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Friday 27 March 2009

The Best Website Tool If You Are Counting Calories And Nutrients To Lose Weight

Good morning!

Although it's a tedious task, and popular diets such as does not require it, counting your daily calorie and other nutrients (protein, carbs, etc.) intake is very helpful, motivating, and keeps you accountable on your diet plan (you'll know exactly why you are either losing weight, gaining weight, or not losing weight at all at the end of the week).

For more on writing a journal of your day to day with dieting, check out my post

Now, one of the most frustrating aspects of keeping a journal is trying to determine how many calories are in specific foods. This drove me nuts, and made me almost want to quit recording a journal! I mean, seriously, how am I supposed to know how many calories are in some type of unique cake that no one has ever heard of? That is one of the more frustrating aspects of journaling. Of course it would be made easier if you only ate the same exact foods every single day (which is one of the secrets to losing weight faster......however, it does take A LOT of discipline and dedication to stick to it to reach your goals.)

Well, after browsing around, I came across a site called This site will provide you with the calorie, protein, and carb content of just about any food. Also, it'll give you the calorie intake of foods cooked different ways.

It has helped me tremendously in keeping my journal as accurate as possible. Especially since I eat a lot of different healthy foods and cook foods in several ways (steam, grilled, etc.).

Check out the site


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