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Sunday 19 April 2009

Healthier Eating Habits

Did you know that your habits effect your life in many ways? From your weight to your stress levels, and even your skin and hair, all this is affected by the food you eat. The way your fingernails grow and the way your digestive system functions right down to your eye sight. All these depend highly on the foods you choose to eat. For example, the more caffeine and sugar you intake the more your energy level increases, however after you reach that “high” you will find yourself with less energy than before.

The last time you picked up a can of vegetables at your local grocery store or a box of rice, perhaps the casserole you made for dinner last night was full of artificial fertilizers and food additives. Even the meat you purchase from your local grocer and possibly from you butcher is full of growth hormones and routine antibiotics. This is the food you are putting into your body and you may not be aware of the ingredients.

Organic food and on the other hand are free from conventional pesticides and artificial fertilizers as well as being free from human contamination and industrial waste. Organic products are also free of GMO (genetically modified organisms). GMO strains make it difficult to know what is actually in your food. In your research of organic foods you will find the majority of it is processed in heavily monitored industries. You will also find where before organic food was only available in small stores or a local farmers market it can now be found in your common grocery store chains as well as online.

Ordering organic food and online can be both convenient and very affordable. The selection of organic foods to choose from online may outweigh what is offered in the grocery store. Also you will be able to research the company or family owned business you wish to purchase your organic food and supplements.

With the studies done that have proven the effects and side effects on farmers from these pesticides, even air borne contact, why would you choose to consciously put these into your body? By eating organic foods you are guaranteed the freedom from these pesticides and artificial fertilizers found in other foods. You can live a healthier, happier life once you choose to purchase organic foods. Some studies have proven there are higher nutrient levels in organic fruits and vegetables.

Rest assured the organic farming standards prohibit the use of synthetic pesticides and artificial fertilizers. Organic food and organic, will give you the healthier way of eating that you have long desired to have. When you give your child his or her next organically grown banana or spoonfull of organic carrots you can be sure there are no artificial dangerous chemicals going into your child’s body.


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