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Tuesday 31 March 2009

Acne – My Story, Vitamins, Antibiotics and Herbs

Read: Acne - Part 1: Introduction, Acne - Part 2: Skincare After having tried the myriad of products for my skin and not getting the results I wanted - i.e. clear skin - I was told by a friend that she had known someone who had really bad acne and had ...

Acid and Alkaline Food Diet, Part 2

source: flikr So what did I mean when I said I shall provide two lists for the Acid and Alkaline Food diet in Part 1? Confused? Well, whenever I have scowered the internet for a list identifying the state (i.e. acidic or alkaline) of foods, I always come across some discrepancies in.....

Cure for Hay fever

At the beginning of every spring (or summer for some), you start hearing a lot of sniffling and sneezing. This is usually as a result of people suffering from hay fever also known as seasonal allergic rhinitis. A condition which is caused by an allergy to grass or hay pollens. Common ...

Cookies benefit breast milk and reviews


Who would’ve thought that “The Health People” might advocate the consumption of cookies, huh?Ok there’s a slight catch, these aren’t ordinary cookies, they are enriched with CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid).

As a result of eating these enriched cookies, researchers found these healthy fatty acids to be present in breast at a higher level (46% ~ higher) than those who only consumed normal biscuits.

This doesn’t mean necessarily that all women have been given the green light to consume large amounts of biscuits and hence overdose on saturated fat and sugars.

The study aims to show how CLA supplementation can make its way into the breast and therefore benefit the child - I think it’s fair to surmise that ;)

CLA is a group of fatty acids that has potential anti-cancer and antioxidant effects.

The study doesn’t show where you can buy these biscuits though!

Maybe you could get a CLA pill and put it in between two cookies, somewhat like a sandwich?!

Or on the other hand, just get rid of the biscuits and take the supplement by itself - yeah…that makes more sense!

POM Wonderful healths and fitness

POM Wonderful Pomegranate Juice

So I guess you must’ve seen the massive ad campaign being conducted by the ‘POM Wonderful’ company, especially here in the UK, if not, where have you been?! To my knowledge, the drink is not new, it has been around for quite some time now, so why such a big campaign? No idea.

What is ‘POM Wonderful’? Simply…a juice drink!

You’re probably wondering why I am writing about this drink?

Well, firstly beause it is a relevant topic to the site and secondly because I was contacted a few weeks ago by ‘POM Wonderful’ and kindly offered two free bottles to try for free!

Have I tried it yet? NO!

Will I try it? YES!

According to POM’s website, they are “…backed by $25 million in medical research.” (that’s a lot of backing!) and all the recent research and health claims about juice and its benefits was conducted using no other than…that’s right…’POM Wonderful’ juice.

So what are some of the health benefits of this juice?

Well it…

Has shown to improve blood flow

Reduction in arterial plaque growth

Improved erections (see

Improvement in prostate health

Very high in antioxidants and therefore has the ability to neutralise free radicals

Does the company do anything else?

I’m glad you asked. Okay sorry for the rubbish humour, just pretend to laugh, ok?! I mean please :)

Apart from the actual POM Wonderful juice, the company also has a selection of different flavoured teas and a special supplement (both in tablet and liquid form) for those who want a more convenient way to reap the benefits of pomegranate.

As soon as I get my free bottles, I shall let you know what I think.

Have you tried it? Let us know your thoughts please :)

Omega-3 Diet Linked to Lower Heart Disease Risk


In yet another study showing the benefits of consuming foods high in Akira Sekikawa (MD) and colleagues found that rather than genetic factors contributing to the lower heart disease risk in Japan’s population, the actual content of Japanese diets may be responsible instead.

The study, cited in the August edition of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, involved 281 men living in Japan, 306 Caucasian American men and 281 Japanese-American men living in Hawaii.

The researchers conducted blood tests to measure total fatty acids and fatty acids.

Although the total fatty acid levels were similar amongst all three groups, the amount of fatty acids from fish consumption was twice as high among the Japanese men group as compared to both American groups.

The study also indicated that men living in Japan had significantly less atherosclerosis (plaque build up inside the arteries).

Dr. Sekikawa concluded that increasing the intake of fatty acids could “…have a very substantial impact on heart disease.”

Source: Sekikawa A., Curb J.D., Ueshima H., et al. Marine-derived n-3 fatty acids and atherosclerosis in Japanese, Japanese-American and white men: a cross-sectional study. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2008 Aug., 52(6):417-424

POM Wonderful Review and healths

pom wonderful pomegranate

Yeah, that’s right!

Cut the long VERY short, the drink is not very tasty, though that doesn’t mean it is not palatable.

It’s somewhat of an acquired taste! (Queen’s English accent pleeeeeeeease!)

Some people have told me that it tastes like medicane and I can see what they mean.

So what are the ingredients?

100% from concentrate and natural flavourings.

Two things I don’t like very much:

  1. That it is from concentrate!
  2. What are the natural flavourings?!

I was quite shocked at the price.

Here (in the UK), it cost me £3.14 for a little less than 500ml, which is VERY expensive.

Would I buy it again?

Probably not, though the health benefits are very good!

Many other pomegranate drinks taste very good, though this is mostly down to the large

I still have one more voucher, may use it and try the mango flavour ;)

doctor health reviews


healths is live a live u can trust tfor health so i realy healths for fitneess

Precision Nutrition BLOG is finally here!

Nutrition Precision Nutrition

If you know anything about precision nutrition and its founder John Berardi, then you at least know that their system of “precision nutrition” is very….precise!

They have launched a blog (finally!!!), a much needed tool to interact more closely with the public.

Cholesterol: What is it and what should your level be?


This is a guest post by Monique Slater.

Basically, the lower the better!

Did you know 1 in 2 Australian Adults are affected by cholesterol!

What’s scary is that only 1 in 5 think they are affected.

But what exactly is cholesterol?

It can be so confusing especially when you hear about ‘good and bad cholesterol’ and then ‘total’ cholesterol – what is the difference? Isn’t it all the same?

Cholesterol is a waxy substance which is found naturally in our blood – in fact it is made by our liver but we also receive a small amount from the food we eat. Without cholesterol our bodies could not perform a number of important body processes like making hormones and vitamin D. Having a low level of cholesterol our blood is natural and healthy but having a high cholesterol level can be dangerous. ‘Bad’ cholesterol gets stuck to the walls of blood vessels, making them harder and narrower so less blood can flow through and around the body. Eventually this spells big trouble for your heart, often leading to heart attack and stroke. ‘Good’ cholesterol on the other hand, takes cholesterol from body tissues back to the liver for re-processing and elimination.

To help keep your heart healthy it is important to keep your ‘bad’ cholesterol low (known as ‘LDL cholesterol’) and your ‘good’ cholesterol high (known as ‘HDL cholesterol’).

So what about total cholesterol?

