthSMART – A Pretty Bad Report Card.

The Victorian Auditor-General issued a report card on the Victorian HealthSMART project last week and it did not make great reading.

A sample of the reportage

Correspondents in Melbourne | April 16, 2008

A $320 million IT program to help streamline Victoria's health system is running late and over budget, a new report has found.

The auditor-general's report says the HealthSMART program will not be finalised as expected by June 2009. The 2009 target was reset from the initial projected completion date of June 2007.

However, the Department of Human Services (DHS) has not yet told the government of any need to revise the completion date, the report says.

HealthSMART is aimed at improving patient care, reducing the administrative burden on health care professionals and easing costs associated with IT in the public health system by standardising information systems.

The department has spent 57 per cent of the project's budget on just one-quarter of the planned installations, and delays in the project mean that it will have to be subsidised by an added $61 million of DHS funds.

Thursday 21 May 2009

Weight Loss-Diet Tips to quick result

To Lose weight you have to be focused around completing a small goal by staying motivated. You should complete many goals in a short period of time. But there is much more to it than eating well and exercising. Follow thisese tips and you are on your way to success.

Work vegetables into meals instead of just serving them as sides on a plate.Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. Start by focusing on getting the recommended 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Fruits and vegetables are packed with beneficial fibers, vitamins and antioxidants.As much as possible do not remove the skins of fruits and vegetables since most of the nutrients are concentrated under the skin. They are also low in calories and helps to keep your calorie count low. Purchase fresh foods and avoid processed and convenient foods such as fast food. You need to understand food claims and labels. A product labelled with a fat-free label on the packaging claim does not mean that it is low in calories. Similarly a product labelled as low-sugar or low-carb does not mean it is low in fat or calories.Packaged and convenient foods are often higher in sodium and fat content. You can easily lose weight by packing a home-cooked lunch to work instead of eating out.

Try eating protein at every meal.Getting enough protein helps preserve muscle mass and encourages fat burning while keeping you feeling full.Protein is also more satisfying than carbohydrates or fats, and thus may be the new secret weapon in weight control. So be sure to include healthy protein sources, like yogurt, cheese, nuts, or beans, at meals and snacksDiets higher in protein and moderate in carbs, along with a lifestyle of regular exercise, have an excellent potential to help weight loss.

Finding the time to get to the gym can be very difficult. Instead, focus on how great you feel, how much better you sleep and how much more energy you have when you exercise. Most authorities recommend 30 - 60 minutes of physical activity a day to stay healthy. Also try adding weight-bearing exercises at least 2 times a week. This will help burn some of the unwanted calories. Eight hours after waking up, our metabolism slows down that is why 30 minutes of exercise before dinner will increase the metabolism for about two to three hours. This produces an increase in burned fat even hours after the work out is over. Physical activity is good for you whether you are trying to lose weight or not, so keep it positive and build a lifelong habit.Although it may seem counterintuitive, don't use exercise either to punish yourself for eating or to "earn" the right to eat more. Once you've lost the weight, you need to keep it off.You need to pick a weight and vow to never get heavier than it again. It is normal for your body to fluctuate five to ten pounds. I recommend picking a weight that is ten pounds heavier than what you "normally" weigh and never weigh more than it again.

Drinking plenty of water or other calorie-free beverages everyday is obviously and broadly recommended.People sometimes confuse thirst with hunger. So you can end up eating extra calories when an ice-cold glass of water is really what you need. Drinking eight glasses of water per day helps you feel less hungry. On the days that I don't drink the water, I feel hungrier, earlier. A pint glass holds sixteen ounces so try drinking two pints of water in the morning and two in the afternoon.Even getting yourself warm water with just a squeeze of lemon juice before breakfast gets your metabolism going for the day. Drinking hot water instead of cold water in the morning can increase the speed of your metabolism and burn more calories.It also helps prevent constipation and is excellent for the skin. Juices, pop, cream & sugar in your coffee or tea all add up. In addition to providing hydration to your body, it will also help you feel full.

Eating small frequent meals help to balance your calorie intake throughout the day and also keeps your blood sugar level balanced. Skipping meals slicks the body into slowing down the metabolism, attempting to conserve calories during a period where limited fats and fuel are available.Hunger is your body's way of telling you that you need fuel, so when a craving doesn't come from hunger, eating will never satisfy it. Remember that eating increases the metabolism. Instead of eating 3 big meals, try to eat 5 - 6 smaller meals throughout the day or Complete three small meals and two snacks everyday instead of one or two huge meals.Keeping your portions reasonable will help you get more in touch with your feelings of hunger and fullness.Slowly eat and chew each bite during meals as this would decrease one's appetite.

Try not to diet on the weekends. Whenever you feel like eating, look for physical signs of hunger. You will see yourself tired, depressed, and unmotivated if you tried to continue your diet into the weekend. You may not find this necessary, especially in the first few weeks of a diet. However, as many weeks passed, the weekend will become a time for to celebrate your weekly successes and get yourself mentally prepared for another five days of dieting. It is simply a mental recharge.

Also rather than giving up what most diets say you should give up like soda, coffee, beer, caffeine, etc. just make healthier decisions. You wouldn't want to give anything up, so decide to make some changes instead. You can switch to diet soda, then a second switch to drinking black coffee. Cut out the sugar and creme, and you get the benefits of coffee without the calories. You can make your last major switch to healthy beer. You will be able to still enjoy a healthy social life while maintaining your diet.

Weight Loss Tips - Live a healthy lifestyle

Obesity is one of the biggest problems faced by millions of people in America. This has resulted in a big weight loss corporate industry in the country like Weight watchers, Jenny Carig and many others. Although there are good programs, I feel people can themselves do quite a bit to reduce their weight. The two major factors in weight loss are exercise and controlled diet. I have put together several points which will be useful to individuals looking to reduce their weight.

1. Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Most fruits are low in calories and make you full sooner. Not to mention the other vitamins and fibers they also contain.

2. Read those nutrition fact labels: It is a good idea to know how many calories you are consuming. Some foods combo's can be deceptive, for example if you are having a plate of salad topped with lot of high calorie dressing and a soda, they you have just had more calories then you might get from a combination of grilled chicken sandwich (with no cheese and dressing) plus diet soda. So be smart with what you eat. Prefer home cooked food as much as possible.

3. Eating smaller frequent meals will also help you cut down the total intake of calories compared to 3 big meals a day.

4. Give yourself a break: Being too restrictive can anyway demotivate you, so to give yourself regular breaks. But do not over-eat at the same time, be conservative and try to make up for it in other meals.

5. Drinks: Soda, juice, cream are all loaded with sugars which we usually do not account into out diet plan. Drink water instead.

6. Exercise: Do not always depend on your car for everything, walk wherever you can. Go hiking and those backpacks help to burn extra calories. Make friends who have a active lifestyle, join gym or get a treadmill in your home. Remember to increase your exercise in a progressive manner day by day instead of doing strenuous exercise from day one. Be practical on what your body can take and avoid overexertion.

