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Saturday 11 April 2009

How Good The Veggies Are For Your Health?

People nowadays try to include as much veggies as possible in their diet food. Experts encourage people to eat veggies as much as possible, and more and more people are vegetarians nowadays. Why does that happen? Today, we are going to discover those and find out how good the veggies are for peoples' health so that they can change the eating habit of millions of people.

We have tons of kinds of vegetable. Therefore, in this article, we are going to look at the main kinds of veggies only.

First of all, we have to look at all roots of veggies like potatoes and carrots. Carrots provide a lot of Vitamin A, which is good for your skin and your eyes. One carrot is much better than any Vitamin A pill you can take. You can eat raw carrots or put in your soup. Some people are very creative. They drink carrot juice, which is tasty and also very healthy. However, do not overuse them. Two kilos of carrot per week is already enough.

Your body will not need and be able to digest more than that. In terms of potatoes, which are very common to eat as soup? Potatoes are high in fiber and Vitamin C. It is not a common thought that potatoes would give you a lot of Vitamin C. However, it is very true that potatoes provide you with a big amount of Vitamin C. 200g of potatoes would be enough for your body for a whole week. Do not eat them too much otherwise your body will get sick of it later.

Then we can come to broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower. First of all, we should mention broccoli. Experts say broccolis are very good for your health because they prevent you from getting cancer. Besides, broccoli is also very rich in nutrients so that you do not have to worry of lacking essential nutrients for your body when you eat broccoli. 100 g of broccoli per day is already enough for your body, which will help keep you active for the whole day. Cabbage provides you a lot of Vitamin A and fiber.

Besides, it is very good in the fight against diseases. They will help your body filter the poisons and keep them clean very well. One note when you eat cabbage that you have to wash them carefully because the outer leaves tend to have chemicals. Cauliflower helps you with preventing cancer also. In addition, they also help to lower the risk of heart diseases. You can eat one or two cauliflowers per week, which seems a reasonable pace for this kind of vegetable.

We cannot miss pumpkin and squash. They are both rich in Vitamin A and C. They will help you circulate your blood very well, especially pumpkin. In addition, you can keep them for long without worrying that they will be spoiled. At most you can have them for one month in your house before you eat them. Soup made from pumpkin or squash are also very tasty and rich. You can eat them at least once a week.

Last but not least are seeweed and mushroom. They are both very tasty and good for your health. You can make many dishes with seeweed and mushroom. For any kind of soup, seeweed and mushroom can be added to have more flavors. They are very low in calories. So, those who are fat and afraid of gaining weigh should eat more of them


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