Total cholesterol is a figure made up from the bad (LDL) and the good (HDL) cholesterol levels. The Heart Foundation recommends the cholesterol level for the general public is ideally should be below 5.5mmol/L or lower. For people at higher risk of heart problems, they suggest a cholesterol level of less than 4.0 mmo/l. Basically, the lower the better.

Cholesterol plaque

How do I lower my cholesterol?

Small changes to diet and lifestyle can make a big difference to your cholesterol level such as:

  • Avoiding ‘bad’ fats and/or reducing saturated fats, limiting other animal fats like cheese, cream, full cream milks and yoghurts and fatty meats. Choose lean meats and low fat dairy products instead. Also cutting down on biscuits, pastries and the like too.
  • Choosing ‘good’ fats. Replacing bad fats with polyunsaturated vegetable oils such as sunflower oil and polyunsaturated margarine spreads will have a positive effect on cholesterol levels.
  • Eating more vegetables – including 2 serves of fruit and 5 serves of vegetables everyday and include wholegrain foods in your daily diet.
  • Having a healthy lifestyle by aiming for a healthy body weight, quitting smoking, including physical exercise.
  • Using a plant sterol margarine spread will also help lower cholesterol absorption.

I would urge you however, if you have any concerns about your cholesterol levels or heart health, your first point of contact should always be your GP. Some people have cholesterol levels that require medication as well as diet and lifestyle changes and your doctor will need to advise you. Keeping a nice close eye on your cholesterol levels is highly recommended because they change over time. Something I didn’t realize until recently was that when women go through menopause and their estrogen levels drop, their cholesterol increases! (but this is another topic!)

I would love to hear your comments and experiences. It doesn’t matter how old you are, it’s never to early or late to love your heart!

Sunday 29 March 2009

Warning: Avoid These Weight Loss & Diet Progams!

Today I would like to talk about weight loss and diet programs that you should avoid like walking barefooted on a driveway on a 100 degree day!

Since you're reading this, that tells me you are interested in finding an effective weight loss and diet program.


You don't want to be put through any type of BS! Trust me, I hear you loud and clear! I WAS a victim to these "questionable" programs out here nowadays!

Isn't it already stressful and confusing enough for us to lose weight and improve our health? Now enter those crazy "fad diets" out here making ridiculous claims of weight loss success by eating this, or not eating that, and on and on.....which do not work, can cause yo-yo dieting, and may cause health problems!

My friend, those are the programs you need to run away from fast like being in the same room as someone who has had too much baked beans! What is up with me with these analogies this morning?! lol

Listen, when you are searching for a program, it's simple on how to choose one that is effective and can produce results.


  • If it's a nutrition based program, does the program teach about proper nutrition with ALL important food groups...not the low carb, low fat crap, etc.?
  • If it's a fitness like program, does it teach about doing cardio AND weight training, or even high intensity training which combines both cardio and weight training together?
  • If it's a program dealing with a unique topic such as body cleansing, is there credible proof that it is effective?
  • Does it have a support system?
  • Are their testimonials and/or reviews?
  • Is it reasonably priced?
Those are the questions you sho

My 6 Point Analysis For Choosing A Diet Or Weight Loss Program

Are you having difficulty choosing a diet or weight loss program? Trust me, I know exactly how you feel!

5 years ago (almost 6 years in a couple of months...woohoo!) when I started my weight loss journey, I was looking around trying to choose an effective weight loss program to help me get started on my quest for weight loss and muscle gain. That was a headache! I kept coming across a lot of those "celebrity diets", "fad diets", "no carb", "no protein", blah, blah, blah!

After many years of researching, here's what I've learned...

First of all, diets and weight loss programs are NOT LONG TERM SOLUTIONS. Diets and weight loss programs should be used to get you started, lose those first pounds, and get you educated on living a healthy lifestyle. Living a healthy lifestyle and staying consistent with it, is what will get you in great shape and health....for life. Use a diet program just to get the ball rolling.

Use the following question checklist to help you choose a diet or weight loss program for you...

1. What is the primary aspect of this weight loss product?
Is it fat loss, proper nutrition, building muscle, etc.? If it does not focus on the core principles of a healthy lifestyle (such as "don't have protein", "eat fiber only", "eat what you want and just drink this magical formula to drop pounds", etc.)....AVOID!

2. Testimonials?
Never, I repeat, NEVER buy into a diet or weight loss program without seeing testimonials first!

3. Valuable content or system?
What's included? There should be a bullet list of everything that's included. Is it good value...or is it information that you can already find on your own....or already know?!

4. Any extra value?
Is there anything else contained with this diet that is of more value than others? This could be one on one support, diet tools, etc.

5. Any bonuses?
Most diet and weight loss programs are good enough to not need bonuses for someone to make a decision. I'm not saying that you should solely base your decision on if a program has bonuses or not. I'm saying that you should base it on the above points and use bonuses as a minimal add on to your decision making. Some programs have some VERY GOOD bonuses....BUT the program or diet is not effective. That's why you should approach bonuses as a minimal part of your decision making process....base it primarily on if this diet or weight loss program is going to be effective.

6. Pricing?
This is the most looked at part of choosing a diet or weight loss program....and it shouldn't be. Some of the best weight loss programs are pretty expensive....probably why they are the best? However, you should still choose wisely. You have to look at the above factors and then determine if the price is reasonable. Some diet and weight loss programs are e-books, manuals, monthly programs, food programs, etc. That is also something else you have to take into consideration when determining if the program is of a fair price.

Remember, no diet is going to work unless you practice ALL of the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle:
  • Proper nutrition & eating habits (Protein, complex carbs, fiber, healthy fats, and foods rich in vitamins and minerals. Never...skip...breakfast, and try to eat 6 small healthy meals daily instead of the usual 3. This is not as hard as it sound. A small meal could be something as simple as a yogurt, a banana, and half of a whole grain bagel.
  • Drink plenty of water daily.
  • Get plenty of sleep every night
  • Cardio exercise (I recommend high intensity as this will provide the best results.)
  • Weight training exercise
  • And most importantly, consistency. If you have no consistency....neither will be the results.

Looking For Motivation To Lose Weight?

I know how hard it is to lose weight and get in shape. Sometimes we just need a little inspiration and motivation to get us through obstacles in life, and weight loss is no exception.

I have collected and compiled for you some motivational and inspirational quotes to help in giving that extra "push" to achieve your weight loss, and overall health goals.

Also this post will be linked to on the side of the blog so that you can get a "refill" of motivation if you run into "one of those days" later on, and also it will be updated frequently with more quotes!


"Living a healthy lifestyle is a journey...not a short trip around the corner. Improve your health and body... permanently."
Me :)

"Practice does not make perfect. Practice makes permanent"

"Failures do what is tension relieving, while winners do what is goal achieving."

