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Sunday 12 April 2009

10 easy weight loss tips to lose baby fat fast

Having a baby is probably the most wonderful experience a person can have. You are bringing a new life into this world and that is something to get very excited over. Despite all the fun you can have conceiving the child you will spend nine months becoming larger and that is a fact of nature that no one has the power to change. After you give birth you will have some things that just are not “right”. You are left with some belly fat people like to sound cute and call it “baby fat” like it is something other worldly. It is what it is: fat.

Have no fear though because losing your baby fat is not impossible and I have ten easy tips to help you:

1. Drinking water at the rate of 10-12 8 ounce glasses of water every day. The easy solution here is to remove (or greatly decrease) the beverages you are consuming that contain high amounts of sugars. These include your non-diet sodas, grocery store iced teas and from concentrate fruit juices. There are other alternatives such as a lemon in your water or the new “on the go” flavorings. One packet is usually 10 calories to put into two servings of bottled water. You can eliminate 100’s of calories by just doing this and if you have a craving for that sugar buzz and miss your soda then drink diet. Coke Zero, Pepsi Max and Diet Dr. Pepper taste nearly identical to their non-diet counterparts. Water, however, is still your best bet as it flushes your system of toxins (including fat).
2. Go with healthy and nutritious snacks. Avoid the cookies, cakes and pies. They are the basis of sugar addiction and bad carbs. Fruits and veggies are very good for you. Healthier choices could include 100-calorie kettle corn snack packs, wheat crackers, nuts and raisins.
3. Consume lean meats that are high in protein. Filet mignon, turkey and boneless/skinless chicken breast cuts are your best choices.
4. Whole grain foods are important for your everyday health. Use whole wheat pastas, breads and cereals.
5. Nonfat foods are not always good for you. Just because something is labeled nonfat does not make it low in calories so always check the labels!
6. Eliminate fast food. It really is “fat food” – incredibly high in calories.
7. Light exercise is important to any type of weight loss game. When you are feeling up to it begin light walking for 10 minutes and, over time, increase to 20 minutes. After a month or so try yoga and pilates.
8. Create easy ways to exercise like parking further from the front of a store or walk around the market one more time.
9. Breastfeed. I know it sounds odd but breastfeeding reduces your fat stores and burns 500 calories a day.
10. Joining a gym can be an option when you are completely healed and most gyms now have daycares so you do not have to worry about leaving your little one out of your sight for too long


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