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Sunday 29 March 2009

built how to it is Begets An Arrogant Jackass

One thing often not mentioned to people who are looking to lose weight is to be cautious not to become a hothead once you've reached your goals!

You were once overweight, and now that you have been following a weight loss program to the T, you now have a great body as the result.......and also an arrogant personality to go along with it!

You do realize, that no matter what type of personality you currently have, we are ALL capable of developing that type of arrogant personality once we've reached the pinnacle of weight loss and muscle building, right? It's inevitable, and you have to catch yourself before it develops into your mentality. You may think you won't, but trust me, once you start losing that weight and getting toned muscles/abs, etc., a little bit of conceit and cockiness will start to creep in!

There are two types of "I just lost weight" hotheads:

#1 - The plain ol' stuck up conceited type.
#2 - The "I know everything about weight loss and dieting now and you don't" type.

The first type....well....plainly and simply put, if you develop a conceited type of personality from your successful weight loss does that saying go......."what comes around, goes around"?

Dealing with the second type, it's okay if you want to share the knowledge you've gained and the experiences you've went through on your weight loss journey, but not to the point where you come off an arrogant jackass!

For example, I created this blog to help people achieve what I had such a difficulty doing in the beginning.....losing weight, losing stubborn belly flab, getting toned, and improving my overall health. However, I don't go around with an attitude that I know everything about weight loss....because I DON'T! There is always something new to learn EVERYDAY! HUMBLENESS ladies and gentleman........stay humble!

Now, don't get confused here. I'm not saying that you shouldn't develop a sense of CONFIDENCE and SELF ESTEEM, all I'm saying is to not all of a sudden become some hothead who is conceited and/or a person who sarcastically shuns any type of weight loss methods just because it's something you've haven't done or it's something contrary to what you've read in some weight loss "gurus" book. You can disagree with particular methods (and Lord knows that there is plenty to disagree with), just don't walk around with your nose up in the air about it! Share what you've learned and have a civil conversation about it.

Remember, you were not born with the hot body you have or will soon have after reading my!!......a little contradiction, huh? :) But seriously though, that's a point you always have to remember....and that goes for anything in life. A mechanic was not born with the knowledge to repair cars, a doctor was not born with the knowledge to started with ignorance, and then it was all learned!

Obviously, based off of my tone in this post, and if you've been following my blog, you've probably realized by now that something got me ticked off to get this post up......well, you're right. I posted this after reading a couple of threads in a popular health and fitness forum. I was so disgusted with the arrogance of those posts! Instead of trying to offer sound advice from what they've learned, they decided to make fun of people and post up arrogance in their writing. All of their avatars were photos of themselves with hot bodies.........hmmmm??

Guys, if you achieve successful weight loss and improved health, that's freaking awesome, and it is something you should be absolutely proud of......BUT.....don't be a jackass about it, if anything, go and help someone else achieve what you've accomplished.....and STAY HUMBLE!


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