"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude."
Thomas Jefferson

"You didn't get out of shape and unhealthy overnight, and you won't get fit and healthy overnight - despite what the infomercials tell you"

"To go forward, you have to leave something behind"
Steve Jobs

"Through action, our potential becomes our identity; our dreams become our life."
David Jiang

"When you believe, it is only a dream; when you take action, it is a reality."
Koik Boon Tatt

"We mustn't run away from our battles because sooner or later we will have to face them one way or another. If that's the way it is, why not now?"
Jasper Tong

"Never give up on your dreams - someday, somehow, somewhere you will find them."

"Try now. Try again. Try one more time."
Kavitha Murugesh

"Make your own path called success, which has an undisclosed destiny, but never forget to cross the checkpoints called achievements."
Harsha R.

"Mankind can be divided in three categories: Those who are immovable, those who are movable, and those who MOVE. Always be in the third category."

"Life can sometimes be tough and you might stumble and fall but remember...when you fall, fall forward."

"We mustn't run away when things get hard. We should believe in ourselves and always fight it out. Only then will we achieve our dreams, as success belongs to those who believe."
Jasper Tong

"Procrastination is a big road block in achieving your goal. Get started in the right direction of your goals immediately...and most importantly then...don't stop."

Update: 8/31/08
"Don't dig your grave with your own knife and fork."

Update: 11/24/08
"You're much stronger than you think you are."

Update: 12/03/08
"Quiting Is Not An Option."

Update: 12/03/08
"You are what you eat, so if you eat like crap expect to look that way."

Update: 12/03/08
"The closer you are to failure, the closer you are to victory, it all depends on how closely you walk the line"

Update: 12/18/08
"There is no such thing as a small miracle. A gym is a place of miracles. People do things they once thought impossible..." - Joe Weider

Update: 12/23/08
"Good things come to those who take action."

Update: 12/25/08
"Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential."
Winston Churchill
Update: 1/7/09
"Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, an hour or a day, but after sometime it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, then it lasts forever."-Lance Armstrong

Update: 1/10/2009
"Excuses will get you nowhere."

Update: 1/15/2009
"You gain strength, experience and confidence by every experience where you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you cannot do." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Update: 1/16/2009
"There is only ONE WAY you can possibly fail, and that is by GIVING UP"

Update: 1/21/2009
"You're closer than you think."

Update: 1/25/2009
"Those who take shortcuts get cut short."

Update: 1/26/2009
"You are born with a spark; to search for the truth, for the best you can be. Practice. Discipline. Preparation. Try and try again. Then one day you are on top and they say you are an overnight success, a natural. You smile, you know."
- Anonymous

Update: 2/28/2009
"Only I stand in my way. So I shall conquer myself."

Update: 1/27/2009
"The three great essentials to achieving anything worthwhile are; first, hard work, second, stick-to-it-iveness, and third, common sense."

Update: 2/8/2009
'' Perfection doesn't exist but the quest for it makes you improve''

Update: 2/8/2009
"If you always do what you've always done, you will always get what you always got."

Update: 2/28/2009
"Only I stand in my way. So I shall conquer myself."

Update: 3/16/2009
"Suffer the pain of discipline or suffer the pain of regret"

Remember, this list will be updated frequently. Be sure to check back every now and then for more inspiration and motivation!

Do you know of some great motivational quotes that is very inspirational and motivational for those looking to lose weight and improve their overall health? Comment below.

Diet Motivation - Top 5 Tips to Survive The First 2 Weeks!

How do you develop diet motivation?

When you start a healthy lifestyle, the first two weeks of a diet are the worst!

You have to dig deep and pull out willpower you never knew you had to stay focused and determined.

If you survive the two week crucible of dieting, you will be more than likely able to stay committed to your goals of weight loss and improving your health.

How do you survive this two week crucible?

1. Understand first that starting a healthy lifestyle is a lifestyle change. It is not something "additional" to your life. It's changing what it is that you ALREADY do on a daily basis. When you have this mindset, you will find it more easier to start this lifestyle change.

2. Do not have high expectations. Going into a diet and expecting to lose 10 pounds in 3 days is just asinine. Set realistic goals that you know YOU will be able to meet. Once you start reaching these small goals, it will give you that constant flow of motivation you need to keep going.

3. Stop checking the scale! Checking the scale frequently is a surefire way of discouragement. Why? Your weight will fluctuate through out the day and week giving you all kinds of numbers. This may have an impact on you in regards to staying motivated. The best way to measure your development is by looking in the mirror. The mirror is more accurate in determining your progress.

4. Do not deprive yourself. Depriving yourself of the foods you used to eat (in particular during the first two weeks of a diet), can cause you to relapse.....and relapse bad! In moderation, it's okay to have a little cheat food once in awhile....just don't over do it as this could also cause you to relapse and lose motivation.

5. Whatever diet and/or fitness program you go on, always remember the basic core principles of a healthy lifestyle as they are the backbone of ANY successful program. If you have been following my blog, you should know the basic core principles by now. Those principles are proper nutrition (complex carbs, protein, fiber, healthy fats, and foods rich in vitamins/minerals), drinking plenty of water daily, getting plenty of sleep every night (7-8 hours), cardio exercise, and weight training exercise.

6. BONUS TIP: Don't give up! Believe in yourself and don't listen to naysayers. People may try to discourage you by saying how hard dieting is, etc., etc. There is nothing hard about living a healthy lifestyle. It just takes some getting used to. Trust me, once you get used to living healthier, you will have automatic diet motivation and you wouldn't even think twice about going back to your old bad habits and bad lifestyle!

Here's Proof Proper Dieting And Fitness Can Cause Extreme Weight Loss

A lot of people want to get on some type of fad diet or take some type of diet pill to help them burn fat and get extreme weight loss. Contrary to popular belief, those types of things do not work and are very dangerous for your health.

I think the problem is most people just can't fathom that having a good weight loss plan with proper dieting and fitness can produce extraordinary results. I never could understand it?

Well, if you think you need fad diets and diet pills and natural dieting and fitness won't's proof that it does:



How do she get such extreme weight loss? You guessed it.....natural dieting and fitness!

Here's her story:

Age: 22
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 235 lbs
Body Fat: 39%
Pants Size: 22

Age: 23
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 142 lbs
Body Fat: 6%
Pants Size: 3

Why She Got Started:
I was tired of being fat. There was no real one moment to lose weight. I made up my mind after seeing my mom and sister go through a fitness boot camp that if they could do it, I could do it. Later I joined the Extreme Makeover program with that trainer and she helped me lose 70 pounds in three months!

During that time I learned all about bodybuilding. I learned how they ate, worked out, and why they are so darn picky about food. After that weight loss I gained a few pounds back and made up my mind to drop some poundage.

I went into a supplement store by my gym and asked if there was anything new and exciting. The guy at the desk quickly reminded me of everything I had learned a few months back. It was how you ate and how you worked out. It was a lifestyle. He wrote up a quick diet for me and in no time I was dropping pounds! Eventually he suggested I compete in figure.