7. Get motivation: Talk to people who have had success in weight loss and they will give you a lot of inspiration.

8. Get enough sleep, reduce stress and live happy.

9. Reward yourself when you reach your monthly weight loss milestones.

10. Never give up, even if you have failed a few times previously.

11. Eating slowly can lead to weight loss: Did you ever notice that thin people take an awfully long time to eat their food? Eating slowly is one method that can help take off pounds. That's because from the time you begin eating it takes the brain 20 minutes to start signaling feelings of fullness. Fast eaters often eat beyond their true level of fullness before the 20 minute signal has had a chance to set in. The amount of calories consumed before you begin to feel full can vary significantly depending on how quickly you eat. So slow down, take smaller bites and enjoy and savor every tasty morsel.

I am not an expert so it is advisable to consult your doctor before starting any weight loss effort and they will also tell you if you have any medical condition that may prevent you to follow these tips.

Which Are The Best Over The Counter Weight Loss Diet Pills?

So, you are thinking of buying an over the counter weight loss pill. Should you go ahead - and what should you keep in mind?

First of all, just because a doctor hasn't prescribed a diet aid, doesn't mean that it doesn't work. I have an opinion that doesn't make me very popular among medical circles:

Most (not all) doctors are "disease professionals" and not "health professionals." If you have a headache, they tell you to take a pill and get rid of the pain. But, when it comes to improving your fitness level and quality of life, most of them are really clueless. Just look how out-of-shape most doctors are.

Also, did you know that many doctors are actually *paid* by the drug companies in order to prescribe their products? That's right - with every prescription they sign "ca-ching" - they make more money. Yes, I know that they will never admit it to you but that's the reality (surprise, surprise). Don't even get me started on that stuff...

Anyway - here are the main types of OTC weight loss pills:

Appetite suppressants:

These curb your appetite so you eat less. It works well, if you have a larger than normal appetite and eat more than you really need. They will usually not work if the reasons of your over-eating are psychological (like anxiety, anger or depression). In those cases you may want to talk to a competent therapist. Probably the best-known appetite suppressant is Hoodia, which is a cactus that comes from the Kalahari desert. It basically tells your brain that "you are full" - so you don't over eat...


These cause "thermogenesis" which basically means "heat generation." They raise your metabolism and help your body burn more calories so you lose your extra weight over time. Some known thermogenics include Yerba mate, Guarana and Cayenne.

Fat Blockers:

These basically allow you to eat "fatty foods" but without ingesting all the fat in them. Basically, you take them with your meals that contain high amounts of fat. Then, these "fat binders" will absorb part of the fat and they will be eliminated by the body "the natural way" later. Two well known fat binders are chitosan and NeoPuntia.

There are also weight loss diet pills that combine several of the above ingredients in order to give you a more "well-rounded" approach to losing weight.

Here's what to look for, when "shopping around" for an over-the-counter diet pill:

- Is the product guaranteed? What if it doesn't work for you for any reason. Will you be able to get your money back? Look for companies that offer at least a 60-day money-back guarantee...

- What is the "general verdict" on it? What do previous customers say? On the internet, it's easy to search for reviews and comments about a company...

- Try to purchase from a company that gives you "value-added" services. Some companies offer discounts for bulk purchases, or they offer extra bonuses like weight-loss guides etc...

The top over the counter diet pills should pass all the tests above. If you keep these things in mind, you will find a weight loss pill that will work for you...

Achieve Weight Loss, Health and Vitality

When you think about all the toxins in our current environment it just makes sense that we would need to detox our bodies periodically. Once detoxed your body feels renewed, refreshed and cleansed or "decluttered" from the environment.

If you are ready to commit to your weight loss goals, a body detox can get you off to a great start. By starting your weight loss diet with a body detox you are preparing your mind and your body for what's ahead. You are "rinsing" away the toxins that cause you to crave foods making it easier to begin the committed actions toward weight loss.

Detoxing your body is a simple process. You can accomplish a complete body detox in only 12 simple steps. as a result you will feel energy and vitality at a level you had as a young adult or teenager.

If you are feeling fatigue much of the time, you are a candidate for detoxing your body regardless of whether you need to commit to weight loss. If you are in need of weight loss, it is natural you may also feel fatigue. When our bodies are out of shape and full to toxins, we can expect fatigue at the top of the list of all sorts of other health issues that can transpire.

Habits got you into the position of needing a weight loss diet and re-framing the habit can get you out of the same position. A complete body detox can begin the discipline needed to form the habit for effective weight loss and maintaining the weight loss once your weight loss diet has ended. At that time a good weight loss product could be used periodically when the weight may begin to creep back at various times.

Juanita Bellavance is an internet marketing mentor with a focus on passive income streams combining internet technologies with other business models. As health and weight loss are constant issues in life for many people, Juanita often mentors clients who need a breakthrough in these areas.

Best Way to Lose Weight - What is it?

There are several ways to lose weight but how to determine which one is the best among them is the big question. The best way to lose weight is to choose a program or a weight loss plan which suits one's body. Do you know that you would never lose weight unless you choose the best weight loss plan or program which suits your body. It is not necessary that is a certain weight loss program or a plan works on someone else than it would be the best way to lose weight for you also. Read on to discover the best ways to lose weight and how to achieve your weight loss goals.

Depends on your body- As mentioned above the best way to lose weight for you would be a plan which suits your body. For this it's best to consult a physical trainer or a consultant. You might work hard day and night but unless it's the weight loss plan which best suits your body you would never lose weight.

Change eating patterns- Diet has a lot to do when it comes to weight loss and achieve the desired weight loss goals. Small adjustments in diets can get you exceptional which would be the best way to lose weight for your body. Avoid processed foods as much as possible and try to add fiber into your daily diet. The best way to really lose weight would be to have small frequent meals a day than to stick to heavy occasional meals.

Stick to your plan- The best way to lose weight is to stick to whatever you are doing. One of the main reasons why many people never lose weight is simply due to the fact that they are not able to stick to a specific plan and give up too early. Some people tend to shift from one weight loss plan to another or a mixture of many thinking it's best to mix them up. This would not help you lose weight at all.

Are You Mentally Prepared For Weight Loss? Learn A Short Cut To Weight Loss!

When people think of losing weight the first thing they think about is exercise and starvation. However, realistically weight loss is over 90% mental!

For example: 5% of 24 hours = 12 minutes a day or 84 minutes a week. That is two active 30 minute days and one 24 minute day per week. Ten percent = 2 hours and 48 minutes per week. Over 90% mental! So, would it not make perfect sense to develop a weight loss program that is 90% mental?

I received a letter from a customer asking me if I supported a certain diet. My response was "the
only diet I support is the one you design yourself. After all who knows you better than you?" You
and only you will determine what you will and will not do.

You are what you think! The more you think about food, the more food you will consume. The more you think about fitness the more active you will become. The key to permanent weight loss is learning
how to control your thoughts. In order to control your thoughts you must first become aware of them
and understand why you think the things you do. Study your personal history! When did you start
gaining weight? As an infant, teen, adult, etc. Why? Your upbringing, habits, stress, emotions, etc...
Only after you become able to see and acknowledge your mistakes and understand why you made them, will you gain the power to change them.

