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Sunday 5 April 2009

Food For Thought- Eat To Make Better Choices

While at my doctor’s office yesterday I picked up the November, 2008 issue of Prevention magazine (usually I head straight for the gossip mags but instead opted for the health one and I am so proud) and found this really interesting information that I thought you would find as titillating as I did. It really does seem what we eat makes a difference in everything we do.

“In a new study , researchers found that people tend to react more aggressively and impulsively when levels of the brain chemical serotonin are low; eating regularly helps maintain serotonin which keeps you on an even keel. (it would be nice if this was my problem-easy to fix-but probably not)

On two occasions, scientists gave adults either a drink that decreased serotonin levels or one that maintained them, and then asked the people to negotiate with a partner. Those with higher serotonin levels were less swayed by emotions and their decisions led to better outcomes. “ Okay, maybe this is my problem because sometimes I can make some very impulsive and bad decisions based solely on my emotions.

Think snacks that combine carbs and tryptophan-rich food (dairy, soy, or poultry), such as whole grain crackers and cheese: both help to keep serotonin high. A few more healthy options are: turkey, black eyed-peas, black and English walnuts, almonds, sesame or pumpkin seeds, and cheddar, gruyere or swiss cheese. Also helping to a lesser extent are whole grains, rice, and other dairy products .I have also heard that candy such as chocolate (I just knew it-maybe this is why I feel so good after eating it) can have the same effect but is really not your healthiest option."

So, now before negotiating with anyone or making any important decisions I am going to grab some almonds and crackers and cheese and hopefully the outcome and my decisions will be favorable. I can just see myself in the boardroom at work eating almonds( and saying I cannot decide until the serotonin effect has kicked in) as we discuss what to do or mid argument with someone telling them to hold on that I need my serotonin levels raised in order to discuss this. They will think I am more of a nut than they already do-oh well. Give this a try and let me know what you think!


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