How She Did It:

After making up my mind to compete I hunted down a coach on I found Sean Calder on BodySpace. Shortly after he was my coach he had me on a diet and supplementation routine that I stuck to. Every time I had a question he was there to answer it.

Since I had the goal to compete in my mind it kept me motivated to stick with the diet and exercise. Eventually I began to love working out and would get excited about my oatmeal in the morning.

On October 18th I placed first in my height class (Figure Tall) at the Northwest Bodybuilding, Fitness & Figure Championships in Olympia Washington! It was awesome!


Vitamin C

Now this is what I call a weight loss nutritional diet plan.....

Meal 1:
o Egg whites
o Oatmeal

Meal 2:
o Chicken breast
o Veggies

Meal 3:
o Protein shake

Meal 4:
o Tuna
o Veggies

Meal 5: Post Workout
o Protein shake

Meal 6:
o Chicken breast
o Veggies

Meal 7:
o Protein shake

Meal 8:
o Tuna
o Salad

"Notice the considerable amount of protein, no bad fat, and no simple carbs. You'll burn fat and get extreme weight loss in no time having a diet like above!"

Exercise Plan:

Day 1:

o Legs: 3 x Failure (Under 20 Reps)

Day 2:

o Back: 3 x Failure (Under 20 Reps)
o Triceps: 3 x Failure (Under 20 Reps)

Day 3:

o Shoulders: 3 x Failure (Under 20 Reps)
o Biceps: 3 x Failure (Under 20 Reps)

Day 4:

o Chest: 3 x Failure (Under 20 Reps)

I go to failure on the last rep while keeping perfect form. I don't pause at the beginning or end of each rep.

Her Suggestions To Others:

Here are a few tips I have learned on my journey for weight loss:

* Get a huge lunchbox.

* Cook everything in the morning or the day before.

* Just carry the gallon of water. Don't worry about the looks. It will help you know how much you have left to drink.

* Call hotels before you get there and ask if they have refrigerators or microwaves in the room. If not, bring a foreman grill and one of those refrigerators you can plug into your car. I have a fridge in the back of my car that can plug into wall outlets.

Secret Motivational Tip To Help You Lose Weight And Get Fit Fast

Is getting motivated to lose weight and get fit holding you back from accomplishing your health goals?

Weight loss and fat loss is a difficult task, and trying to make that happen without anything providing you a steady stream of motivation could cause you to want to give up.

In todays post, I would like to share with you a secret motivational tip that can help you achieve weight loss and improvement of your overall health.....with no setbacks!

Okay, firstly, let's talk about some don'ts:

1. Checking the scale: Constantly checking your weight can lead to serious frustration since you may not see weight loss, or worse, weight gain. This is because your weight fluctuates constantly due to several things (water weight, etc.), and not to mention, results take time. I know, I sucks that it's easy to put weight on than take off.....but you just have to be patient....results WILL come.

2. Listening to naysayers: There are always going to be people out here (even family and friends) who'll try to sabotage your efforts to improve your body. Avoid the naysayers. Getting yourself in better health and getting a very fit body is VERY possible with determination and consistency.

3. Trying to do what other's do: All of our bodies are unique. We all end up needing different plans to achieve weight loss, fat loss, and to build lean muscle. Understand your body, know your bodies limits, and

Now, onto a secret motivational tip to help you lose weight and get fit...

What are some common motivational methods, besides seeing other healthy and fit people? Is it you noticing weight loss? Seeing muscle development? Pants fitting more losely? Compliments from friends and family? Those are some of the more common motivational methods. However, those are also some of the things that could lead to frustration if they do not happen right away.

With that said, is there a way to be motivated right away with living a healthier lifestyle? Absolutely! The secret is to measure your success with your health and fitness journey by HOW YOU FEEL! That is the greatest motivational tool to help you stay consistent with a healthy lifestyle.

You'll notice immediately after just one day of eating healthier and exercising (properly) the positive feeling you'll have all over your body. You feel great because your body is getting what it is supposed to be getting.....proper nutrition and fitness. Your body rewards you with a great feeling of well being. That feeling you get after eating right and exercising is something that can become addictive. Therefore, that can be used as motivation to help you continue your journey.

The 10 Step Plan To Get Fat & Unhealthy Quick!

1. Eat alot of carbs: White bread, white pasta, french fries & more.

2. Drink plenty of sodas & high sugar juices: Hey, you're going to need something to wash all those french fries down, right?

3. Fry everything: There's nothing better than some good ol' fried chicken. Also, try some delicious fried potatoes, fried bacon, fried eggs, heck, even fry your turkey for Thanksgiving!

4. Make sure to stock up on junk food: Mmmmm! Nice crunchy, salty potato chips! What about some chocolate chip cookies, snack cakes, ice cream, ahhh, the list goes on and on. Just make sure you stock up plentiful of these wonderful delicious snacks.

5. Don't eat breakfast: Running late? No problem. You don't need breakfast. You can just fill up with some delicious fast food on your lunch break.

6. Overflow your plate: Make sure that when you are placing food on your plate, you overflow it with all that tasty food. I mean come can never be too full!

7. Don't drink any water: Yuck! Water has no flavor whatsoever. All water does is make you full (why would you want to be full?), flushes out your system (that sounds nasty!), and is necessary for your body in general (oh please, the only thing necessary for your body is that ice cold 48oz. soda from the convenience store....oh, and don't forget the chips.)

8. Don't eat too often: Make sure you have just 2-3 HUGE meals a day. You have to slow up your metabolism so that you can pack on all those sexy beautiful pounds.

9. Don't eat fiber: Ewwww! Bran foods? Whole Grain foods? No thank you! Why would you want to keep your cholesterol level down? That would mean you would have to give up all those delicious cookies and fried chicken! Fiber helps curb your appetite. Uh-oh...we don't want that, now do we?!

10. Last but not least - Do not exercise!: Stop, put the weights down and go get the ice cream sandwich. They say you should at least take a walk daily....uhhh....don't you already do that every day walking back and forth to your refridgerator & cabinets.

Congratulations! You have now completed The 10 Step Plan To Get Fat & Unhealthy Quick. Don't forget to weigh yourself daily to watch those pounds skyrocket!

Now, I'm not sure why you would want to do this, but if you want the opposite plan to the one above, then visit this stupid website to find out all you need to know to become a healthy, in shape, skinny/muscular dork!

The Banana Diet? Are You Kidding Me?!

The Banana Diet. No.....freaking.....way?!

You know what? I think I'm going to come up with my own diet. I'm going to call it the Fried Chicken Diet! Eat as much fried chicken as you want and lose a ton of pounds! I mean hey, it's chicken and it has protein in it, what's the flour and grease going to do?

Seriously guys, this is getting freaking ridiculous! Fad diets are springing up all over the place. Why do people keep falling for this stuff? Fad diets DO NOT WORK.

When I first found out about this Banana diet, I actually thought it was a joke! Upon further's yet another diet out here destined to take people's hard earned money, fill them with false hopes of losing their weight, and potentially causing harm to their bodies.

