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Thursday 21 May 2009

Which Are The Best Over The Counter Weight Loss Diet Pills?

So, you are thinking of buying an over the counter weight loss pill. Should you go ahead - and what should you keep in mind?

First of all, just because a doctor hasn't prescribed a diet aid, doesn't mean that it doesn't work. I have an opinion that doesn't make me very popular among medical circles:

Most (not all) doctors are "disease professionals" and not "health professionals." If you have a headache, they tell you to take a pill and get rid of the pain. But, when it comes to improving your fitness level and quality of life, most of them are really clueless. Just look how out-of-shape most doctors are.

Also, did you know that many doctors are actually *paid* by the drug companies in order to prescribe their products? That's right - with every prescription they sign "ca-ching" - they make more money. Yes, I know that they will never admit it to you but that's the reality (surprise, surprise). Don't even get me started on that stuff...

Anyway - here are the main types of OTC weight loss pills:

Appetite suppressants:

These curb your appetite so you eat less. It works well, if you have a larger than normal appetite and eat more than you really need. They will usually not work if the reasons of your over-eating are psychological (like anxiety, anger or depression). In those cases you may want to talk to a competent therapist. Probably the best-known appetite suppressant is Hoodia, which is a cactus that comes from the Kalahari desert. It basically tells your brain that "you are full" - so you don't over eat...


These cause "thermogenesis" which basically means "heat generation." They raise your metabolism and help your body burn more calories so you lose your extra weight over time. Some known thermogenics include Yerba mate, Guarana and Cayenne.

Fat Blockers:

These basically allow you to eat "fatty foods" but without ingesting all the fat in them. Basically, you take them with your meals that contain high amounts of fat. Then, these "fat binders" will absorb part of the fat and they will be eliminated by the body "the natural way" later. Two well known fat binders are chitosan and NeoPuntia.

There are also weight loss diet pills that combine several of the above ingredients in order to give you a more "well-rounded" approach to losing weight.

Here's what to look for, when "shopping around" for an over-the-counter diet pill:

- Is the product guaranteed? What if it doesn't work for you for any reason. Will you be able to get your money back? Look for companies that offer at least a 60-day money-back guarantee...

- What is the "general verdict" on it? What do previous customers say? On the internet, it's easy to search for reviews and comments about a company...

- Try to purchase from a company that gives you "value-added" services. Some companies offer discounts for bulk purchases, or they offer extra bonuses like weight-loss guides etc...

The top over the counter diet pills should pass all the tests above. If you keep these things in mind, you will find a weight loss pill that will work for you...


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