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Sunday 3 May 2009

Lose Weight Through Yoga...

You can lose weight from yoga?

The complex canvas covering weight loss/weight gain is so intricate, with surrealistic understanding of the influence of genetic factors, lifestyle, food addiction, willpower, etc. that a sure fire way to definite weight loss is difficult to predict. However, a system that depends not on mechanical means but works on an emotional level is sure to yield results. And yoga simply does that. “Hatha Yoga” is practiced by many to lose weight rationally. Apart from the spiritual aspect of yoga, it provides control that is never ‘carried away’ by temptations. It makes the person more aware of the food that is to be consumed for sustenance and nothing more. The most significant aspect of yoga regularly is that it teaches you to turn the focus inward so that you can identify the overeating triggers and take steps to prevent it.

Yoga exercises and Diet

Various movements shown by a teacher and at the same time assessment of the food you consume can help you lose weight. Analyzing the eating pattern may open your eyes to many facets hitherto unknown and thus help you to lose weight from yoga. The principal motivation behind it is to make you aware of the actual needs of the body and its various functions to keep it fit and healthy. So, regular practice of yoga and consumption of swatic food (more of corns, nuts, fruits and vegetables and less of meat & fish) is a precondition to lose weight from yoga.As for movements or Asanas, your teacher or Guru is the supreme master. Try them under his guidance till they are perfect. Remember, flawed movements may do more harm than good. In the beginning you may practice for half an hour every alternative day and then do it daily. It is good to start the day with Surya Pranam (salutation of the morning sun) before starting your yoga.

Food for thought vis-à-vis food for Yoga

Along with yoga, you must consume the right food to lose weight from Yoga. Many foods, however attractive and delicious, contain additives and preservatives that are harmful for the body since they invariably contain some amount of toxic materials within them. Try to avoid them as much as possible. Home cooked food is obviously free from such toxins. Besides, you may cook only that much required for your sustenance.Addition or subtraction of oils and fat is in your own hand. Include whole wheat grain, cereals, fruits, nuts and poultry in your daily meals to provide the essential energy that the body requires to keep it fit. A lean body is a much healthier body. If you can set your eyes on images of the early Indian ascetics practicing yoga in the high Himalayas, you will have some idea of how a person should look like – tall, erect and upright with not even an ounce of fat in the body but a serene smile on his face, welcoming the rising sun.


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