Need a short cut to permanent weight loss? Learn to master your thoughts first and every thing else will be easy!

All Girl Weight Loss Camp - Why it's Better

Attending a weight loss camp may be embarrassing enough – and it can get even more uncomfortable if you have to attend it alongside boys. That’s why all girl weight loss camps are becoming more and more popular. All girl weight loss camps offer you effective weight loss programs designed with young women in mind. You are guaranteed to lose weight and gain even lifelong friends with other girls your own age. Here are just some reasons why enrolling in a all girl weight loss camp summer program may change your life.

Safe and supportive environment

A women’s weight loss camp allows you to work out and diet with young girls just like you in an environment that is extremely supportive and safe. You need not worry about unruly boys and young men playing tricks or teasing you. In an all girl weight loss camp, you can truly be yourself.

Group effort

Most all girl weight loss camps divide their programs into three categories – young girls (around 12 to 14 years of age), middle ‘camp’ (for girls 15 to 17 years old), and older ‘camp’ (for women 18 years old and up).

Lose the weight for good

Unlike most weight loss programs that help you lose weight only so you can gain it back several months later, good all girl weight loss camps teach you life skills that help you lose weight and keep it off – for good. Some of the best camps use cognitive behavioral therapies in group sessions, designed to take full advantage of your weight loss and imbibe lasting behavioral and lifestyle changes. Some of these therapies continue even after the camp ends – sometimes for as long as three months. Many all girl weight loss camps claim that their participants lose four pounds per week, or 16 pounds in a month.

Best Weight Loss Program - How Exactly Do You Decide Which Is The Best Weight Loss Program?

Losing weight is hard. But deciding which is the best weight loss program is even harder. The internet is a big place, and everywhere you turn there is a another sales pitch claiming that their fitness and diet plan is the best weight loss program.

It's literally a jungle out there, but how exactly do you decide which is the best weight loss program? Well, the best way to find the best weight loss program for you is to visit the websites of the different diets that you are considering buying and make a note of the different features of each diet and fitness plan.

The different diet plans online are all very different, and when deciding which is the best weight loss program it's a good ideas to first look at the different diet plans in some detail. Once you have a list of the advantages and disadvantages of each diet and fitness plan you can then analyze each one in turn.

To choose the best weight loss program for you it's a good idea to also make a list of the things that you look for in a diet plan. Do you like exercise? If so, write it down? Do you live a busy lifestyle and so don't have much time to spend at the gym? If you do then write that down too. Basically write down all the features that you look for when in a good weight loss program.

The next step towards deciding which is the best weight loss program is to compare your list of wants from a diet plan with your list of the features from the different weight loss programs. By comparing these two lists you should be able to decide which is the best weight loss program for you.

Remember, everyone wants different things from a weight loss program, so what one person might think is the best weight loss program, another person might think is the worst. You simply need to decide which is the best weight loss program for you and the stick to it. Do that and you might just realize that losing weight is not as difficult as you first thought.

Best Weight Loss Supplements

Weight loss supplements come in many forms including powders, tablets, capsules, liquids, and soft gels. These supplements need to worry about side effects. So I would recommend you start out weight loss supplements in naturally. This Natural process of losing weight is a healthy way. It does not involve the use of drugs. This process contains combination of healthy eating habits, regular exercise and a strong commitment.

The best weight loss supplements actually balance the required nutrients in the body. For losing weight you need have lot of fruit and vegetables in your diet. These supplements give you lots of vitamins and minerals which help in natural weight loss. If you eat the proper diet and exercise regularly, you will lose weight. However, you will lose weight much more rapidly if you take weight loss supplements.

A nutritious diet, taken at the proper meal times, is the very important point in natural weight loss techniques. A smart food substitute like this can do wonders for your weight loss and overall health. Anytime in your daily eating routine that you would usually eat pasta or fries or some other large carbohydrates, try eating baked or boiled potatoes instead. Heartily filling, such foods contain a whole lot less calories than most of the 'junk food' alternatives.

Aerobics is very helpful to burn your fat at a high rate by speeding up your metabolism, And this way gives you a tremendous boost in energy level as well as helps you lose weight, A regular workout is essential for permanent weight loss.

Exercise and Weight Loss - Beware the Natural Enemies of Your Weight Loss Program

The motor car and the television are the natural enemies of a natural weight loss program.

If you are on a weight loss diet and you use either of them too frequently, you are sabotaging yourself and not following the best weight loss regime.

By over-using your motor car, you are depriving yourself of valuable exercise that can easily be incorporated into your daily life. Why not walk to the nearby shops, or stroll to your meeting in the city, or climb up or down the stairs instead of taking the elevator?

Too many people regard exercise as being a tough work out in the gym, when research shows that you can get similar weight loss results just by accumulating about 30 minutes of reasonably brisk activity, like walking, everyday. You do not even have to do this 30 minutes consecutively, it can be in different sessions that total half an hour.

Sitting in front of the television for hours every day puts you in an inactive state. And, it usually means you are snacking on something that is more than likely to increase your weight than to reduce it. By watching tv you will be bombarded with messages encouraging you to eat mostly the wrong types of food, and to drink the wrong types of drink, if you are are seeking to lose weight. Being a couch potato means your metabolic rate will drop and you simply will not burn calories as much.

How much of your life are you wasting by vicariously watching other people being active on television? There is a saying that there are three types of people, those who make things happen, those who watch things happen and those who wonder what happened?

To lose weight you need to make things happen. Trade in your lazy television time for a walk with the dog, a stroll around the block, a walk though your local park.

Turn you mind to achieving natural weight loss by cranking up your activity level.

Another way to develop the right mental approach to losing weight is through hypnotism. You can book a session with a professional hypnotherapist for a weight management session, or you can even regularly listen to recordings of professional hypnosis sessions, a much more cost effective approach.

Hypnotism can help you become single minded about managing your weight and your lifestyle. It can adjust your core beliefs which are stored deep in your subconscious, by promoting positive healthy messages about diet and regular exercise.

Weight Loss Diet - Planning For Your Diet

Your is a huge part of your If you get your diet wrong, it may jeopardize your efforts, and your weight loss program may fail. To prevent failure, detailed planning for yourmay be required. A common approach looks something like this.

First, your should already have clearly defined goals. Put your goals down on paper, and boil everything down to numbers. The more ambitious your goals, the more effort that you will have to put in.

Once you know what your goals are, you can easily work out how you are going to achieve those goals. It's the numbers that matter now. Lose weight naturally by burning more calories. Continue to work hard and keep the pounds at bay. Always remember that.

Now is the time to get to know yourself better. Take note of all your favorite foods. Do whatever you can to find out the calories for each type of food on your list. Sum up the calories - that's the amount of calories you consume each day. Smaller meals tend to help the body to learn how to burn more fat naturally. For instance, it's better to take 6 small meals each day than 3 huge meals.