Check out this e-mail I got from one of my colleagues Mike Geary, author and creator of The Truth About Abs, and read his take on this brand new super duper awesome diet....

Here we go again with another ridiculous fad diet!

I was reading Mens Health today and they were talking about a new diet fad called the "morning banana diet" that is becoming so popular in Japan that Dole imports to the country have increased 25% in the last 4 months (according to Mens Health).

Supposedly the diet consists of eating as many bananas as you want for breakfast, eating anything for lunch and dinner, a snack at 3pm, no desserts at all, and get to sleep by midnight at the latest.

MH makes a great point that there are major flaws with this as calorie consumption is not necessarily controlled, so the person could seriously overeat on calories throughout the day without any regard for that.

Also, why did they choose bananas? After all, if you were going to follow some stupid fad diet, why not choose a fruit with a higher fiber/total carb ratio and less calories and sugar overall? Some type of berries would be a much better option for fat loss.

Although I think bananas have many healthful properties, they are one of the most calorie dense fruits available, and I usually limit my bananas to only post-workout meals, since that's when your body will utilize the high GI carbs more readily for replenishing your muscle glycogen.

The bottom line... This is just yet another stupid diet fad that isn't going to help anyone with long term weight maintenance and fat loss.

As I've always said, what we really need is adopting a true fitness lifestyle, so that you can understand how to eat a nutritious diet that promotes fat loss and weight maintenance for life.

That's why the only "diet programs" that I endorse are NOT diet fads, but rather methods of adopting a healthy nutrition outlook that will work for you personally for life.

Mini Weight Loss Guide For Football Fans!

I love football. And when football season rolls around, there are a few things I associate with during this time of year. These few things may come in contact with my healthy lifestyle. Those few things are sandwiches, beer, and stress (I'm an Eagle's fan....enough said)!

How do you cope with those things if you are trying to lose weight and improve your health?

Well, let's start with sandwiches. What you put in sandwiches is pretty simple when it comes to healthy foods to eat to lose weight. Tuna, salmon, lean chicken, lean turkey, lean beef, egg whites, and more. However, when it comes to the bread, that's where it gets a little tricky....

I was reading an article in one of my favorite magazines, Men's Health, and they had listed 4 healthy alternatives to sandwich bread. Check them out:

Weight Loss And Sleep: 9 Tips To Sleep The Pounds And Fat Away

Getting an adequate amount of sleep every night is often overlooked when it comes to successful weight loss. Resting your body will allow your muscles to grow and will keep your metabolic rate running smoothly.....and this translates to burning off calories!

Here are 9 tips I use to get better sleep ever since I started on my weight loss journey, and have helped me produce phenomenal results:

1. Invest in good high quality bedding products. This would include pillows, sheets, blankets, etc. If you are sleeping on pillows, etc. that are not comfortable, causing body aches (neck & back are most common), you obviously will not get a good night's rest.

2. Make sure you have a consistent sleeping schedule. If you find it will work out best for your situations that you go to bed a 10p.m. and can awake at 6a.m., make sure you stick to that schedule. Your body will also adapt to this schedule after awhile making it a little easier to get to bed.

3. Do not take and/or drink ANY kind of caffeine close to your bed time. Reasons are pretty obvious. :)

4. Do not drink alcohol close to your bed time. I know prime time NFL football games are on in the evening (Go Eagles!), but, you have to put your health in the top spot on your list of hard as that is for me! j/k :)

5. Dinner time should not be too close to your bed time. Eating too close to when you go to bed, especially foods high in protein, carbs, sugar, and caffeine will have a negative impact on your metabolism during rest.

6. Try reading or listening to soft music (jazz, classical, smooth, etc.) before you go to bed instead of watching T.V. This will allow for a much more deep sleep.

7. Your bedroom is not the T.V. room, turn off the T.V. and get some shut eye!

8. Make sure the temperature in your bedroom is at a comfortable level. Also, make sure your sleep attire is appropriate based on the temperature in your bedroom.

9. Do not exercise too close to your bedtime. The adrenaline running through your body will keep you from resting properly.

BONUS TIP: Try meditation and deep breathing exercises before you go to bed. This is something that will also help in giving you a comfortable, deep, relaxing sleep.

If you make improving your sleeping habits a high priority, your body and mind will repay you with great rewards. You will begin to discover that you can think more clearer, make decisions easier, have more energy through out the day, and you will be able to lose weight quicker, safer, and more effectively.

Lose Inches Off Your Waistline With These 5 Delicious Foods

1. Canned Tuna - Tuna fish is an excellent and very popular health food, not to mention very tasty and convenient. Tuna is an excellent source of quality protein, potassium, B vitamins, selenium, magnesium, and omega 3 fatty acids. Tuna is great for cardiovascular health, and heart health.

2. Lean Chicken - Grilled, baked, roasted, broiled....Mmm! Chicken is extremely popular in the weight loss and bodybuilding community for it's protein content (over 60% of your daily value!), and also the fact that chicken is very low in fat. The chicken breast is the leanest part of the chicken and is the most recommended. Also, be sure that you get skinless chicken breast as this will lower the fat content even more.

3. Turkey - This is not just a very popular food during those great family holiday meals on Thanksgiving and Christmas, it is also a pretty healthy meat. Just 4 ounces of turkey breast contains 65% of the daily value for protein. It is also an excellent source of B vitamins for cardiovascular health and energy.

4. Tofu - Discovered in Asia centuries ago, Tofu has become one of the most talked about health foods of today. Tofu is rich in protein, in particular soy protein. It also contains a good amount of other important fat burning and health improving minerals along with omega 3 fatty acids.

5. Almonds - Isn't it about time we can enjoy something that actually is a delicious snack, but is also good for you!? Almonds are high in fat? Don't be alarmed...I'm talking about good fat, such as the fat you find in Olive Oil. This type of fat is monounsaturated fat. They also contain a numerous amount of other important vitamins and minerals needed to aide in burning fat, losing weight, and building lean muscle.

Along with adding these delicious foods to your diet, always remember the basic core principles of a healthy lifestyle:

- Proper nutrition: Protein, fiber, complex carbs, healthy fats, and foods rich in vitamins and minerals.

- Eat 5-6 small meals daily instead of 3. This will help fire up your metabolism having you burn fat faster and lose inches off your waistline.

- Do not skip meals, and as the whole world already should know - don't skip breakfast!

- Drink a lot of water. I'm not talking about a few glasses, I'm talking about a gallon or more.

- Exercise (cardio and weight training)...consistently.

- Do not over work yourself in the gym...this could cause injury and no growth with your muscles.

- Get adequate sleep. You must get at the least 7 hours a night, but I recommend 8 or more.

health 4 Steps Of Motivation To Lose Weight And Improve Your Health

I often struggled with motivation to lose weight and improve my health in the beginning. I just couldn't find in it me to push myself to stay committed and focused on getting in shape. What I soon learned was 4 important steps of motivation that empowered me to accomplish my goals.

