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Friday 27 March 2009

Captain Obvious Says Stop Eating And You'll Lose Weight Fast!

After following all of the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle to lose weight fast, I implemented another tactic that brought me weight loss success much more quicker than I expected.

This tactic was simple....drum roll please....stop eating....late at night.

There are a ton of different viewpoints on this topic. Some people believe that it doesn't matter when you eat, just as long as you eat healthy. Although that logic may be true, making sure you watch what you eat after the later evening hours hit (7pm and on) can have a big impact on weight loss.

When you eat foods high in calories, carbs, fats, and protein too close to when you go to bed, this can affect your blood sugar levels and then ultimately your body's ability to naturally produce HGH (human growth hormone). HGH is a hormone that repairs and grows your body's muscle tissues. It also primarily functions at a high level when you are sleeping. With you eating those types of foods too close to when you go to bed could affect the ability of HGH to function properly.

The main reason this is so important is that HGH plays a large part in building and protecting muscle tissue. If you've been following my blog, you know how much I talk about how building lean muscle burns off calories and fat...even while you rest.

You see where I'm going with this?

When you eat those types of foods too close to when you go to bed, this could ultimately hinder the ability of HGH to build and repair muscle tissue. Therefore you could be slowing down your body's natural ability to burn off fat.

Firstly, you need to make sure you are building lean muscle as apart of your health and fitness program (I'm not talking about building big bulky muscles...just building lean muscle). Cardio is effective, but building lean muscle can have a tremendous effect on not just the appearance of your body, but also in your body's natural ability burn off calories.

If you are hungry, and want something to eat, it's okay (especially if you haven't met your daily caloric intake as this could slow down your metabolism), just make sure you rule out foods high in carbs, fat, caffeine, sugar, and foods that are too high in protein before bed. Also, with eating late, make sure you are not going past your daily caloric this is a surefire way of gaining weight.

If you get the late night munchies like I sometimes do, here are some foods you can have late without affecting your body's natural fat burning capabilities while you rest:
  • Rice cakes
  • V8
  • Crunchy raw vegetables (especially carrots & celery sticks)
  • Small bowl of popcorn (no butter, and use a light amount of sea salt)
  • Yogurt (fat free)
  • Cottage cheese (fat free)
  • Sliced apples
  • Salad
  • Strawberries & fat free cool whip (this will satisfy your sweet tooth!)


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