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Sunday 3 May 2009

Nauli Kriya

Nauli Kriya is intended for regenerating, invigorating and stimulating the abdominal viscera and the gastro-intestinal or alimentary system. For the practice of Nauli you should know the Uddiyana Bandha. Uddiyana can be done even in a sitting posture; but Nauli is generally done while standing.

Technique :-

Stand erect at your place.

Maintain 15" to 18" distance between legs and lean forward, place hands on respective knees or thighs. Exhale completely and retain the breath outside.

Expand your chest and raise your diaphragm so that abdomen is drawn in and there becomes a cavity in abdomen.

Middle Nauli: Now try to isolate the central abdminal muscle (recti). This cannot be achieved during first effort. But effort should continue. Blow out your abdomen as in Agnisara but effort should be made that central part should come out. This is called Madhyama (middle) Nauli. After maintaining it according to your limitation, return to the original position and then practise it again.

Left Nauli:After attaining Middle Nauli, when we press more on left knee with left hand and lessen the pressure on right knee of right hand then the Middle Nauli shifts to left side and this is known as (Vama) left nauli.

Right Nauli:Similarly when we lessen the pressure of the left hand on left knee then this accumulated muscles (of middle nauli) shifts to right side and this is called right nauli.

Benefits and Limitations :-
See Uddiyana.
Agnisara makes the appetite normal, keeps digestive system healthy, lever becomes strong and keeps health diseaseless
All the benefits of Uddiyana can be achieved.
If having high blood-pressure, practice it very slowly without giving much pressure.


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