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Sunday 12 April 2009

Quick weight loss tips

Being overweight not only causes a lot of weight-related health problems but also diminishes self confidence. Many people are unhappy with their current weight and are on the look for finding a quickest way to lose weight. One has to ascertain if you are at healthy weight or not. If you need to lose weight, you need to consult a doctor or dietitian before looking for a quickest way to lose weight.

Your body weight is dependent on the number of calories you consume and the number of calories burn each day. To lose weight you have to eat lesser calories than what your body needs or burn more calories than you consume. Here are some tips for finding a quickest way to lose weight.

1. Eat smaller 5-6 meals instead of large 3 meals a day. Never skip meals as it slows down the metabolism and burns lesser calories.
2. Include leafy green vegetables and fruits into your daily diet. They are not only rich sources of fiber and water but also make you feel full.
3. Adequate rest and sleep helps to balance the leptin levels in the body and helps in weight loss.
4. Proper diet though effective for weight loss needs to be supplemented with adequate exercise. Moderate exercises for 30 minutes everyday is essential for faster weight loss. Exercises not only help build muscles but also increase the metabolism rate that aids in burning calories.
5. Drinking plenty of water keeps you hydrated; it has zero calories and gives you a ‘full’ feeling.
6. Try to remain active through out your day. Use stairs instead of the elevator, or bike instead of driving.
7. Stay away from fast foods, high carbohydrate foods, sodas, fried foods and junk food.
8. Do not try fad diets as there is every possibility that you will gain back all the weight lost through these diets.
9. Control and measure the portions and the type of food you consume. Never overeat or eat when you are full.
10. To lose weight one has to be consistent and disciplined to stick to your plan of action and not give up on your goal.

The quickest way to lose weight is to set a realistic target for weight loss and go in for a lifestyle adjustment. By changing your diet, drinking plenty of water and doing resistance exercise you can lose weight without too much effort. This is a more healthy, ideal and quickest way to lose weight.


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