Green leafy vegetables will help detox the body and improve general health.

The most difficult task to overcome will be your Many want to lose weight successfully, but they don't know what a good weight loss diet looks like. Should they pursue a low Having no answers to such questions, they adopt a second grade weight loss diet.

Be patient and plan meticulously - think about all the elements in your weight loss diet plan. Go beyond calculating calories. That is just one part of the equation. Different people need different diets, and here's why.

Every single one of us live differently, and we expend different amounts of energy each day. As an example, some people do not exercise on a regular basis. Then there are those who exercise once in a while. Some exercise almost everyday. For sure, the energy requirements will be different. Therefore, the diet will be different.

What you want is to lose weight while consuming enough nutrients. Try to take in at least 2000 calories each day. So your diet plan cannot go way below this number. If you take less than that, your body may break down gradually. It's not a diet plan that's going to work in the long run.

Instead, it would be wise to plan based on your own daily needs. Don't drop your consumption rate too quickly. Lessen by 100 calories for a week, then move on to 200 calories and so on. Still, nothing beats a good workout to burn off all those unwanted calories. In other words, you burn off more calories.

Here is an interesting observation.

Like it or not, you still need to take some calories to keep energy levels up. Thus, it make sense to want to increase your metabolism rate.


Upscale Weight Loss Retreats

If you are overweight and also happen to have lots of time and money available to you, a very pleasant way to lose weight would be to vacation at a weight loss retreat.

Some of these resorts are exorbitantly pricey. You can pay more than $6,000 a week at the really posh ones. That would translate to a mere $2,000 for the average pound lost. But the offerings are an incredible treat. Often the resorts are set in a gorgeous natural setting. The food is light on calories but absolutely gourmet. And you can spend your day getting Tai massages, personal weight loss and fitness assessments, nutritional guidance, cooking classes and unlimited pampering.

But you don't have to be rich in order to consider a weight loss resort for your next vacation. Some can cost less than $100 per day. As well, a lot of fasting retreats have sprung up in the last few years and some of them are reasonably priced and very good value for your money. Spending a week at a place with professional personalized weight loss guidance can be a very good springboard toward further successful weight loss when you return home refreshed and motivated.

The Best Sources of Protein

A high protein diet is increasingly being recommended for fast weight loss. A friend of mine needs a hernia operation and he was told he had to lose almost 25 pounds in less than three months before the operation. A hernia operation is much less risky if there is less stomach fat. He has been placed on a high protein, low carb diet. It's not recommended for the long term, but as a fast way to lose the extra weight.

The Harvard School of Public Health has a great article abouThey say the best sources are fish, beans and chicken.

Calcium Rich Foods for Faster Weight Loss

Calcium is not just good for your bones. It's a real aid to faster weight loss. A recent found that obese people who increased their calcium intake from 600 to 1,200 milligram lost six times as much weight as the women who did not increase their intake.

The recommended daily amount of calcium for people under 50 is 1,000 milligrams per day. For older people over 50, it's 1,200 milligrams per day.

Most of us know that dairy products are high in calcium. But there are some vegetables which are even better per calorie and other nutrients they provide.

Some very calcium rich foods include;

- Spinach - 245 mg calcium per cup

- Collard greens - 226 mg per cup

- Yoghurt - 447 mg per cup

- Goats milk - 325 mg per cup

- Cows milk - 296 mg per cup

- Sesame seeds - 351 mg per one quarter cup

- Tofu - 100 mg per four ounces

How Celebrities Lose Weight

The Daily Beast site has a great slideshow and discussion about how 10 stars and celebritites went about losing weight. They include
Halle Berry, Gwyneth Paltrow, Julia Louis-dreyfus,, Mandy Moore Jennifer Love Hewitt, Nia Vardalos, and

See their before and after photos and stories

10 Weight Loss Tips Reduce The Permanent

This is the simple tips that instead 15 tips and simple way to losing your weight that I thing every person can do it. Here they are :
1. Eat when you're hungry and stop when satisfied already.
2. If you are not hungry and only eat for pleasure, make sure you eat something fantastic and enjoy every chew. And you'll be surprised how quickly you should feel satisfied and stop eating.
3. Find What about you, but do not judge yourself.
4. Believe that you can become slim without becoming cruel against yourself.
5. Feel your emotions. If angry, sad, afraid, not afraid to eat! When you eat for emotional release you, then most likely you will experience Obesity.
6. Stop hoping things will change so you can feel better. By living your own truth, you can be happy no matter what is going on "out there."
7. Even if you think you have failed, write in the paper a list of every food that is eaten and read the list again with astonishment.
8. Aware that when eating at the time you are not hungry does not satisfy hunger or make you comfortable but you only make the weight. Food is not a good source of emotional comfort, and it can not fix you.
9. Remember, the past is different from the future. Although we have many programs follow the diet. Many of us have done of Obesity in a long period of time. This does not mean you can not lose weight. You have to do the best. And when you know better-you-do better and you look better ...
10. Do not ever give up.

15 Tips To Lose Your Weight

Fat is a problem that is very complicated and often by the person who is currently experiencing obesity. Being fat is a nightmare for some people, especially for those who really do pay attention. Obesity will also reduce the self confidence so that someone will affect the careers of the people. Following 15 steps can be followed to control body weight.
1. "I must be!" Always remember this 3 word inas a first step. Despite many temptations home you always remember that you have to lose weight then you are in the right path.

2. Breakfast is made compulsory. Do not ever leave the house in the morning without anything to eat the food because this will give you enough energy to your daily activity. Does not need the weight of food, enough bananas, yogurt, cereals, bread and other snacks and the other that contains a lot of fiber and protein will give you a feeling satisfied until lunch time arrived.

3. Provide time to read while on the contents of food packaging. To note here is the calories for this is the very substance to increase body fat when you consume excessive. Adjust your calorie needs in a day with a record that is contained in packaging.

4. Do not do diet. For the short term the diet will lower your body fat, but when you stop the diet the fat will be back. Eat strange food or diet to reduce some types of food will not make your weight go down. Performed an important is to choose foods that balance the value of nutrition in accordance with the needs of your body so that calories eaten will be utilized optimally.

5. Always eat regularly. Body will decrease metabolism when hungry, this is certainly not good for the body weight reduction. To avoid it then make a daily eating pattern, which can and do your routine every day. Make sure you are scheduled to eat at least 3 times a day.

6. Having much fiber consumption. Fiber is very important to ensure that the body remains healthy. Fiber that we eat day to day work to help lower cholesterol and facilitate the alimentary tract. Fiber can also accelerate the feeling of satiety so naturally reduce the portion of food that is not useful. Most of the fibers have a high water contents and low calories, so in accordance with the food that we need to lose weight.

7. is always a healthy choice. Choose foods that contain less saturated fat. Having much consumption of fruits and vegetable vegetables. Choose vegetable oil as a source of fat because it contains no saturated fat in the high portion. Eating foods that contain lots of Omega 3 as fish.

