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Friday 27 March 2009

Healthy Eating Habits: 6 Ways To Stop Feeling Hungry All The Time

I used to hate those days when I felt like I could eat everything I had in my refrigerator and cabinets!

Here are some tips I used to help me feel more full quicker and ultimately helped me in my quest for successful weight loss:

  1. Add spices to your food. Spices will help in making you feel more fuller. Also, spices such as cayenne pepper has A TON of medical and weight loss benefits. That's a whole another post in itself! Check back in the coming week to see just how special cayenne pepper is, not just for weight loss, but for your overall health.
  2. Have apple cider vinegar before each meal. Take 3 tablespoons and add to 8 ounces of water. Drink this 15 minutes before each meal. Besides ACV providing the benefits of reducing your appetite, it also has plethora of other health benefits. Just a word of warning: If you never had ACV before, it's going to take some getting used to...I'll just leave it at that!
  3. Eat slower. It takes on average of 20 minutes before your stomach sends a signal to your brain indicating you are full. Now what do you think happens when you gobble up your food in 2 minutes? You guessed are still going to feel hungry! So, slow down and enjoy the food you are eating so that you can feel fuller, control your appetite, improve your digestive system, and ultimately lose weight.
  4. Don't feed your face. How many times have you heard your mother say that one? Put on your plate or in your bowl a reasonable amount of food based off of the amount of calories you need to be eating.
  5. Shrink your belly by drinking a glass of ice cold water 15-20 minutes before meals! This will help you feel more full during and after your meals. It's true! Give it a try!
  6. Eat frequently through out the day. Not only will you not feel as hungry during each meal, you will also be regulating your blood sugar level, regulate your appetite through out the day, improve your digestive system, and boost your metabolism to burn fat and have maximum weight loss!


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