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Thursday 2 April 2009

The Eating Patterns For Heart Diseases

The Eating Patterns For Heart Diseases

Stoppage of a vessel constriction and arterial kororner is caused by oxygen-oxygen cumulation of fat (cholesterol, trigliserida) in the bottom layer terdalam (endotelium) of the carotid wall. One of the factors that most affect the likelihood of a storehouse of fat substances is lifestyle, especially eating patterns.

Heart disease with the disease often diidentikkan due to "live well", ie too many foods containing fat and cholesterol. This is increasingly becoming more membudayanya with the consumption of ready to eat food aka junk food in the period of this decade.

Can not be denied, junk food has become part of the lifestyle some people in Indonesia. See that there are many outlets in the mall-shopping, always full of visitors with a variety of ages, from the children until adulthood.

In fact a lot of junk food contains sodium, saturated fat and cholesterol. Soium is part of the salt. When the body terlalau much sodium, can improve blood flow and pressure causing high blood pressure. High blood pressure that can influence the emergence of heart disease interference.

Saturated fat harmful for the body because it stimulates liver to produce cholesterol bnnyak which will also contribute to the emergence of heart disease. Because cholesterol is settle the long run will hinder the flow of blood and oxygen metabolism as possible so that the heart muscle cells.

The increasing amount of junk food to enter the Indonesian market also bring new phenomenon, namely Obesity or excess body weight. Obesity problem is also more and more found at the age of children. This theme also was appointed to the World Heart Day in September 2005 ago, which reminds that Obesity is the main risk factors of a heart disease.

Obesity in the patients, the heart must work harder to supply blood to the entire body. Significantly this could increase the risk of heart disease. With the number of people who contract Obesity in early, not when the age is not possible heart disease patients are more young.

Cholesterol semdiri consists of 2 types, namely High Density Lipoprotein (HDL), which is often called good cholesterol and Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL), often called bad cholesterol. Body metabolism and performance of the heart will be disrupted if the LDL level in the blood of the body than the HDL level. Keep in mind, food high cholesterol content, among others, yolk, brain, heart, tuberculosis, intestinal, crabs and shellfish.

Apply balanced Diet

The best way to keep the body from heart attack is a life style change with the balanced diet. Balanced diet can also say as a balanced food, the daily food that contains a variety of vitamin jumlahdan quality in accordance with the needs of the body for optimal healthy living. Composition consisting of carbohydrate, fat, protein, vitamins, and minerals.

Function of vitamin in the body is as a source of energy (carbohydrate and fat), builders substances (proteins), especially for growing flowers and replace damaged cells and the source xat (vitamins and minerals).

Food that contain carbohydrate are rice, corn, sago, cassava and olahannya results. Source of vegetable protein can be obtained from tempe, tahu, nuts, and animal protein from meat, eggs, chicken and fish. While the source of the substance obtained from vegetables and fruits.

Feed Kelengkapan nutrition and nutrition is a must, to keep the body metabolism menajaga good. While the amount and number of food eaten depends on the age, sex and day-to-day activities.

At least, this concept of food balance has to be started from now with the various foods that can increase the level of fat in the body and kolestrol

To prevent hoarding of fat in the blood vessel, a person need to avoid saturated fat such as fat cows, goats, food bersanatan and gorengan because it can increase blood cholesterol level.

Not a single saturated fat, which has little influence on the increase in blood cholesterol level, found in the olive oil, cotton seed oil, sesame oil and palm oil. Sedangakan saturated fat is not a double, affecting penurunana degree kolesteroldarah found in the corn oil, soybean oil, peanut oil, sunflower oil and fish oil.

Remember to never use oil or oil jelantah used many times, because the saturated fatty acid does not change to trans fatty acid that can improve lipoprotein LDL and menuunkan lipoprotein HDL.

The consumption of beans such as soybean, fish, beans and sunflower which contain fatty acid omega-3 (lenoleat) and omega 6 (linoleat) should be improved. Similarly, vegetable, fruit, corn, bulb containing fibers. Fiber in fruits can effectively lower LDL cholesterol level. According to Angelique DP, brand manager of PT Indonesia Nutrifood, diet is better for the heart is a low fat diet and high fiber.

Some of the foods mentioned above also contains vitamins C and E can prevent heart. Vitamin C role in the formation of collagen and is a positive factor for preventing coronary heart attack. Lack of vitamin C causes damage order so that arterial cells can be filled and cholesterol cause aterosklerosis or process elements pengapuran hoarding and cholesterol.

While vitamin E are antioxidants that contribute to prevent the occurrence of oxidation processes in the body, in which LDL cholesterol penetrate the arterial wall can clog the blood vessel after the oxidation. Vitamin E can be found in vegetable oils (soybean oil, corn oil and sunflower seed oil), nuts, seeds and grains.

Method concoction of food also must be considered. The best way is to pan, diungkep, steamed, boiled, roasted or grilled.

Remember, there is never a word too late to start.


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