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Sunday 29 March 2009

How To Hurry Up And Lose Belly Fat Super - Duper Fast!!

If you want to hurry up and lose belly fat super - duper fast, read on for 5 exciting tips that will melt the fat away in days!!

Tip #1 - Don't eat.
Tip #2 - Exercise for 8 hours per day....everyday.
Tip #3 - If you slip and eat something, regurgitate it back up....and do so quickly!
Tip #4 - Take several diet pills everyday.
Tip #5 - Sit in a hot car with the windows up to sweat the fat off! (You can thank my wife for that excellent tip!)

If you follow those tips above, not only will you lose belly fat lightning fast, you will also be a full blown jackass....with some major health complications!!

Now, if you want to lose belly fat....without being a jackass, read on for the correct way to approach losing belly fat and total body fat for that matter.

The greatest desire we all have when it comes to weight loss is to lose weight and fat quickly. It's pretty much a natural response in all of us.

However, if you understand the process and what it really takes to successfully lose belly fat, you will then come to the understanding that it's going to take time, and that you should not look for quick remedies to get rid of your annoying belly fat.

Whenever you read something of mine talking about losing belly fat, weight, etc. fast, my point is driven to you being able to do so by following the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle.....CONSISTENTLY.

So, what does it take to lose belly fat? Do you want scientific answers or do you want straightforward answers? I'm assuming you chose the latter:

1. Patience. A healthy lifestyle is a marathon....not a sprint.

2. Proper nutrition. I don't care how much you exercise, if you don't eat right, you will not see the results you want.....unless of course you're Michael It begins and ends with proper nutrition to successfully lose belly fat and total body fat.

You want the 'secret' of proper nutrition? Drink plenty of water daily, protein, complex carbs, healthy fats (monounsaturated, Omega), fiber, and foods rich in vitamins & minerals. Are you shocked? I didn't think so. You have to stay away from these "fad diets" claiming that if you avoid eating this and only eat that, you'll lose weight, etc.

3. Exercise. You can exercise all you want, but if you don't do so correctly, you're going to be one pissed off puppy! Why? Because you will not see either the results you wanted, or worse, no results at all!

How do you exercise properly?

You have to do BOTH cardio and weight training. Cardio will help burn off fat, improve blood flow, provide you with a healthier heart, and boost your metabolism. Weight training will build lean muscle which will burn off fat and boost your metabolism....even while you rest. There are ways you can even combine both cardio and weight training into one, by doing exercises such as

4. Sleep. Often underestimated as a way to improve ones health and lose fat, sleep is vitally important to get healthier and in shape. 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night is ideal.

5. Consistency. That my friend is the 'secret' to lose belly fat, lose total body fat, and build lean muscle 'fast'.

When you stay consistent with all the correct methods of a healthy lifestyle, it's a guarantee you will see results....and see these results quickly. I know it's hard in the beginning, but watch what happens if you stick with it consistently for at least one week. Not only will you get motivated from you starting to see results, you will be motivated from the fact you maintained self discipline to stick with a healthy lifestyle for a week....with no hiccups a long the way!


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