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Sunday 29 March 2009

8 Ways To Get And Stay Healthy In A Bad Economy

Getting and staying healthy is important. Getting the bills paid on time is also important! With the economy the way it is nowadays, doing both can seem like a daunting task!

Here are 8 ways you can get and stay healthy in a bad economy:

1. Exercise At Home: Why pay gym memberships of anywhere from $20-$100+ per month when you can get a good workout at home. Not to mention, you'll also save on gas from driving back and forth! Try this for a good home based workout routine to melt the fat away....and not have to worry about investing in expensive equipment.

2. Buy Frozen: Buy frozen vegetables instead. Frozen vegetables are cheaper, last longer, and in some cases....are actually more healthier for you than fresh produce.

3. Who Said You NEED Spring Water?: Instead of spending a fortune on fancy bottled water....why not drink good ol' tap water? Think about it, in order to successfully lose weight and fat, you're going to need to drink anywhere from 1/2 to 1 gallon of water a how much do you think spring water is going to cost you now?

4. What's Wrong With A Home Cooked Meal?: Dining out is great! However, the cost of food is skyrocketing and restaurants also have to adjust. Therefore, your dining out bill could end up costing more than your freaking utility bills and cell phone bill....put together! If you want to dine out, I would recommend to limit it to once or twice a month.

5. Oatmeal Is Something Special!: Not only is oatmeal an excellent and highly recommended food for helping you to lose weight and improve your overall health, it is also cost effective (I hate using that term with A large jar of oatmeal is somewhere around $4.00....and it can last a family of 4 for up to 7 days!!! So, instead of going crazy with expensive breakfast meals, opt for good ol' oatmeal and save a ton of money....and get in great shape!

6. Did You Eat Before Going To The Market?: If not, that's a recipe for disaster! Not only could you end up buying more food than what you originally went into the store to get because your eyes are bigger than your wallet, you could also end up getting tempted to buy foods you shouldn't be! Make sure you eat something filling (in particular something with fiber) before you shop.

7. Avoid Fad Diets!: Fad diets are typically those "celebrity endorsed" diets, and those "no carb", "low fat", "only eat 5 calories a day" nonsense! Spending your money on those types of diets will drain your pockets dry (especially since most of them have ongoing payment plans), and more importantly.....they are not good for your health. Your body needs ALL nutrients (protein, fiber, complex carbs, healthy fats, and vitamins/minerals), and your body needs the exact amount of calories it's supposed to get based off of your current weight. You lose weight by burning off calories....not reducing them. So, save your money and protect your health and avoid "fad diets".

8. Bulk - Cook - Freeze?: Go to a wholesale store, buy healthy meats (chicken, turkey) in bulk. Cook all the meat. Then freeze it. Then, take out and heat up what you need during the week. This is an excellent way to save money on the rising costs of meats. Buying in bulk saves money, and cooking and then freezing the meat will prolong the life of the wasted food and money saved!

BONUS TIP: In relations to #7, also avoid diet pills! Diet pills can get very expensive and are also not good for your health. Diet pills can cost anywhere from $30-$120+......for a TWO WEEK SUPPLY! Besides diet pills breaking the bank, the health concerns from taking diet pills can also break your weight loss efforts. Diet pills typically curb your appetite, provide energy, and help you lose WATER weight. If you want to curb your appetite, eat more fiber. If you want more energy, get more sleep, exercise, eat more veggies and fruits, plus drink more water. If you want to lose water weight.....uhm.....drink more water............


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