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Thursday 2 April 2009

About Fat hot dog

Fat is one of the vitamin needed by the body. One gram of fat can produce 9 kilo calories (kkal). However, excessive fat mengonsumsi of course also not correct, because the body can harm health.

Type of Fat

Fat in foods can be solid or liquid (oil). The two forms of fat is divided into two groups; jebuh fat and no saturated fat. Saturated fat is not divided into two types; saturated fat is not singular and not saturated fat double.

Saturated fat

Saturated fat is the fat in the structure kimianya contain saturated fatty acid. If consumed in excessive amount, can increase the degree kolestrol in blood. Of food containing saturated fat include: coconut oil, hard cheese and animal fat.

No saturated fat Single

Saturated fat not only has little influence on the increased level of blood cholesterol. Food that contains saturated fat not only is olive oil, cotton seed oil, sesame oil and palm oil.

Double No saturated fat

Saturated fat did not have the double effect of decreasing blood cholesterol level. Food that contains no saturated fat is a double corn oil, rapeseed oil, soybean minyal, peanut oil, sunflower seed oil and fish oil.

Fat source

In food, there are three main types of fat, namely:

- Fat that is not visible
- Fat kasat eye
- Fat is added

Fat that is not visible is the natural fat found in food. Food containing high fat is not visible: meat, eggs, seeds, and nuts.

Fat is fat kasat eye that is seen by the naked eye, such as cooking oil, gajih, margarine, and others.

The added fat is fat that is added into the commercial food such as Pastry, ice cream, pie, cake, or fried foods.

To stay healthy of course we need to keep eating patterns. Here is a guide to health food heart.

- Restrict the consumption of cholesterol to 300 mg / day.
- Consumption of fat 25% of total calorie needs, which consists of 10% saturated fat and 15% fat is not saturated.
- Limit use of salt (NaCl) and food that contains fat content and high natrium yag like Pastry, cake, chocolate and others.

In addition to the guidelines above, not less important is the selection and processing techniques of food is recommended.

- Choose low-fat meat,
- Dispose of all fat kasat of food before the cook.
- Use low-fat milk for all food uses of milk yag.
- Avoid using cooking coconut milk.
- It is a good idea how the meat is cooked with boiled, steamed, diungkep, pan, or baked.
- Use new oil, avoid the use of oil jelantah.
- When the fry, try to use oil with medium heat.


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