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Thursday 2 April 2009

Identify the cause of Heart Attacks and Stroke

Heart attack and stroke are two kinds of death. The cause of this disease is the second interruption of blood circulation or in medical term known as vascular disease Aterosklerotik.

here are two causes of heart attack and stroke, which is a process of Aterosklerosis and Trombosis.

Ateroskleoris is the process of blood vessel constriction because storehouse of fat in the blood vessel wall. Degree of fat in the blood, marked with abnormal total cholesterol level, LDL cholesterol, trigliserida, apo B and Lp (a) in the blood and high HDL cholesterol level in blood is low, the base is the beginning of a aterosklerosis.

Trombosis occurs because plaque aterosklerosis that to much fat, are fragile. Plaque can fall off when the flow of blood flow because of downpours that high blood pressure or blood vessel when the ridge because of stress. Shed plaque will be involved and when the flow of blood to the blood vessel is small-such as the brain, can cause blockage that eventually cause the stroke.

Plaque that can fall off leaving the injured on the wall of blood vessel so that the bleeding occurred. To stop the bleeding fibrinogen (one of the factors that play a role in the process of blood coagulation) yarn-changed into fibrin threads form so that the blood clot covering the wound. Dump blood clot will be even more narrow clog blood alian. When this happens in the coronary blood vessel will be going coronary heart disease or heart attack.

Other risk factors as causes of heart attack and stroke is a syndrome characterized by insulin resistance with akdar blood glucose and insulin are high, anti fosfolipid a syndrome marked by the degree of ACA Iga, hiperhomocysteinemia and the process of inflammation are chronicles and sub clinic.


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