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Monday 18 May 2009

Breast Lift Surgery, Is It Suitable For You?

Before deciding to undergo any breast surgery, it is important to have a clear knowledge on what is to be done, the benefits, the possible risks and after effects.

As recommended by Yvonne Lee in her book "To All Women Who Want To Enhance Their Breasts Naturally, But Don't Know How To Start", it is best to seek several consultations with different surgeons as different surgeons might be using different techniques, have different opinions, and will have different aesthetic preferences.

Let's take a closer look at breast lift surgery.

Breast lift surgery is performed to remove the excess skin of sagging breasts without greatly reducing the size of the breast. It is usually done as a cosmetic procedure whereby the breast is given a more youthful, and perky appearance.

Breast lift is suitable for women who are happy with the size of their breasts but are dissatisfied with the sagging and loss of firmness that occurs with age. Breast lift surgery can be performed in healthy women of any age. As some older women have a higher possibility of sagging breasts, it is more common for them to choose breast lift surgery.

For those women that intend to enlarge their breasts using implants, they can also consider breast lift to be performed in conjunction as it has a lifting effect for the enlarged breasts. A woman that wishes to raise the position of downward facing nipples or reduce the size of large areola can consider Mastopexy too. This surgical procedure is also a choice for those who want to balance asymmetry of breasts or to match a healthy breast to one that has been operated on for breast cancer.

Each woman's breast shape and size are different, the surgical technique depends on your surgeon and the amount of tissue to be removed. I will now elaborate on three main types of techniques.

Inferior pedicle (Robbins) Method is the most commonly performed technique. It involves incisions around the areola, under the breast in the infra-mammary fold and a vertical line between the two. Excess skin, fat and breast tissue are removed and weighed. This tissue is sent to the pathologist to be examined for any abnormality or evidence of breast cancer.

The breast is then re-shaped and stitched into place. A drainage tube is usually required and this is placed at the end of the infra-mammary incision under the arm. It is usually removed 1-2 days after surgery. The other side is then done in the same manner, aiming for as symmetrical result as possible.

Lejour Method is similar to the Robbins technique but the horizontal incision along the infra-mammary fold is not used. The vertical (or sometimes oblique) incision is puckered and takes some weeks to become smooth.

Benelli (Peri-areola) Method involves two circular incisions around the areola. Excess skin, fat and breast tissue are removed between the two. The wounds are then sutured closed. It can lead to flat looking breasts and is not commonly used.

Complications encountered could be asymmetry of the breast, as complete (100%) symmetry cannot be guaranteed. Patients might encounter an altered sensation of the nipple/areola. They may either have reduced or heightened sensitivity after the operation. This is usually temporary and you would return to normal after several months. In rare cases, the blood supply to the nipple/areola may be insufficient after the surgery and this tissue will die. Reconstruction will then be needed.

A number of online web site functions commercially, this make it possible for them not to disclose all information about the complications and risks of breast surgery. It is important to collate information from different sources as it could aid in your final decision-making.

You may want to consider and try natural breast enhancement before spending money and risks the implication going for breast enhancement surgeries.

The above information is found in Ms Yvonne Lee, internationally acclaimed book "To All Women Who Want To Enhance Their Breasts Naturally, But Don't Know How To Start". It describes and details the most important breast enhancement techniques from every corner of the world. Author Yvonne Lee, provides an unbiased pro-and-con analysis of each technique, in addition to practical information such as how and where to get it, cost, and potential impact on insurance coverage.


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