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Sunday 29 March 2009

Diet Motivation - Top 5 Tips to Survive The First 2 Weeks!

How do you develop diet motivation?

When you start a healthy lifestyle, the first two weeks of a diet are the worst!

You have to dig deep and pull out willpower you never knew you had to stay focused and determined.

If you survive the two week crucible of dieting, you will be more than likely able to stay committed to your goals of weight loss and improving your health.

How do you survive this two week crucible?

1. Understand first that starting a healthy lifestyle is a lifestyle change. It is not something "additional" to your life. It's changing what it is that you ALREADY do on a daily basis. When you have this mindset, you will find it more easier to start this lifestyle change.

2. Do not have high expectations. Going into a diet and expecting to lose 10 pounds in 3 days is just asinine. Set realistic goals that you know YOU will be able to meet. Once you start reaching these small goals, it will give you that constant flow of motivation you need to keep going.

3. Stop checking the scale! Checking the scale frequently is a surefire way of discouragement. Why? Your weight will fluctuate through out the day and week giving you all kinds of numbers. This may have an impact on you in regards to staying motivated. The best way to measure your development is by looking in the mirror. The mirror is more accurate in determining your progress.

4. Do not deprive yourself. Depriving yourself of the foods you used to eat (in particular during the first two weeks of a diet), can cause you to relapse.....and relapse bad! In moderation, it's okay to have a little cheat food once in awhile....just don't over do it as this could also cause you to relapse and lose motivation.

5. Whatever diet and/or fitness program you go on, always remember the basic core principles of a healthy lifestyle as they are the backbone of ANY successful program. If you have been following my blog, you should know the basic core principles by now. Those principles are proper nutrition (complex carbs, protein, fiber, healthy fats, and foods rich in vitamins/minerals), drinking plenty of water daily, getting plenty of sleep every night (7-8 hours), cardio exercise, and weight training exercise.

6. BONUS TIP: Don't give up! Believe in yourself and don't listen to naysayers. People may try to discourage you by saying how hard dieting is, etc., etc. There is nothing hard about living a healthy lifestyle. It just takes some getting used to. Trust me, once you get used to living healthier, you will have automatic diet motivation and you wouldn't even think twice about going back to your old bad habits and bad lifestyle!


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