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Sunday 5 April 2009

Health Nut Wannabee Mom Soul Bared-Kind of Scary But Sometimes The Truth Hurts

If you are a loyal reader of this blog or entrecard dropper you will probably notice that my posts have been a bit scattered and my drops not quite so consistent. I am sorry and hope to be back on track soon. Things have been a little tough lately and I am going through some confusing times. I am like a cat and will land on my feet but the interim is hard and I am trying to figure out day by day how to move forward in a positive way. Don't worry as I always somehow come out on top and will this time too but have had some bumps and potholes on the road of life lately

Fortunately I am an independent and strong person and really believe that the things that hurt us the most are the things that we learn the most from. I really just thought that by forty I would have been ever so slightly more clever and smart enough to not get myself into these things in life . Oh well, it is what it is and now here I am learning some hard lessons again but very inspired that this will all make me a stronger and better person.

I am trying to catch up and get back up to par and hopefully soon will be right back where I was if not better.

A little inspiration-(it is one of those quote book times in my life)

Fall seven times, stand up eight-Japanese proverb

"I will love the light for it shows me the way. Yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars." Og Mandino

"We are still masters of our fate.We are still captains of our souls." Winston Churchill

"We are the choices we make." Meryl Streep

"Happiness is not a state to arrive at, but a manner of traveling." Margaret Lee Runbeck

Another great thing in my corner is my mother (thank you mom) always told me that regardless of what happens you have no choice but to keep going, to not only survive but to thrive. I have always embraced that and know that whatever happens you cannot give in to that feeling of throwing the covers over your head and not getting out of bed. You have to get out of bed no matter how much you don't want to, you have to face whatever you are dealing with-there is no other way if you want to conquer whatever is hurting you. So, I will get up each day and keep going, figuring it all out and somehow I know inside that everything will be okay. If you are having hard times in your life just know that it will be okay and just keep going. All will be well.....


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