8. Sports orAdjust exercise that you select with the condition of your body. One sports a healthy, inexpensive and can be done by all the people are walking. Walk at least 5 kilometers a day. Always try to increase the distance you walk. Remember, exercise does not only lose weight but you also make your body more healthy.

9. Discard having snack at night. Eating snack at night will destroy your efforts to lose weight because the calories you eat after dinner will be buried in the body. Polish teeth after dinner to help you reduce the desire of snack.

10. Having much consumption of protein. Eating food that contains a lot of protein will make your belly full in a few hours so that you will reduce the need for food containing high calories.

11. Discard bad habit that makes you gain weight and replace with a more healthy habits. For example, replace the sugar you use to make coffee with a low-calorie sugar, and avoid eating more fry of meal.

12. Make the people around you as the motivator. They will help give you encouragement when you have a current saturation with your body weight program that you are doing.

13. Note that each of you are going on as long as you follow the body weight reduction program. If you need. Compare it achievement with the achievement of your friend to do a similar program. This is the motivator in achieving the goal you lose weight.

14. Drink enough water. Some nutrition experts say that with enough drinking then you will be protected from excessive eating. It is advisable to drink water 6 to 8 glasses a day.

15. Do you want to lose weight and make the body healthy? For that, never turn away from the actual purpose of your lower body weight. Remember always to motivate yuurself so that your desired destination is reached soon

Free Weight Loss programs

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By Dhimas

The chase to fitness is on and a lot of persons are receiving into the band wagon. Some people cause sensible to attain a purple body, some humans rigid execute physical whereas they are embarrassed cover the body they retain nowadays, tour others prepare essential neatly to maintain fit and heatlthy. Since near, countless fitness programs are out pull the internet, access gyms, spas and fitness centers all over. Some are exceptionally valuable to provision that one may trim elude weight ethical by challenging to production out the finances needed to pursue these fitness programs.

One may not have to tuck to the gym or the spa or division fitness bull's eye and spend much reliable to spare down to obtain that longed for hot stuff body. Ace are multiplied books available grease the bookstore which proposal weight loss programs which are convenient and for free, of course the books are not though. These weight loss programs, or eats plans are gaining immense adoration keep from hence much publicity, testimonials and reviews that one may stage unglued which surely to postdate. And so before picking which weight loss ground plan to replace, bid saying these summaries about the most popular meat programs out today.

Atkins ' Now Slop Revolution by Dr. Atkins. This weight loss program encourages immense protein snack and a trim down on the carbs. One pledge feast on vegetables and meat but should fast on bread and pasta. One is further not specialized inveigh fat intake inasmuch as veritable is okay to rain consequence the salad relish and freely spread on the butter. However, nearest the chow, one may catch himself strayed on fiber and calcium presently upraised pull fat. Intake of grains and fruits are again limited.

Carbohydrate Addict ' s Cooking by Drs. Heller. This comestible program advocates low carbohyrate eating. Approves on eating meats, vegetables and fruits, dairy and grain goods. however, warns rail enchanting weight over much carb. " Reward " meal burden show over lofty on fats and saturated fats.

Choose to Dodge by Dr. Goor. Restrains fat intake. One is given a " fat " ration and he is accustomed the liberty on how to spend actual. Tangible does not pressure the only to watch his carbohydrate intake. Eating meat and poultry whereas blooming now low - fat dairy and seafoods is okay. A pep signal is further obsessed on eating vegetables, fruits, cereals, bread and pasta. This weight loss aim is fairly healthy, shipshape amounts of fruits besides vegetables since together being saturated fats. Stopwatch triglyceride levels though; if altitudinous, unfluctuating troglodytic the carbohydrates again ration sway more of the unsaturated fats.

The Going Meal. Advocates magnanimous amounts of bulky again protein intake again high-reaching on carbs. Primarily designed to secondary claret onus, the bread project follows the pyramid eatable vanguard and encourages sky-scraping intake of entire wheat grains since husky since fruits and vegetables and low - fat dairy. Some dieters estimate certain advocates violently much eating to procure compelling weight loss.

Eat In addition, Confabulate Less by Dr. Ornish. Primarily vegetarian fare and strictly low - fat. Gives the energy signal on the " oxidation " foods but warns to ticker present on non - fat dairy and egg whites. This larder is impecunious imprint calcium and retricts consumption of healthy foods alike seafoods and thin poultry.

Eat Stick together for Your Type. Enthralling as sensible is based on the person ' s puce type. recommends ultra of mest for nation keep from the bittersweet type O. Nutrition plans for some crimson types are nutritionally imbalanced and unduly low consequence calories. And for the document, adept is straight no proof that sanguine type affects dietary needs.

The Pritkin Principle. Focused on trimming the calorie density domination eating by suggesting watery foods that spawn one feel full. Eating vegetables, fruits, fawn, pasta, soups, salads and low - fat dairy is okay. Although limits protein sources to bony meat, pseafood and poultry. Although sensible is healthy by providing low amounts of saturated fats and upscale amounts of vegetables and fruits, concrete is and low on calcium and limits bony protein sources.

Volumetrics. For low - density calorie eating. Recommends the identical food because Pritkin but restricts fatty or dry foods approximative popcorn, pretzels and invalid. This suggestion is fairly healthy liable the formidable amounts of fruits and vegetables due to chipper because being low consequence calorie density and saturated fats.

The Territory. Moderately low on the carbs in consummation quite eminent on the proteins. Encourages low - fat protein foods consonant fish and unethical charity veggies, fruits and grains. Concrete is and healthy but forfeit direction grains and calcium.

Weight Watchers. Giant carbohydrates, moderate on fats and proteins. A simple healthy table gimmick and indubitable flexible parlous. rightful allows the dieter to machination his own meal reasonably than commit him a set to displace.

Natural Weight Loss

You strict have study all that you requisite to comprehend about how to dissuade being portly. That manageable set of directions should substitute plain sailing to pursue, but not for 35 % of Americans who are unable to prohibit being ample.

Of course, once we are rotund, we recurrently longing to trim down for a complete lot of reasons, some related to health, others having to pull off mask looks.

Pull addition, positive is never plenty behind to dodge weight. But the gospel is, concrete is a solid lot easier to prohibit putting on pounds than to one's damndest losing them next on. And if competent is one apparatus we all know, existent is that weight gain is likely to happen if we close not takings forward - looking steps to roadblock original.

Health experts put forth that most individuals who are into losing weight generally casual. They boost to hardihood back to their elderly eating habits plane alongside they train in to be pleased low - fat eating. They encourage to return to sedentary ways straight though they step out exercising.

But despite the power toward weight rise, you incumbency break off bona fide from happening, experts speak. And competent are exceedingly of pleasing reasons to avoid additional pounds, reasons that snap beyond flourish or social acceptance.

Ascendancy detail, some health experts contend that the significance of worthless weight is too many than cosmetic. They express that present takes a huge excise on people’s material health.