Here are the 4 steps:

Step #1 - Envision: Picture in your mind and dream of how your body is going to look, how you are going to feel...both mentally and physically, how your family and friends are going to respond to you, how you will be an inspiration to someone else, and how you will live a longer, healthier, and happier life.

Step #2 - Set Your Goal: The next thing you're going to want to do is set your goal. Do you want to lose 20 pounds? Do you want to go down 3 sizes? Do you want to get in shape for sports, a job, military service, etc.? Having a clear picture of what you want to accomplish before you begin will help you stay focused on your journey to lose weight and improve your overall health.

Step #3 - Plan Your Journey: Getting yourself in shape and in better health requires planning. A lack of having a solid and effective plan before beginning on a weight loss journey is one of the top reasons a lot of people fail with their efforts to lose weight.

Gaining knowledge of nutrition, fitness, and YOUR body before beginning will make your journey a guaranteed success.

Also, I recommend for you to keep a journal covering everything it is you are doing on your weight loss journey. A journal is great way to keep track of your progress, and it is also a great motivational tool for you to use since you'll be able to actually SEE the progress and commitment on paper.

You can be helped tremendously with the task of planning and getting knowledgeable by getting yourself a customized diet plan. Take a look at my diet review site that lists the top online diet plans that are proven to be highly effective.

Step #4 - Execute Without Fail: Now that you have reached this step, the time has come.....execute your plan without fail! Consistency is key if you want to successfully lose weight.

Believe in yourself and don't let anyone try to sabotage your efforts! There are going to be many roadblocks in your way....we all know that is inevitable....but keep on track and stay committed to your goals. Trust me, once you've reached your goals.....anything negative you may have faced before and during your weight loss journey will be minuscule compared to the end results!

Those are the 4 steps I keep implanted in my mind that helped me first get motivated to start, and second, to stick with it all and never quit!

RANT: Can I Buy Supplements Without Getting Hounded....PLEASE!!!

That's it! I've had enough! Today marks the last time I step into a GNC store to get my health supplements! It is absolutely annoying to shop in one of those stores! I've had better experiences buying cars than getting freaking protein powder for crying out loud!

Every time I walk into GNC, you have some associate walking over first asking me if I need any help. Okay, fine. I would expect something like that when shopping anywhere. BUT, then as soon as I start looking at a particular product, oh boy, here they come!!!

Now they start with their recommendations of other products (store brand, or another product which will PUT A COMMISSION IN THEIR POCKET)! Oh wait, that's not all. As soon as you say something to the tune of "no thanks, or I rather get this product, etc.", uh oh......that's when the attack really begins!! Now, they push even harder by saying that their recommended product is better, everyone else is buying it, and blah, blah, blah!! You think that's all? Nope! Even though you've been pretty obvious that you are not interested in their recommended product(s).........they STILL keep pushing it! WTF!!!

I'm going to stick with getting my health supplements online for now on!

Sorry for the rant, but today put me over the edge! I think they were even more intense today since the manager was in the store (sales associates trying to put on a good face).

BTW, no, I do not purchase diet pills...just in case your wondering. The only supplements I use are protein powder, fish oil, apple cider vinegar, multivitamin, and EGCG (green tea extract).

What's Your Favorite Protein Shake?

As you may already well know from reading Conquer Weight Loss, I talk a lot about making sure you get plenty of protein in your diet if you want to lose weight, burn fat, and build lean muscle.

You should focus on getting majority of your protein from foods and NOT protein shakes. However, having a couple of protein shakes a day is very beneficial.

When it comes to protein shakes, there is only one I find myself enjoying over any I have tried. And that would be Flavor? Double rich chocolate hands down!!

I have tried many others such as some new stuff called(which gave me a stomach ache), and . But, I have found nothing to compare to the health benefits (low in calories & fat), the taste, the price, and the amount of protein, in ON Whey Protein.

Eliminate Anxiety and Panic Attacks For Good

If you suffer from...

* Palpitations

* A pounding heart, or an accelerated heart rate

* Sweating

* Trembling or shaking

* Shortness of breath

* A choking sensation

* Chest pain or discomfort

* Nausea or stomach cramps

* De- realization (a feeling of unreality)

* Fear of losing control or going crazy

* Fear of dying Numbness or a tingling sensation

* Chills or hot flashes

...then you've experienced firsthand some of the possible symptoms of a panic or anxiety attack. If you are reading this page because a loved one suffers from these symptoms and you are trying to understand or help, it's hard to appreciate what they go through.

Just try to imagine what it feels like to experience one, if you can.

Here is a typical example:

Standing in a supermarket queue, it’s been a long wait but only one customer to go before you make it to the cashier. Wait, what was that sensation? An unpleasant feeling forms in your throat, your chest feels tighter, now a sudden shortness of breath, and what do you know—your heart skips a beat. “Please, God, not here.”

A quick scan of the territory—is it threatening? Four unfriendly faces queue behind, one person in front. Pins and needles seem to prick you through your left arm, you feel slightly dizzy, and then the explosion of fear as you dread the worst. You are about to have a panic attack.

There is no doubt in your mind now that this is going to be a big one. Okay, focus: Remember what you have been taught, and it is time now to apply the coping techniques. Begin the deep breathing exercise your doctor recommended. In through the nose, out through the mouth.

Think relaxing thoughts, and again, while breathing in, think “Relax,” and then breathe out. But it doesn’t seem to be having any positive effect; in fact, just concentrating on breathing is making you feel self-conscious and more uptight.

Okay, coping technique 2:

Gradual muscle relaxation. Tense both shoulders, hold for 10 seconds, then release. Try it again. No; still no difference. The anxiety is getting worse and the very fact that you are out of coping techniques worsens your panic. If only you were surrounded by your family, or a close friend were beside you so you could feel more confident in dealing with this situation.

Now, the adrenaline is really pumping through your system, your body is tingling with uncomfortable sensations, and now the dreaded feeling of losing complete control engulfs your emotions. No one around you has any idea of the sheer terror you are experiencing. For them, it’s just a regular day and another frustratingly slow queue in the supermarket.

You are out of options. Time for Plan C.

The most basic coping skill of all is “fleeing.” Excuse yourself from the queue; you are slightly embarrassed as it is now that it is your turn to pay. The cashier is looking bewildered as you leave your shopping behind and stroll towards the door. There is no time for excuses—you need to be alone. You leave the supermarket and get into your car to ride it out alone. Could this be the big one? The one you fear will push you over the edge mentally and physically. Ten minutes later the panic subsides.

It’s 10:30 a.m. How are you going to make it through the rest of the day?
the above scenario probably sounds very familiar. It may have even induced feelings of anxiety and panic just reading it. The particular situations that trigger your panic and anxiety may differ; maybe the bodily sensations are a little different. Or maybe it happened to you for the first time on a plane, in the dentist chair, or even at home, while doing nothing in particular.

