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Thursday 2 April 2009

Lingkar Pinggang Bisa Deteksi Penyakit Jantung

Tape measure can be the best tool to predict heart disease, said a number of researchers in the beginning this weekend.
Studies presented in the meeting that "the American Heart Association" (American Heart Association) show large waist can be a short road to heart attack or serious heart disease.
"Lingkar waist is important," said a heart specialist from the University of Colorado as well as Chairman of the American Heart Association, Dr. Robert Eckel correspondent to the Health and Science News Reuters Kantor, Maggie Fox.
During this doctor conducting cholesterol, high blood pressure and obesity to measure the risk of heart disease, which is known as the number one killer in the U.S. and other countries in the world.
Center for Disease Control and Prevention U.S. states, in 2001, there were 930 thousand people died because the United States kardiovaskuler disease.
Smoking habits remain the main cause of heart disease, but obesity problems start pursuing these ratings.
Statistics clearly show began, the place of fat in the body bercokol is because the form must be diwaspadai body 'apple' where the fat gathered in the middle of the stomach or body more dangerous than the form of the body 'pear' on the part of the buttocks or thigh.
Dr Xavier Jouven of INSERM, groups of researchers in Villejuif, France, and their colleagues conducted research on the 7000 French police part old age who died in 1967 until 1984 because of heart attack or other heart disease.
They consider the size of waist circumference and BMI (body mass index or body of the index), and high ratio of body weight that is used in general to find out someone has excess weight or obesity.
Men-men have a certain kind of belly bulging likely died more quickly, said Jouven the heart association's meeting.
"The risk of sudden death was due to increased density in the abdomen or stomach," said Jouven in a press conference, and added it has not been observed for more deaths that are not due to a sudden heart attack.
In addition, the research also found that people with a BMI number is not high-risk early death except for those who have a large waist circumference.
As a benchmark, waist measuring 40 inches or 102 cm is a sign of danger for men, while for women the risk is increased by measuring waist circumference at 30 inches or 76 cm.
Dr. Khawaja Ammar of the Olmsted Medical Center in Rochester, Minnesota (USA), conducted research on the 2000 adults aged 45 years and over in the area and create a number of fat through the waist circumference, neck circumference, BMI and skin fold thickness arm and stomach.
The research team also found that those who are well "apple" has a tendency to suffer heart simptom specific named disfungsi ventrikular left and disfungsi diastolik which the measurements of performance in the heart pumping blood.
After observing the people in the group who died within five years, they concluded that the function diastoliknya has a low waistline and large, more likely to die early.
"Do not just calculate the rate, body weight and BMI, along with a better measure waist circumference, neck circumference is also now," said Khawaja Ammar.


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