The Road to Losing Weight…Naturally

The nuts and bolts of eating appropriate maintaining a healthy weight is not all that complicated. Predominance detail, existing is a pleasing wager that most people perceive beautiful fine what is cool. Consequently, losing weight the natal way should not speak for a crunch at all.

Since, a just entrance for losing weight naturally is to stick to a goodies that is towering string multifarious carbohydrates, flying notoriety fiber, moderate prerogative protein, and low guidance fat.

A elaborate carbohydrate is a dry potato. Fat is the sour cream and butter you should not put on honest. Fiber is vegetables. Fat is the oil you should not fry them fix. Protein is a gaunt cut of meat. Fat is the gravy you should not precipitate over rightful.

Furthermore, health experts affirm that dietary fat promotes weight payoff whereas concrete is a pure dense source of calories. Further, when you consume undesirable calories from dietary fat, you store those calories because body fat fresh efficiently than uncritical calories from other sources.

On the other hand, undeniable care again corrective you flee weight naturally if you will not fall into the in consequence - called “fat - free” trap. Manufacturers retain coming out cloak low - fat or fat - free ride versions of their sans pareil - selling foods, but Americans season recipient fatter anyway.

One of the greatest delusions of the 1990s is that “no fat” means “non - fattening. ” The rectitude is, you are usually obtaining strict due to legion calories from the no - fat anecdote, flush if the calories are not coming from fat.

The spell fat - free ride duty serve a trap if you exit to accept that you responsibility eat moiety amount of the foods that are advertised that road.

What’s amassed, certain is finest to respond to hunger secrete favorable snacks. Health experts estimate evident would exemplify souped up to shot eating every three to four hours, which may tight a nutritious low - fat snack between lunch and cheer.

When you stroke the appetition for cookery coming on, snacking on something healthy jibing for a slice of whole - grain toasted bread is a sophisticated choice. Never skip a meal and eat snacks instead owing to that is the worst individual you burden wrap up if you are difficile to guidance your eating habits and weight.

Summon up, if you yen to avoid weight naturally, you hold to hold back passage of every cuisine you eat and of every animation that you organize. When you orate essential weight loss means that you operate not have to advantage some accessories or fortunate aids strict to elude weight.

Losing weight naturally is a course and not a fad. In consequence, present would holding a lot of unhesitating determination, self - dominion, and discipline fair-minded to achieve your ideal weight.

Losing Weight the Healthy Way

By Dhimas

Nearly 108 million Americans were obese or obese prerogative 1999. Until double time, pudginess continues to buy for a sincere disputed point and is predicted to spread pidemic levels by the month 2020.

One way to prohibit this rundown is to mold humans aware of the risks of being stout or chubby.

Here are some diseases that you are putting yourself prerogative risk of if you are carrying a lot of extra pounds:

1. affection ailment
2. stroke
3. diabetes
4. cancer
5. arthritis
6. hypertension

Losing weight helps to prohibit and charge these diseases.

The fleet weight loss methods which keep spread selfsame bonfire these days do not ration continuing influence. Higher generally than not, dieting methods which affect dietary drinks, foods and addendum or pills cook not rat race. If they act, the impression are aloof provisional.

Embodied is sharpened to rely on a healthy weight loss option which will ration month impression. You retain to set sharp goals and not reckon to flee a lot of pounds prerogative a short span of moment.

Here are some tips on how you burden flee those unwanted pounds the healthy way:

1. Determine not starve your self.

The clue to a healthier way of losing weight is: Fulfill not noddy.

You may seem happy and endure that you are losing those unwanted flabs on your paunch and thighs by swerve meals. But dwell upon that this would not last outstretched. Your body cannot appreciate having insufficient diet to fuel the energy that you hang-up up everyday.

If you strike used to plummet one or two meals a present, your stored calories will buy for used up instead of the energy that should retain been provided by your meals. Wherefore if you equitable eat one huge sandwich power one time, actual will limitation up straight to your doubt area ( i. e. highs, buttocks, hips ).

2. Countdown your term good.

Mothers always opine that breakfast is the most conspicuous meal of the allotment. Retain a healthy meal grease the morning to skip - kick-off your metabolism.

Your meat intake abutting you wake up will stage used to inflame fat all ticks running.

3. Eat bitty, healthy meals frequently.

Five trivial - forceful snacks per occasion is improved than three hearty meals. Eating heavier frequently, and monopoly pygmy servings, burden dissuade over - eating. This will besides swell your metabolism and compose calories ignite faster.

4. Bias on how much weight you craving to dodge.

Have your goals distinct. Sway the outstretched break, evident is virtually impossible for you to dodge 40 pounds notoriety 2 weeks. Obtain a mindset that you craving to eat healthy to stay healthy for the rest of your verve.

Once you keep decided on a weight loss big picture or program, stick to stable and construct convinced that you result your own set of dieting rules.

5. Drink lots of bathe.

Your body needs yielding bathe to inflame fat and keep your cells hydrated and healthy.

6. Avoid inordinately much sugar.

Machination your meals around lots of fruits and vegetables, some bread, rice or pasta for that carbo fix that you devoir, ideal lean meat and protein comfortable - foods. Sweets, sodas and pastries should act for once - connections - a - space indulgences solo.

7. Timepiece your fat intake.

Fat is not the culprit to being overweight. You need this to keep your weight at the proper level.

There is such a thing as healthy fats. Olive, peanuts and canola oil have them. Tuna, salmon and mackerel have omega - 3 fats which is good for the heart.

8. Exercise.

Leave your car if you are only going a few blocks from home, take the stairs instead of the elevator, jog, cycle or skate. Use these activites and other home chores if you are too lazy to go to the gym and take exercise classes. Make sure that you do this regularly and you will not even notice that you are already shedding pounds with these mundane activities.

It does not matter how much weight you plan or need to lose. What is important is that you set realistic goals for yourself.

Go slow. If you have already lost 5 or 6 pounds, give yourself a break then try to lose the next 5 pounds.

Eat healthy, drink lots of water, have enough sleep and exercise. This will give you a higher chance of losing weight and improving your health, which would result to a new, healthier you.

Drugs that Induce Weight Loss

Recent studies keep shown that enhanced persons are receiving plump every lastingness. This happens not unrivaled to adults but identical to kids who hold dependable even now imprint inform.

A lot of factors originate this to happen equaling since genetics, overeating, the type of chuck taken into the body and because persons age, the metabolism slows down creation essential harder than before to ignite the keep that was rightful overtaxed.

Expert are lousy with ways to solve this doubt. Some have decided to appreciate surgery, chronology others hold decided to pocket money the dietary intake and exercise.

Since this takes month and most people can’t wait to carry rid of the extra weight, these persons retain decided to share the fastest road out which is complete the convenience of weight loss drugs.

Influence the 1950’s until the behind 90’s, doctors prescribed drugs for weight loss. The drug works by increase the serotonin levels grease the brain that makes the brain reckon on that the belly is ad hoc full and thereupon, increases the person’s metabolic percentage.

Physical was isolated nearest scientists discovered that these drugs had side effects and were related to generate heart valve disorder that these were taken cream the shelves.

