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Thursday 2 April 2009

Recognize HYPERTENSY (High Blood Pressure)

Blood pressure is a show case where the pressure imposed by blood vessel in the arterial blood pumped by the heart to all members of the body. Blood pressure can be seen by taking two sizes and are usually indicated by numbers as follows - 120 / 80 mmHg. Number 120 indicates arterial pressure in the vessel when the heart berkontraksi. Called the pressure sistolik. Figures 80 shows the pressure when the heart is being berelaksasi. Called the pressure diastolik. Attitude the most good for measuring blood pressure is in a sitting or lying.
Hypertension is a disease that occurs due to increased blood pressure. That can be classified into 2 types, namely primary or essential hypertension is not known and the cause secondary hypertension can be caused by kidney disease, endokrin disease, heart disease, kidney trouble child, etc.. Hypertension often does not cause symptoms, while blood pressure is continuously high in the long time can cause complications. Therefore, the need to detect hypertension early examination with blood pressure regularly, which can be done at the time of check-ups or when the health check to the doctor. Usually a doctor will mngecek two or more times before you are exposed to determine high blood pressure or not. When the opportunity is your blood pressure at 140/90 mmHg or more will be diagnosed as hypertensi (high blood pressure)
High blood pressure (hypertension) causes increased risk of stroke, aneurisma, heart failure, heart attack and kidney damage to see .. No age or gender, everyone can be affected by heart disease and usually without any symptoms of previous
Blood pressure in the life of someone naturally vary. infants and children have a normal blood pressure is far lower than the adult.
Blood pressure is also influenced by physical activity, which will be higher during the activity and lower when resting.
blood pressure in one day is also different; most high in the morning and at least sleep at night.

target damage Hypertension among others:

* Brain: the stroke
* Eyes: retinopati cause hypertension and may cause blindness
* Heart: cause coronary heart disease (including infark heart), heart failure
* Kidney: the chronicles kidney disease, terminal renal failure

classification of blood pressure in adults


tekanan darah sistolik

tekanan darah diastolik


dibawah 130 mmhg

dibawah 85 mmhg

normal tinggi

130-139 mmhg

85-89 mmhg

stadium 1
(hipertensi ringan)

140-159 mmhg

90-99 mmhg

stadium 2
(hipertensi sedang)

160-179 mmhg

100-109 mmhg

stadium 3
(hipertensi berat)

180-209 mmhg

110-119 mmhg

stadium 4
(hipertensi maligna)

210 mmhg atau lebih

120 mmhg atau lebi

maligna hypertension is a very severe hypertension, which if not treated will cause death in 3-6 months, Hypertension is rare, only 1 out of 200 people who suffered from hypertension.

1. Heart pumping stronger so that more liquid stream on every second
2. Arteri kelenturannya big loss and become rigid, so that they can not inflate when the heart pumping blood through the arterial. because the blood in each heartbeat forced to through a narrow tube than usual and cause the increase of pressure. This occurred at the age of information, which has thick walls arterinya and rigid because arteriosklerosis.
the same way, blood pressure also increased at the time of going vasokonstriksi, that is if small arterial (arteriola) contract for a while because the nerve excitation or hormones in the blood.
3. Increased fluid in the circulation can cause increased blood pressure. this happens if there is a difference so that kidney function is not able to remove some water and salt from the body. volume of blood in the body increases, so that blood pressure also increased.

Similarly sebaaliknya, low blood pressure by disebabakan activity decreased heart pumping, the arterial dilation, much fluid out of circulation. The best way in avoiding high blood pressure is to change the direction of healthy lifestyles akif such as exercise, diet or Manage eating patterns such as low salt, low cholesterol and saturated fat, increasing consumption of fruits and vegetables, do not consume alcohol and cigarettes
However, if you have been diagnosed Hypertensi affected, the most important initial step is to lower your blood pressure by following the healthy lifestyle such as the above drugs and consume in accordance with the instructions dokter.Selain is also recommended for laboratory examination Conducting evaluation panel with the beginning of the hypertension or the panel of living healthy with hypertension

Destination inspection laboratory in hypertension patients:

* To search for possible secondary causes of Hypertension
* To assess whether there penyulit and target organ damage
* To estimate the prognosis
* To determine the existence of other factors that heighten the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke

Laboratory examination to have 2 types of hypertension, namely:

* First Hypertension Evaluation Panel: This is done as soon as diagnosed Hypertension, and before starting treatment

* The Healthy Living with Hypertension: To monitor the success of therapy


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