If you have ever had what has become known as a “panic attack,” take comfort in the fact that you are by no means alone.

A panic attack always comes with the acute sense of impending doom. You feel you are either about to lose your mind or one of your vital bodily functions is about to cease functioning and you will end your days right there among the canned goods and frozen food.

You are by no means alone; you’re not even one in a million. In America, it is estimated that almost 5% of the population suffer from some form of anxiety disorder. For some, it may be the infrequent panic attacks that only crop up in particular situations-like when having to speak in front of others, while, for other people, it can be so frequent and recurring that it inhibits them from leaving their home. Frequent panic attacks often develop into what medical physicians refer to as an “anxiety disorder.”

One of the first steps to regaining control of your life is getting helpful information. will give you that, and more.

The beginning of your recovery starts here. What you will learn is that there is a very good chance you are about to end the cycle of panic attacks in your life. You will learn not only to regain the carefree life you remember once having, but will also gain new confidence in living. Your answer to living free from “panic” or “anxiety attacks” is at hand.

demonstrates that the panic and anxiety that you have experienced will be the very key to your courage and success.

Begin the road to recovery by browsing through the site. While many of you may have read almost everything you can possibly read relating to panic and anxiety I assure youoffers something very effective.

Did you know...?

The key difference between someone who is cured of panic attacks and those who are not is really very simple. The people who are cured no longer fear panic attacks. I’ll try to show you how to be one of these people as well.

What if I told you the trick to ending panic and anxiety attacks is to want to have one. That sounds strange, even contradictory, but let me explain.

The trick to panic attacks is wanting to have one-the wanting pushes it away. Can you have a panic attack in this very second? No!

You know the saying that "what you resist, persists." Well that saying applies perfectly to fear. If you resist a situation out of fear, the fear around that issue will persist. How do you stop resisting–you move directly into it, into the path of the anxiety, and by doing so it cannot persist.

In essence what this means is that if you daily voluntarily seek to have a panic attack, you cannot have one. Try in this very moment to have a panic attack and I will guarantee you cannot. You may not realize it but you have always decided to panic. You make the choice by saying this is beyond my control.

Another way to appreciate this is to imagine having a panic attack as like standing on a cliff's edge. The anxiety seemingly pushes you closer to falling over the edge.

To be rid of the fear you must metaphorically jump. You must jump off the cliff edge and into the anxiety and fear and all the things that you fear most.

How do you jump? You jump by wanting to have a panic attack. You go about your day asking for anxiety and panic attacks to appear.

Your real safety is the fact that a panic attack will never harm you. That is medical fact. You are safe, the sensations are wild but no harm will come to you. Your heart is racing but no harm will come to you. The jump becomes nothing more than a two foot drop! Perfectly safe.

The Fat Killer: A New Online Diet Product To Get Fast Fat Loss - Is It Another Scam?

Good morning guys!

Today I would like to talk about a new online diet e-book to get fast fat loss and weight loss called, After reading this e-book, I came to either one of four conclusions: The name of the book was going to scare the crap out of people (lol)! It's a scam! It's old, outdated, recycled information. Or simply put, it's a winner. Which one of these conclusions did I come to? Read on...

I occasionally come across either a new online diet product or a popular online diet product, and if it's focus is on ALL of the proper principles to lose weight and get fast fat loss, I will read it, and place a review of it on my review site. Let me save you the suspense: This book was good enough to take a review spot on the blog, before I even get it over to the review site....that's how good it is!

is written by my colleague, Chris MacDonald. Before the initial launch of this book, I was given the privilege to read it, and analyze it.

Here's my 8 point analysis:

1. What is the primary aspect of this weight loss product? It emphasizes the most important aspect for fast fat loss and weight loss: It focuses on the basic core principles of a healthy lifestyle. It does not preach a lot of b.s. that will do nothing but harm one's health instead of improving it. You won't find the typical "low fat", "low carb", "don't eat anything all day" type of nonsense in it.

2. Readability? It's straight to the point. Most books string you along until you are bored, confused, and then eventually want to pull your hair out and say forget it!

3. Valuable content? It contains some very valuable tips, tricks, and methods designed to get fast fat loss such as:
  • Workout less and burn more calories.
  • Learn how to eat more and lose more weight.
  • Get fast fat loss while lying on the couch watching T.V.
  • Fat burning exercises you can do at home without any expensive exercise equipment!
  • Learn why starving yourself is fat loss suicide. (This is one of those things I preach so often right here on Conquer Weight Loss: You HAVE to eat the amount of calories your body needs per day based off of your current weight. You CAN NOT reduce the amount of calories you eat and expect fat loss and weight loss. Chris explains this more in the book.)
  • Easy to follow plans customized for men or women, young or old!
4. Any extra value with this book? It contains printable menu options and home body weight exercise plans and photo illustrations that are VERY valuable.

5. Length? It's short. Most products I come across are pretty extensive. However, could this actually be an advantage for you? Read #2 above....

6. Availability and shipping? It's available for immediate download. As with all online diet products, this is one of the best features. No waiting for it to arrive in the mail! You can download and get started right away.

7. Pricing? It's pricey. At the current price of $49.97, it will probably make your eyes bulge. Although the price is a little steep, take in consideration that I have read this book, and I'm telling you now, that in all honesty, I actually thought it would cost more. Actually, it was at $99, but Chris has it at a limited time, 50% off with a new launch rate of $49.97.

8. Any bonuses? It includes a FREE BONUS. Another e-book that teaches you about fast food and which one's you CAN ACTUALLY HAVE and which one's you should avoid!

Alright guys, so, you want me to tell you if it's worth it? Honestly, if you are looking for a straight to the point, online diet book that teaches you the proper methods to get fast fat loss....without all the nonsense....then yes, without a doubt, this e-book is definitely worth it.

Sorry, I Wouldn't Want To Have A Body Like Michael Phelps!

Michael Phelps, the most decorated Olympian of all time! Michael Phelps also has achieved something most of us guys wish we had...a lean muscular physique.

However, for me, I don't want to have a body like Michael....I want to have his drive, his passion, and his undeniable quest for perfection.

That is the most impressive aspect of Michael Phelps, besides his domination in the water!

When you see a guy who can consume 12,000 calories a day, but weighs only 187 pounds, has only 8% body fat, and has an extraordinary physique, you know right away, he has to be training like crazy! He swims for hours AND does intense exercising every day to develop his physique and athletic abilities.

For us normal people, lol, we of course can not have such a diet or training regimen. We have to rely on the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle....unless you decide to become an Olympian. :)

Michael Phelps has the desire to dominate and win, and knows that it is going to take intense training and dieting to make that happen. The difference between him and us is that he has a constant flow of motivation to reach his goals.....and as we have all has paid off!

Us on the other hand, we know what it takes to improve our health and bodies, but have a difficult time trying to motivate ourselves to make it happen.

