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Sunday 5 April 2009

Don't Be Tricked-Know These Six Foods With Hidden Sugars

As most of you know who read this blog-I love sweets. If it has sugar in it you can pretty much guarantee that I like it. I generally do try to keep my known sugar foods low so that my body does not raise its insulin levels and make my body start storing fat but what about those unknown foods where the food industry hides sugar? This is where things can get very tricky because although you may think you are being healthy and cutting back on your sugar intake you are in fact being sabotaged with foods with hidden sugar in them. I mean come on, if I am going to indulge in sugar I want it to be in chocolate (of course), cake, cookies-you get the picture-not some boring food that I think that I am being healthy and eating. Below are a few areas to keep an eye on if you are trying to cut down on sugar. By the way, did you know that the average American eats approximately 1,500 pounds of food every year and of that, 160 pounds are primarily sugar? Uh oh.

6 Foods That Have Hidden Sugars

1. Spaghetti sauce. A half cup of store bought sauce can contain as many as three teaspoons of corn syrup or sugar. Some of the sugar is naturally occurring from the tomatoes or other vegetables but most is added. I recommend making your own sauce or looking for the brands that don’t include sugar.

2. Ketchup. Ketchup (which tops the list of things I do not like to eat or see) can be 20 percent sugar or more. Not to mention that you’ll get 7 percent of your daily sodium allowance in one tablespoon. Look for low-salt, no-sugar, brands.

3. Reduced-fat cookies. Most brands of cookies now offer a reduced-fat version of their product. But while you are thinking that you are choosing a healthier low fat version, check the label. Those sneaky food manufacturers may have taken out the fat, but they replaced it with sugar. Many times, the reduced-fat cookie is only slightly less caloric than the one you want to eat. And because there is no fat to make you feel full, you’ll be tempted to eat more “guilt-free cookies”.

4. Bread. Most processed breads, especially white hamburger and hot dog buns, can contain a good bit of sugar or corn syrup. That is what gives them the golden brown crust. Try getting your bread at a real bakery or farmers market (I love the farmers market).

5. Low-fat salad dressing. Okay, this is where I get in trouble as I eat a salad almost everyday with this low fat stuff on it. Like the cookies, manufacturers have taken the fat out of the dressing, but they have added extra salt and sugar to make up for it. Check the label to make sure that you are not replacing heart healthy olive oil with diabetes-causing sugar. Make your own vinaigrette's using a small amount of olive oil, a gourmet vinegar or fresh lemon juice and herbs.

6. Fast food. I rarely if ever eat fast food and here is another great reason to at least cut back if you are a fast food lover. Everything from the burgers to the fries to the salads is a potential place to hide sugar. Check out the ingredients carefully before you make your choices.


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