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Saturday 11 April 2009

What is the Best Diet for Me?

Dieting is one of the two major factors to be implemented to achieve successful and permanent weight loss. The other factor to be taken into account is to embark on a regular exercise program of about an hour's duration each day.

The medical profession together with nutritionists insist that both diet change and regular exercises are vital for losing weight. Whilst one or the other will help with weight loss, the best results are obtained when both aspects of a weight reduction program are carried out together.

For one individual on a diet within a family, then preparing food may present problems. It would be far easier for the food preparer to give each person the same food, not only from the aspect of the food preparation, but also from the aspect of the whole family being seen to be supporting the dieter.

So for the overweight person who wants to diet, the big question is: "Which diet do I choose for the best way to lose weight?"

Of the multitude of diets in magazines, on the net, and on TV, which one should a person use? How can a person evaluate each diet to determine if it will work and if it's likely to get better results than another diet? How can scams be avoided?

Suggestions for helping to choose the right diet follow. Do plenty of research. Ask questions. Draw up a list of the pros and cons of each diet. Be aware of the expenses involved in buying particular food for a diet and any difficulty and time taken in preparation.

(1) Have a look at your national and local government websites for health/weight loss/dieting pages. Most such web sites these days give advice on where to find articles of interest and possibly where to find a range of diets.

(2) Check with your health care professional. He may have information about diets and dieting distributed by local hospitals. Hospitals have an interest in keeping the local people healthy - it makes their operation cheaper and easier.

(3) Have a look in your local newsagent/magazine store/bookstore/library for magazines/books with diets published by a reputable health organization.

(4) The weekly magazines have diet recipes. Again select a diet backed by a reliable health organization. Keep away from diets promoted by food companies - they might be pushing their own products. Choose a diet with easy-to-prepare meals and something the whole family will eat.

(5) Check the popular talk shows on TV - the latest 'fad diets' or 'super weight loss pill' are always mentioned. Be careful here - some of the products on these shows are there because money has been paid not because they're good or they work. And don't believe the line that the show's host has successfully tested the product.

A well-balanced diet should contain enough of the necessary protein, carbohydrates, and the right sort of fats, as well as adequate minerals and trace elements. Because of this its advisable to select a diet recommended by the health professionals rather than one of the 'fad diets'. So stick with the professionals and follow their advice.

The right diet not only helps to achieve weight loss permanently, but also ensures that the dieter is getting enough of the right vitamins and trace minerals in the right quantities. So the importance of selecting the right diet is critical not only for weight loss but also for maintaining good health.

For those people who are well overweight then constant monitoring of the situation by either a doctor or a nutritionist would be advisable.

The right diet is only one aspect of a program to achieve permanent weight loss, the other part being to start a regular exercise routine, with the emphasis being on 'regular' to achieve any degree of success. Dieting on its own will result in weight reduction, but when combined with regular exercises, the amount of weight loss will be considerably greate


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