I have learned that the best way to motivate yourself to lose weight and improve your overall health is by setting small goals, have a plan to reach those small goals, and then execute without question.

Take note of my mentioning of "small goals". When you set unrealistic goals, not only could you end up failing, but you may end up losing all motivation and relapsing back to your normal unhealthy lifestyle.

Some of us don't have coaches, trainers, drill instructors, etc. pushing us to succeed. We have to become our own motivator.

If you are just starting out with fitness and dieting, keep it simple. Don't jump right in and try to become the next Michael Phelps! Set goals you know YOU are going to be able to reach. Then, as you progress in your new healthy lifestyle, increase your goals accordingly and make sure you execute without fail. There is no sense in joining diet programs, creating plans, joining gyms, buying new exercise gear, etc., and then you approach it after awhile lackadaisically.

In conclusion, set small simple goals, execute, be proud of your achievement, and THEN increase the level of intensity with your goals as you progress.

Congratulations to Michael Phelps and all of the Olympic athletes for their achievements in the 2008 Summer Olympics! One of the things I was so impressed with was the 42 year old Dara Torres! At any age, ANYTHING is possible!

My 6 Point Analysis For Choosing A Diet Or Weight Loss Program

Are you having difficulty choosing a diet or weight loss program? Trust me, I know exactly how you feel!

5 years ago (almost 6 years in a couple of months...woohoo!) when I started my weight loss journey, I was looking around trying to choose an effective weight loss program to help me get started on my quest for weight loss and muscle gain. That was a headache! I kept coming across a lot of those "celebrity diets", "fad diets", "no carb", "no protein", blah, blah, blah!

After many years of researching, here's what I've learned...

First of all, diets and weight loss programs are NOT LONG TERM SOLUTIONS. Diets and weight loss programs should be used to get you started, lose those first pounds, and get you educated on living a healthy lifestyle. Living a healthy lifestyle and staying consistent with it, is what will get you in great shape and health....for life. Use a diet program just to get the ball rolling.

Use the following question checklist to help you choose a diet or weight loss program for you...

1. What is the primary aspect of this weight loss product?
Is it fat loss, proper nutrition, building muscle, etc.? If it does not focus on the core principles of a healthy lifestyle (such as "don't have protein", "eat fiber only", "eat what you want and just drink this magical formula to drop pounds", etc.)....AVOID!

2. Testimonials?
Never, I repeat, NEVER buy into a diet or weight loss program without seeing testimonials first!

3. Valuable content or system?
What's included? There should be a bullet list of everything that's included. Is it good value...or is it information that you can already find on your own....or already know?!

4. Any extra value?
Is there anything else contained with this diet that is of more value than others? This could be one on one support, diet tools, etc.

5. Any bonuses?
Most diet and weight loss programs are good enough to not need bonuses for someone to make a decision. I'm not saying that you should solely base your decision on if a program has bonuses or not. I'm saying that you should base it on the above points and use bonuses as a minimal add on to your decision making. Some programs have some VERY GOOD bonuses....BUT the program or diet is not effective. That's why you should approach bonuses as a minimal part of your decision making process....base it primarily on if this diet or weight loss program is going to be effective.

6. Pricing?
This is the most looked at part of choosing a diet or weight loss program....and it shouldn't be. Some of the best weight loss programs are pretty expensive....probably why they are the best? However, you should still choose wisely. You have to look at the above factors and then determine if the price is reasonable. Some diet and weight loss programs are e-books, manuals, monthly programs, food programs, etc. That is also something else you have to take into consideration when determining if the program is of a fair price.

Remember, no diet is going to work unless you practice ALL of the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle:
  • Proper nutrition & eating habits (Protein, complex carbs, fiber, healthy fats, and foods rich in vitamins and minerals. Never...skip...breakfast, and try to eat 6 small healthy meals daily instead of the usual 3. This is not as hard as it sound. A small meal could be something as simple as a yogurt, a banana, and half of a whole grain bagel.
  • Drink plenty of water daily.
  • Get plenty of sleep every night
  • Cardio exercise (I recommend high intensity as this will provide the best results.)
  • Weight training exercise
  • And most importantly, consistency. If you have no consistency....neither will be the results.

Write Your Way To Faster Weight Loss?

All of us who start on a weight loss journey will need what?


Motivation and inspiration is something that will keep us focused and driven on our goals to achieve great health and a great body.

That's where the pen and paper comes in. Keeping a journal of our weight loss journey is great for motivation and education.

Having a journal chronicling your weight loss journey is an excellent way to keep you motivated and educated due to the fact you are SEEING your progress, your mistakes, and more.

Some examples of what you could write down would be:
  • What are you eating through out the day?
  • How many calories did you consume from not just food, but also from drinks, additives (cream, sugar, condiments), etc.
  • Did you have any food cravings, and what did you do about it?
  • How much water did you have to drink?
  • How long did you sleep last night?
  • What exercises did you do?
  • How long were the exercises?
  • How much weight are you currently lifting and how many reps, etc.?
  • And more.

By having all of this written down, it will be a reminder as to why you started on this journey to improve your body in the first place. Also, having a journal will help you keep track of those 'little' things that can contribute to possible weight gain, and those 'smart' things that you've underestimated that can contribute to successful weight loss (such as getting adequate sleep).

With having a journal, you will have an answer as to why you are either NOT losing weight or you ARE losing weight.

Another pointer would be to have a book journal and not one you write on your computer.....even if it's a laptop. Having a book journal is great since you can carry it with you to read it, and write in it anywhere and at anytime.

Record your journey and you'll be surprised by how effective having a journal could be, by giving you a written "picture" of your efforts for faster weight loss and to improve your overall health.

Summer's Over. So Does That Mean No More Losing Weight?

As soon as Spring comes around, folks start flocking to the gym, joining weight loss programs/diets, and jogging their a** off around their neighborhood trying to burn off excess fat, and lose weight.


Why else? Too look good for Summer! I mean you got sexy clothes, pools, beaches, and social scenes that are all buzzing during the Summer months, and you don't want to be the one showing up with love handles and a fat pooch for a belly!

Well my friend, I have some disheartening news for you. Summer is almost over and it's now time to go back to your usual lazy ways, and eat fattening foods until next Spring! Then you can start the cycle all over again!

Sarcasm aside, please don't tell me that is how you think?

What's wrong with being healthy and in shape during the Fall and Winter? Is is because no one is going to see how fit your body is under layers of clothing and coats? Is it because you are not going to be at the beach or pool during this time? Or is it because you simply associate getting toned and in shape with Summer?

If the above is your way of thinking, I urge you to change your thinking, as this is a poor way of approaching your health, and could end up being dangerous to your health due to "up and down weight loss".

Did you know that you are supposed to improve your health and maintain good health for life? Are you shocked? Did I just make you spit out your coffee? I hope not, because this is not new news. Don't start a healthy lifestyle just to look great for Summer or any other special occasion. You should start on a healthy lifestyle to look and feel great....for LIFE!

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