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Friday 27 March 2009

50 Shocking Reasons You Have A Hard Time Getting Rid Of Flab And Excess Weight

Good morning!

As promised on Friday, in today's post, you will discover 50 shocking reasons you have a hard time getting rid of flab and excess weight.

I received an e-mail from Kelly Sonora of, and she asked if I can share with you guys a post they put up called The 50 Surprising Causes Of Weight Gain.

I read their post and I must say, it is very informative. It outlines a lot of the things I have been discussing with you guys since Conquer Weight Loss began back in February.

Before I talk about the reasons you have difficulty getting rid of flab, understand that there are solutions to your weight loss problems. It's funny, there are so many ways you can gain weight, but yet there are just a few simple ways for losing that weight.

It starts with:
  • Coming to the understanding that before you begin a healthy lifestyle, you have to set in your mind that results will not come without consistency. If you have been doing everything right for 4 days, slip on the 5th day, and then keep going back and forth....results will be minimal to none. You WILL see results if you stay consistent.
  • Understand that a diet or weight loss program is temporary. A diet or weight loss program helps you get started, and will get you to your ideal weight and body shape quickly and safely. HOWEVER, it is your job to maintain your health thereafter. Those programs come highly recommended as they will produce the best results and they do not fall into the typical "fad diet" phenomenon!
  • And lastly, as I always say, nothing is going to work if you don't follow the basic core principles of a healthy lifestyle. Do you remember what they are? For you new readers, the basic core principles of a healthy lifestyle are: Proper nutrition (protein, complex carbs, healthy fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals), drinking plenty of water daily (1/2 to 1 gallon), getting plenty of sleep every night (7-8 hours), cardio exercise (I recommend), weight training exercise, and CONSISTENCY.
So, if you are having difficulties getting rid of flab and excess weight, read on and see if any of these reasons are the culprit:

1. Going on vacation. If you’ve just gotten back from vacation and noticed you’ve put on a few pounds, you’re not alone. Studies have shown that people often throw good eating habits out the window when they’re on a break, so give yourself a few weeks to get back into the habit of eating right and you’re likely to see the gain go away.

2. Working too much. Being a workaholic can not only stress you out and lead to weight gain, but it’s more than likely requiring that you spend hours in front of a computer screen, not moving much. This inactivity can cause you to burn few calories than usual and put on a few pounds over time.

3. Lack of sleep. As odd as it may seem, not getting enough sleep could be a major reason that you’re putting on weight. When you’re tired your body can’t function as it normally would and begins storing more fat.

4. Stress. Whether you’re stressed about a job, home life or something else, you could be setting yourself up to put on more weight. Our bodies react to stress by slowing down and storing more energy, anticipating hard times ahead.

5. Relying on “low fat” foods. Don’t fall for the low fat packaging on many supposedly healthy foods. Many of these foods contain just as many calories as their high fat counterparts and aren’t really all that healthy at all.

6. Not eating enough fiber. Studies have shown the fiber creates a feeling of fullness and satisfaction when eating that can cause you to eat less. If you feel like you just can’t get full, try switching to a higher fiber diet.

7. Friends who are over eaters. If you find that when you go out to dinner with your friends that they encourage you to eat more than you should you may be putting on weight that you could otherwise avoid. That doesn’t mean you have to avoid these friends, just do things that don’t involve eating or be firm about being full.

8. Not eating enough. Oddly enough, starving yourself may have the opposite effect than what you desire, at least at first. When your body is starving it will slow down your metabolism and store energy, causing food to stick around longer. So eat right instead of just eating less.

9. Skipping meals. Skipping meals can slow down your metabolism and cause you to overeat when you do actually sit down to a meal. So space your meals throughout the day to avoid meal related weight gain.

10. Your genes. While we are all responsible for our own choices, to some degree our ability to lose and maintain weight is determined by our genes. Some people will need to work harder to lose the pounds than others and will be fighting against their natural propensity for weight gain.

So, if you are having difficulties getting rid of flab and excess weight, perhaps one of those problems above could be the culprit? To read about more surprising causes of weight gain, visit to learn more.


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