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Sunday 12 April 2009

Weight loss motivation is everything!

When it comes to weight loss, one reputed program is often as good another. Stick to it, and you are likely to get results. But very few people actually lose weight for life using these programs, because at some point or the other, they give up. Sustained weight-loss motivation is what you need, not only to lose weight, but to keep it off.

There are two fundamental aspects of weight-loss motivation: 1) weight-loss is not just a program, it is a change in lifestyle and attitude, for life; 2) motivation, whether for weight loss or anything else, is naturally phasal, and needs to be boosted from time to time.
Weight loss is a change in lifestyle and attitude, for life

The long-term way to slim down and keep your weight down is to stay motivated. You have to continue with a healthy diet and exercise. To do this, you need to ask yourself:

Why am I losing weight?
An important way to sustain weight-loss motivation is to figure out why you want to lose weight in the first place, and then keep reminding yourself of that reason. Do you want to look better? Has your doctor asked you to lose a few pounds for health reasons?

* Figure out the reason, then keep a record of your body and your state of mind: before, during, and after the weight loss. This can be through pictures, measurements of weight and girth, or a diary of your feelings.
* Each time you reach for unhealthy food or skip exercise, revisit these records. You will realize that your pictures and state of mind after weight loss are much better. You will find the motivation you need to go on.

Why am I dieting?
Of course, the obvious answer is so you don’t put on weight. But the right answer is because you want to be healthy.

* Dieting does not mean deprivation. Yes, you have to forgo your favorite food fixes, but you need to understand that there are healthy food alternatives that you can enjoy equally well, without the risk of disease or discomfort. Just find what works for you.
* Equally important, figure out whether you are an emotional eater: if anger, stress, or lack of control on your life makes you eat more. If yes, you need to find different ways to channel your emotions. Then, sustaining your motivation to diet won’t be a problem, because your emotional turmoil won’t lead you to seek comfort food.

Once you have done all of this, you will create a lifestyle change in terms of food habits that would keep you motivated.

Why am I exercising?
Exercising is not punishment. You will lose motivation the minute you treat it as such. Your reason for exercising is not only to lose a certain number of pounds. Exercising gives you energy and stamina, removes harmful substances from your body, even adds to your brain power. If you constantly remind yourself of these gains while exercising for weight loss, your motivation will never fail.
Weight loss motivation has its phases

Remember that motivation is not a constant thing in any individual. It is usually at its peak when you start a program, hits a plateau, and then peters out if it does not receive a boost from time to time.

1. When you start on a weight-loss regimen, you must keep up your morale, and avoid boredom.
2. If your workout seems monotonous, listen to your favorite music or TV program while you exercise. Vary your workout timings, venues, and activities.
3. Make a good friend your gym buddy, so you can spur each other on.
4. If possible, hire a trainer, whose very job is to keep you motivated on your diet and exercise.
5. Train for a special event like a marathon, instead of just working for weight-loss.
6. Make a public vow of weight-loss, so you have to keep your word.

In conclusion, weight loss motivation is easy if:

* You never let yourself forget the reasons why you want to achieve weight-loss.
* You remember the additional health and psychological benefits of diet and exercise.
* You accept that human motivation naturally wavers, and needs to be frequently reinforced.


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