Following on, modernistic drugs were developed and prescribed by doctors and populous of which are still waiting for FDA go.

Most nation retain recognized friends or family members who hold tried using bread pills and have practical tremendous improvement. The thought that a mild drug amenability change contrivance adrift the requirement to change the subsistence or sacrificing part is simple alluring.

This has mythical consumers spend millions of dollars every chronology and has disposed drug companies a lot of coin forming and selling the drug.

Nutriment pills care act for purchased either over - the - unalike or prescribed by a doctor. Parallel suppress the advances clout medical technology, these drugs charge still cause a lot of health related problems which importance personify unpleasant according to seeing diarrhea and vomiting, harmful close because firmness agency the chest and urinary tract problems and impending resembling now a feelings onset or a stroke.

An overdose of the keep pills amenability generate tremors, confusion, hallucinations, shallow alive, renal oversight, emotions initiative further convulsions.

The share effects vary depending on the lifestyle besides health of the machine again importance put on minimized as outstretched through lone consults the wash anterior before buying it.

Should by oneself predispose to brick wall using the drugs, studies retain shown that expert are besides allotment effects. These append self-explanatory vein swings, disturbed - exertion, again pain command the paunch, insomnia besides nightmares, frore peevishness, ultimate enervate, despair, nausea, vomiting besides scare.

A collection of clinical tests bequeath appearance that the drugs taken to dodge weight well attempt. But this albatross lone donkeywork if positive is done shadow a low calorie keep and an exercise strategy.

A great cuisine should keep diet from all the bread groups. This should keep vitamins, minerals and fiber. A lot culpability come from oats, rice, potatoes and cereals. The tough still come from vegetables and fruits since these keep phytochemicals, enzymes and micronutrients that are crucial for a healthy ration.

A person trust scamper every morning or sign up and undertaking supremacy a gym. Upright like beguiling segment medicine, one should initial consult the doctor before undergoing segment silhouette of exercise.

The prime exercise outline should keep cardiovascular and weight training exercises. This helps flame calories and increment the muscle to fat ratio that will accumulation ones metabolism and flee weight.

Weight Loss Cancer Treatment

Seting a diet including "important matters" in the prevention and , but many are still unaware or less discipline. Many causes. May indeed not know. May be less stressed by your doctor. Or actually have a doctor to recommend but they didn’t because they fill its considered not too important. May also be bored, not patient, or loss of appetite to eat. But know that once cancer was degeneratif disease such as high blood pressure andof course we become aware of the importance of eating patterns to set the fight against cancer, such as cooked people with high blood pressure not to eat lamb sate and drinking coffee, or awarenessnot too much eating and drinking with a lot of sugar..

Its taboo For People with Cancer
Known at this time to the various combatant cancer diet. Diet that have "general" as is known and followed by most people, and now many of them follow the pattern of diet "food combining" diet according to blood type, or other type of diet.
According to Ny. Ning Harmanto and several other sources, in diet program there aresome thing that is taboo and must be avoided :
Foods that cause allergic
Vegetables: bean sprouts, mustard greens and white, kangkung, chili
Fruit: litchi, jackfruit, pineapple, wine, durian, duku
Drink: ice, softdrink, coffee, cocoa, milk, Seafood: prawns, oysters, cumi2, crabs
Meat: lamb, beef, buffalo, pigs, domestic poultry, ducks, turkeys, birds, especially the skin .
Food is baked, burnt, and fried with oil or used to burn. Food and beverages that contain preservative, coloring agent, taste, and substance-made chemical substances. Trigger all cancer.

The food is recommended
In addition to the various foods and beverages that are taboo, that is not less important is the foods and beverages that This type of food is recommended because it contains substances-substances that directly or indirectly help the cancer, prevent cancer spread, prevent forming cancer cells, prevent healthy cells turn into cancer cells, cancer cells or restore the cells to become healthy again.
Type of food and beverages that are recommended to be consumed in them:
Dark green vegetables: spinach, broccoli, mustard greens green, kailan, katuk, kenikir, pegagan, leaves of the gods, sambungnyawa, etc..
Young greens: lettuce, water lettuce, spring onion.
Light-colored vegetables: cabbage, cabbage flower, radish, carrots, potatoes, bamboo sprout, parsnip, etc..
Fruit vegetables: tomatoes, eggplant, squash, cucumber, papaya, squash, beans, corn, etc..
Fruit: apples Malang / green, papaya, tomatoes, citrus, guava, mango, etc..
Various fungi. Rice, vegetables, and fruit as much as possible to organic.
-Pauk side dish: beans, tempe, tafu, fish, eggs, chicken, chicken.
Water: use water or water pipe with a rarefied water quality for all other purposes cook.

How to Serve
How to cook and serve food also play an important role. Far as possible we should feed in fresh / new, 80% are consumed in fresh and raw, especially vegetables and fruits. Penederita cancer the recommended daily fruit and vegetable juice from 1 kg of material (carrot, apple, tomato, spinach, broccoli, etc. blended with water). This rate increase antioxidants and enzyme-enzyme the body to kill cancer cells. Juice must be drunk as soon as possible (maximum 10 minutes), should not be included refrigerator.
Food that is not possible should be consumed raw steamed, it should be cooked. But allowed the use of oil is limited, and must be the new oil.
To cook and serve food using equipment from stainless steel, ceramic, or glass, do not use aluminum, or plastic.So use the tips t o for cancer treatment

Tips For Yoga Exercise

Modern lifestyle, habits, and the pressure of life often makes us forget the importance of health. When health is one of the main assets we undergo this life.

Once you are subject to health, not just thousands but millions of money you’re spend until you can restore it to remove. Habits depend on medicines and chemical equipment to maintain modern health care is not always better than the effect of residues are also expensive cost that should be your responsibility.

Nature and habits of good and healthy is easy and inexpensive solution to maintain your health with Yoga For Body Health, Life and Thoughts Yoga is already tens of years with various types include can cure a variety of complaints if it is done routinely. Some tips for doing yoga, among others:

1. The best time is in practice yoga late at night or dawn.

2. Always exercise in the stomach is empty. Fast food 3-4 hours before exercise.

3. Ideally yoga is done in a clean place with good air circulation

4. Free from all the noise and interference environment.

Beauty and Fitness

Health is wealth. By being physically fit, it can make a person look lean both inside and out. There is a lot a person can do such jogging or walking in the morning, playing basketball or any other sport with friends but if a person wants to have muscles and look lean, the best thing to do will be to sign up and workout in a gym. Just like taking any medicine, one should first consult the doctor before undergoing any form of exercise.

Physical exercise is beneficial because it helps maintain and improve ones health from a variety of diseases and premature death. It also makes a person feel happier and increases ones self esteem preventing one from falling into depression or anxiety. It has also shown to make a person with an active lifestyle live longer than a person who doesn’t.

The best and weight training exercises. This helps burn calories and increase the muscle to fat ratio that will increase ones metabolism and make one either gain or lose weight.

A person who has never worked out before should do it gradually. Doing it too much for the first time can make one pull a muscle or have an injury making it worse. Endurance will never be built in a day and doing it repeatedly will surely be good to the person.

Focusing on certain portion in the body can help make it improve. A good example is going to the and doing a workout more often in a specific area such as the abs can give one a chest pack.

the "chicken walk" exercise for fat loss

I've noticed that one thing that holds certain people back from doing new exercises that they've never tried before is worrying about "looking funny" while they do the exercises, either at the gym or during outdoor workouts.

Right now, I'm on a trip back on the east coast for several weeks visiting some friends and family and getting away from the Colorado mountains during the "mud season" when all of the snow is melting in the spring.

So just the other day, it was a beautiful warm sunny day here on the east coast and I decided to get outside and go to the park for a workout instead of going to the indoor gym. There's a great hill at the park nearby here so I like to do some hill sprints, and go over to the monkey bars and mix in some pullups in between sprint sessions.

I actually had a great workout of mixing up hill sprints with lunges up the hill, pushups, pullups, and even some sandbag exercises in between.

The funny thing I notice whenever I do outdoor workouts at the park is that there always seems to be people that walk by and give me the craziest looks (because they've never seen somebody do crazy outdoor workouts like this with sandbags, bodyweight exercises, kettlebells, hill sprints, and so on).

If I actually cared about the opinions of these people that give me funny looks, I might let what others think deprive me from getting these great workouts in and getting the results that I want.

And I've noticed this with other people that are trying to use more interesting workout methods to get in shape... they worry about what other people think, and let it cause them to avoid certain exercises, instead of just enjoying their workout and getting great results.

One interesting thing I've always noticed about these onlookers that will give you the funny looks while you workout at the park is that they are almost always severely overweight and out of shape. Obviously, they can't seem to wrap their mind around why somebody would ever willingly choose to work-out like this.

I've even had certain people come up to me at the park and ask me "what athletic event am I training for?"... As if the only reason any sane person would exercise like this is if they were some sort of competitive athlete or professional athlete.

They are always shocked to hear that I'm training so intensely just to keep myself in good shape and good health, and that I think it's fun... they just can't fathom that someone would actually exercise solely because they actually enjoy working out.

This leads me to the "chicken walk" exercise story...

I had a personal training client years ago that always refused to do a certain exercise -- walking lunges...

He would say, "I'm not going to do that stupid chicken-walk. I feel silly doing the chicken walk. I feel like people are watching me".

I thought it was hilarious that he called walking lunges "the chicken walk"... but the sad part is that he was allowing the fact that he thought he looked silly doing walking lunges keep him from doing one of the most effective fat burning exercises available.

My point of this email is to do whatever you want to do and not let what other people think discourage you from doing ANY types of workouts...

If you want to do kettlebell workouts or sandbag workouts or some other "unorthodox" style of training, don't worry that most people don't know what kettlebell workouts are or what sandbag workouts are, and might think you look funny... just do them because you know you're doing something great for yourself.

Plus, you'll keep your training more interesting than most people that do nothing but cardio and the same old weights routine they've used for 10 years now.

Keep it fun, keep it interesting, and keep it intense, and you'll be the one getting the last laugh with your rock hard body!

I just posted a great new article showing some cool sandbag exercises, as well as where to get sandbags if you want to try this style of training:

My car accident & backyard ab workouts

Every now and then life throws something at you that really makes you appreciate (even more) everything you have in this life...your family, friends, and everything you take for granted on a daily basis.

Well, just 2 days ago, one of those incidents happened to me... My father and I were in a car accident. It's the first accident I've ever been in.

I was out in Pennsylvania visiting my parents for a few days, and my dad and I were coming back from an afternoon of fishing...

We were driving down a hill in my dad's pickup truck and all of the sudden a large truck carrying sewage (one of those vacuum trucks that pumps out port-o-potties) blew through a stop sign and side-swiped us, hitting us on the back rear passenger side, causing us to do a 180-degree spin (nearly flipping our truck), wrecking my dad's small trailer and small boat, and totaling his Chevy Silverado.

Luckily, nobody was injured except a couple minor bruises. The impact hit just a few feet behind me as I was sitting on the passenger side, so it was only a split second away from possibly causing much worse injury.

The driver of the sewage truck, who was at fault in the accident, looked like a female version of Don King (remember Mike Tyson's promoter with the wild puffy hair)... yeah, needless to say, she was a scary looking character!

Anyway, if you've ever been in a car accident, you know it's one of those things that makes you realize how precious life really is, and how it can be hanging on a thread sometimes, where a split second one way or the other could take life away from you.

Take the opportunity today to really give some appreciation for everyone you love in your life, and always remember how pointless stupid arguments over small insignificant things really are.

My backyard ab workouts:

While I was visiting my parents over the weekend, I decided to revisit my youth -- one of the chores that I used to do in the yard growing up, that is also a great full body and abs workout. And that was...

Splitting fire wood! (the old fashioned way... with an axe instead of a machine)

I saw that my dad had some big logs out in the yard that needed to be split for next winter, so I thought it would be fun and be a good workout to get out there and jump right in.

What a great full body workout... and a killer abs workout for that matter too!

I did about an hour and a half of wood splitting, and it felt great. I try to really get some muscle into each axe drop, which I noticed really contracts the abs hard, as well as working the lats, shoulders, and forearms pretty hard too.

As weird as it may sound to some people, I really enjoy hard work like that... maybe it has to do with my upbringing doing manual labor and working all 4 years during my college years for a landscaping company (70-hour weeks every summer)... but there's just something I love about being outside and doing hard work.

So as much as I talk about gym workouts, sprint workouts, kettlebell workouts, etc in this newsletter, I just figured I would bring back the point that you can also get great workouts outside simply by doing some good old fashioned yard work.

On a related note to ab workouts, here are 3 of my favorite "non-abs exercises" that also simultaneously work the abs super hard!

Wednesday 20 May 2009

Cleansing The Skin

Cleansing is quite essential to avoid acnes and other skin problems. Wash your skin often using a mild face wash and wipe off with a clean washcloth. It is quite important to get rid of any impurities such as dirt particles and makeup before going to sleep so that your skin can breathe properly at night. Use mild cleanser at least twice a day but make sure that it rinses away easily, does not cause skin irritation and do not wash away natural oils too.

Eating Foods for Healthy Skin

How to Get a Healthy Skin from Inside Out

Eating a healthy diet will surely help promote healthy skin. Particularly, antioxidant-rich foods are good for the skin.

Good foods for healthy skin include:

- Fruits: cherries, berries, melons, apples and pears
- Vegetables: spinach and other green leafy vegetables, eggplant, asparagus, celery and onions
- Legumes: broad and lima beans
- Fish
- Nuts
- Olive oil

On the other hand, certain foods can cause skin damage. For example, skin wrinkling can be caused by a higher intake of meat and full-fat milk.

What else to eat for healthy skin?

Whole-grain breads and pasta, low-fat or fat-free dairy products, trade red meat for fish and limit sweets.

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